Patacón con queso y hogao

You can have Patacón with Queso de Freír and chicken for lunch or dinner. Enjoy! Ingredients: Tostones and Fried Cheese 1 large or 2 small green plantains Vegetable oil for frying Salt 16 oz Tropical Queso de Freír Chicken Mixture 2 boneless skinless chicken breast halves 1 tablespoon vegetable oil ½ cup thinly sliced red onion Patacon Maracucho is a fried Venezuelan sandwich from Maracaibo in the state of Zulia. "Patacon Maracucho refers to its origins in Maracaibo, but it is well-known and served throughout Latin America," Marisel explains. "Instead of bread, this dish uses two twice-fried and smashed unripened plantains to contain the sandwich's fillings," she adds.

Patacones con hogao y queso « Cocinarte

What are Patacones? Patacones also known as Tostones are made with unripe green plantains. To make them you peel and cut cross-wise the plantains and fried them twice. They are popular in Latin American cuisine and Caribbean cuisine. They are versatile and absolutely delicious. Peel the plantains and cut each into 1 to 1½-inch (4 cm) sections. Plunge into a hot frying oil for about 5 minutes, until golden brown. Remove them with a slotted spoon and place on paper towels. Flatten each fried portion with a tostonera, wooden utensil used for crushing the segments into a flat circles. Patacón con queso Prep time: 10 mins Cook time: 20 mins Total time: 30 mins Porciones: 4 Ingredients 2 plátanos verdes Aceite Sal al gusto ½ taza de queso rallado (Queso fresco o alguno que tenga sabor saladito) Para el hogao: 1 cucharada de aceite 3 cucharadas de cebolla verde picada 2 dientes de ajo finamente picados 2 tomates Tiempo de preparación 5 minutos Ingredientes 3 platanos verdes 2 cucharadas de Bonella queso sal aceite Procedimiento Pela los verdes y colócales sal. Córtalos en rodajas de unos 3 cm de ancho y ponlos a freír hasta que estén dorados. Aplástalos sobre una tabla de picar.

Patacón with Queso de Freír and Chicken Tropical Cheese

Empanadas de Verde. These lovely empanadas are made by rolling out mashed, green plantains into a pastry shell and filling them with either ground beef or chicken cooked with a little onion and spices, or with a mild, white cheese. The pastry is folded in half, sealed, and then deep fried in oil. Empanadas de verde are often served in the late. Cook for about 5 minutes, stirring often. Add the beef broth to the pot and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium and cook for 20 minutes. Add the patacones and cook over low heat for about 10-15 minutes, be very careful not to stir the soup, to avoid breaking the patacones. Sprinkle cilantro on top and serve warm. In this version of the sandwich, the rich warm beef is equally matched by a salad component-the fresh crunch of lettuce and tomato, the mildly fatty smoothness of queso fresco and avocado, the brightly acidic punctuation of tomato, mustard, and a cilantro/lime aioli. Patacon con carne mechada Patacón con queso, una rica comida fácil de hacer./ Patacon with cheese, a tasty meal easy to make.

Patacones o tostones con salsa de queso YouTube

SUSCRIBETE A NUESTRO CANAL. NUESTRO FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:http:. El patacón pisao es un exquisito plato tradicional caribeño que tiene muchas variedades latinas. Proviene de las antiguas monedas coloniales que se usaron en Colombia, siendo la ciudad de Cúcuta la primera en tener "patacones" como método de pago en 1773. Más en MamásLatinas: Recetas de tortas ahogadas mexicanas fáciles y deliciosas Receta RAPIDA de Patacón colombiano con pollo desmechado y queso rallado. INGREDIENTES:- pechuga de pollo- aceite para freír- 2 pimientos verdes - 2 cebo. Sacar y dejar enfriar. Cuando esté tibio, pisar con una tabla hasta que quede como una galleta y volver a freír durante cinco minutos hasta que quede crocante. Para la carne desmechada, brasear.

Patacón de Guineo Verde con Queso y Hogao Restaurante Las Rocas

1 A la hora de hacer el patacón con queso, lo primero es pelar los plátanos machos verdes y cortarlos en rodajas de medio centímetro de grosor, aproximadamente. 2 Mientras hacemos lo anterior, iremos calentando en una sartén el aceite de oliva necesario para cubrir ligeramente todos los cortes de plátano, y freírlos hasta que estén dorados. Filete de Pescado en Salsa Blanca con Mariscos. With rice, salad and green plantains. $25.99.. Patacon. Whole fried green plantain. $8.00. Queso. Shredded cheese. $4.99. Salsa De Piña. Pineapple sauce. $6.00. Salsa De Champiñones.. Brevas con Queso. Figs with cheese. $7.50.