Pomerania (Spitz Enano Alemán) Raza de Perro YouTube

PuppySpot connects dog lovers with responsible breeders online. Find your puppy today. Find your new furry family member today, and discover the PuppySpot difference. The Pom is a short-backed, compact toy dog who thrives on being active.His double coat comprises a harsh-textured, profuse, long outer coat and a dense short undercoat. A breed characteristic of the Pomeranian is the heavily plumed, high-set tail. The Pomeranian is the only spitz-type dog whose tail should lie flat and straight up his back.. The Pom is inquisitive, alert, intelligent, and.

Fotos de Spitz AlemÁn Enano Pomerania Perros

Pomeranian dog. The Pomeranian (also known as a Pom or Pommy) is a breed of dog of the Spitz type that is named for the Pomerania region in north-west Poland and north-east Germany in Central Europe. Classed as a toy dog breed because of its small size, the Pomeranian is descended from larger Spitz-type dogs, specifically the German Spitz . El perro Pomerania. Para llegar a diferenciar entre Pomerania y Spitz alemán miniatura lo primero es tener claras las características de las dos razas. Así, el Pomerania es un perro de tamaño verdaderamente pequeño, a pesar de que sus antecesores eran más grandes y de color blanco. De origen alemán, no está clara la fecha de su aparición. A German Spitz measures 12 to 15 inches from paw to shoulder in both males and females, whereas the Pomeranian measures only 6 to 7 inches, again in both males and females. The German Spitz will weigh 24 to 26 pounds, whereas the Pomeranian will weigh a tiny 3 to 7 pounds. Again, both weights are the same for both males and females in both breeds. The German Spitz is a Nordic dog primarily bred for herding and guarding, with a rich history dating back to 1450. The Pomeranian, with its rounded body and diminutive stature, is thought to be named after Pomerania in Poland. Spitz-type dogs were bred smaller and smaller, and the Pomeranian was first referenced in 1764.

Spitz Aleman, Pomerania Toy, Lulu de Pomerania Perritos Bebes

Pomerania.Los antepasados del Pomerania eran perros de trineo en Islandia y Laponia, que llegaron a Europa por Pomerania.La región de Pomerania, bañada al no. Pomeranians used to be large like sled dogs, but they are now known for their short build. The average dog of this variety, whether male or female, measures 7-12 inches tall and weighs 3-7 lbs. While the male is a little larger, it is primarily due to muscle mass. The teacup Pomeranian is much smaller. As you may be imagining, the name comes from the region in which they were most popularly in their origins, the region of Pomeranian dog in Germany. While the original name of the breed is Zwergspitz (Dwarf Spitz), and if you have a pure breed Pomeranian this may be the name that you see in the pedigree, the name of Pomeranian became more popular when Queen Victoria fell in love with the breed. History. The Pomeranian ( Deutscher Spitz;, Pomeranian Lulu or Deutscher Zwergspitz) It is a dog of the Spitz family, named for the region of Pomerania Central, Eastern Germany, and is classified as a dog " Toy " because of its small size. The ancestors of the Pomerania were Iceland and Lapland sled dogs, He came to Europe because of Pomerania.

Pomeranian European Spitz Dog breeds from Germany

The Pomeranian dog, or simply Pomeranian, is a breed of dog of the Spitz type that is named for the Pomerania region in north-west Poland and north-east Germany in Central Europe. Classed as a toy dog breed because of its small size, the Pomeranian is descended from larger Spitz-type dogs, specifically the German Spitz. Es un perro de proporciones similares entre altura y longitud, y su peso máximo oscila entre 3 y 4 kilogramos. El Pomerania, también llamado Zwergspitz o Spitz Enano, es pequeño debido a la crianza selectiva, pero conserva la robustez y el pelaje típicos de los perros de climas fríos. El Pomerania pertenece a la familia de los Spitz, los. COLA: Una característica de la raza del Pomerania es la cola muy emplumada y alta. Una de las principales diferencias con su antecesor, el Spitz Alemán, es que el Pomerania es el único perro Spitz cuya cola debe quedar plana y recta sobre su espalda. TEMPERAMENTO: El pom es curioso, atento, inteligente y expresivo. En este vídeo te explicaremos todo sobre la raza de perro Spitz Aleman en base a ocho apartados, para que puedas valorar si estos pequeños te encajan.Suscrib.

German Spitz Dog Breed Characteristics & Care

Spitz alemán: guía completa sobre la raza. Bajo el nombre de spitz alemán la Federación Cinológica Internacional (FCI) agrupa a cinco razas que, aunque presentan ciertas particularidades, son en líneas generales muy parecidas y por ello comparten estándar.La mayor diferencia entre estos cinco perros es, de hecho, el tamaño.. Las variedades de spitz alemán son, según la FCI: El Pomerania (Spitz enano alemán, Lulú de Pomerania o Deutscher Zwergspitz) es un perro de la familia Spitz, que recibe su nombre de la región de Pomerania C.