The Pomeranian Lulu dog breed is among the miniature dog breeds that have conquered European royalty. Its popularity was remarkable before the First World War. After this warlike confrontation, the charm that the breed produced among the public diminished, most probably due to its German origin. Pomeranian, Pomeranian or Pomeranian dogs, also known as German Dwarf Spitz, Pomeranian Lulu or Pome, have a very cheerful, brave and proud character. It is a breed valued as the most intelligent and loyal to the family.
Lulú de Pomerania Información sobre la raza Lulú de Pomerania
Pequeno, coberto de pelos e com um semblante adorável, o lulu da pomerânia, também conhecido como spitz alemão anão, esconde um temperamento forte e muito confiante. O nome da raça vem da sua região de origem, a Pomerânia, localizada entre a Alemanha e Polônia, onde os primeiros cães dessa linhagem foram encontrados. Pomeranian FCI 97 . European Spitz by tiadoc Origin: Germany Character: Territorial and independent Weight: 1.4 to 3.2 kg Height: 18 to 22 cm. Life expectancy: 12 - 16 years The Pomeranian very active, independent, Intelligent, brave and loyal. Content History The Pomeranian Lulu is also known by the names of Dwarf Spitz, German, Pomeranian or simply Pomeranian. It owes its name to the German region from which it comes known as Central Pomerania and that it belonged to Germany, although it is currently Poland. The name of ancient Pomerania means territory by the sea. The Pomeranian Lulu is also known by the names Dwarf Spitz, German Spitz, Pomeranian or simply Pomeranian. It owes its name to the German region from which it comes, known as Central Pomerania and which belonged to Germany, although it is currently Poland. The name of ancient Pomerania means territory by the sea.
Lulú de Pomerania Información sobre la raza Lulú de Pomerania
Los Lulú de Pomerania son perros pequeñitos, con un frondoso y suave pelaje que los hace auténticos "perros peluche". Pertenecen a la variedad de los Spitz. La cabeza tiene forma triangular, con el hocico corto y puntiagudo. El color de su nariz depende del de su pelaje. La mordida es en forma de tijera. The Pomeranian (also known as a Pom or Pommy) is a breed of dog of the Spitz type that is named for the Pomerania region in north-west Poland and north-east Germany in Central Europe. Classed as a toy dog breed because of its small size, the Pomeranian is descended from larger Spitz-type dogs, specifically the German Spitz . In this episode, you will see the history, recipes, characteristics, ethnicity, and method of dealing with Lulu de Pomerani.VIDEOS.The owner ofbthe video: d. Deluxe - Lulu da pomerania Portugal. 1,778 likes · 3 talking about this. High standard Toy Pomeranian kennel, FCI pedigree . Legendary Poms .
Lulú de Pomerania Información sobre la raza Lulú de Pomerania
The Pomeranian Lulu dog, also known as the Dwarf German Spitz, which most resembles a little fox, belongs to the Toy group and is cute. Intelligent and easy to train, he can be a good companion for seniors and is great to have in apartments. Despite his petite size, he is best known for being the little dog who thinks he can do anything. B2021019. Cachorro de lulu de Pomerania macho de 4 meses y medio muy pequeño todas las vacunas, desparasitaciones, micro chip, garantía vírica y congénita, con contrato de compra. Teléfono/WhatsApp 633774417 Los precios de los cachorros pueden variar según edad, sexo y color del pelaje. Número de Microchip: 00000000.
O lulu da pomerânia é um cachorro de raça pequena, que apresenta um corpo compacto e pelagem dupla, com pelo denso e uma textura ligeiramente áspera. Uma das características mais marcantes desta raça é sua cauda emplumada que fica alta no fundo das costas. Muchos consideran al Lulú Pomerania un perro de peluche o de juguete, por su tamaño miniatura, sólo superado por el chihuahua, que es el perro más pequeño del mundo. Aspecto del Lulú de Pomerania La gente a veces se refiere al pomerania como un pequeño león.
Lulu da Pomerânia (Zwergspitz) Características, preço, filhotes, fotos e mais
Filhotes de lulu da pomerania anão disponíveis.Mais informações com o cani Orion
[email protected] Cachorros de Lulú de Pomerania, Bichón Maltés y Yorkshire Terrier. Envíos a toda España. Núcleo Zoológico CS-0144. Criadero Niu Can · Núcleo Zoológico aprobado por la Generalitat Valenciana: CS - 0144645 292 204
[email protected] Síguenos. Conócenos; Cachorros disponibles.