Suite Indiana Roble Dimensions: 40 × 120 cm (length, width) Product sheet (pdf) Where to buy Request sample Finish: Mate Thickness: 10.5 Boxes / Pallet: 40 Width (cm): 120 Rectified sides Length (cm): 40 Kg / Box: 27.86 Kg / Pallet: 1114.2 Degree of detonation: V3 (Medium) Pieces / Box: 3 M2 / Box: 1.44 M2 / Pallet: 57.6 Installation Indiana Roble 19.5X120R Dimensions: 120 × 19.5 cm (length, width) Product sheet (pdf) Where to buy Request sample Finish: Natural Utilization groups: 4 - For high traffic Thickness: 7 Boxes / Pallet: 45 Width (cm): 19.5 Rectified sides Length (cm): 120 Kg / Box: 31.43 Place of application: Bathroom|Kitchen|Living|Public spaces Kg / Pallet: 1414.44
Suite Indiana Roble ROCATILES
Roca Tile USA is a leader in manufacturing, distributing and marketing high-quality ceramic tiles. Click here for our tiles manufactured for special orders. Each Indiana slat joins essential shades in a commitment to a natural finish that reproduces the knots and cracks of original wood, its texture and deep-veined, pronounced chestnut-tones.. Indiana Roble ABS 19.5X120R. REF: FB77AFP741 120 × 19.5 Price / m2 See more Request sample.. Roca Tiles Spain, S.L Collections; Styles; Products. Indiana. Carácter La belleza de la madera más sofisticada se traslada a formatos porcelánicos únicos por su singularidad y riqueza cromática. Cada lama de Indiana reúne matices esenciales en una apuesta por un acabado natural que reproduce los nudos y fendas de la madera original, su textura y las vetas profundas marcadas en tonos castaños. Indiana. Character The utmost beauty and sophistication of wood is passed on to porcelain formats unique in their distinctness and rich colouring. Each Indiana slat joins essential shades in a commitment to a natural finish that reproduces the knots and cracks of original wood, its texture and deep-veined, pronounced chestnut-tones.
Roca Indiana Roble 19,5x120 płytki drewnopodobne Terradeco
Indiana Roble 19,5x120 R / 8"x48" R 19,5x120 R / 8"x48" R Porcelánico Coloreado / Full Body Porcelain WOODS. 4 Roca Indiana 5 La cuidada manufactura está pre-sente en la composición de la su-per!cie con satinados naturales que recogen la luz igual que lo haría la Inicio Productos Cerámica Indiana Ref: FB7R1MC741 Suite Indiana Roble dimensiones: 40 × 120 cm (longitud, ancho) Ficha de producto (pdf) Dónde comprar Solicitar muestra Acabado: Mate Grosor: 10.5 Cajas / Palet: 40 Ancho (cm): 120 Lados rectificados Largo (cm): 40 Kg / Caja: 27.86 Kg / Palet: 1114.2 Grado de destonificado: V3 (Medio) Piezas / Caja: Indiana Roble 8"x48" R. 4 Indiana Indiana 5 Indiana Color Body Porcelain 8.7 Nocce Natural Roble 8"x48" R FB7R0FP741 8"x48" R FB7R0FPNC1 8"x48" R FB7R0FPNT1 8"x48" R 20x120cm Packaging Info Size 8"x48" R SF per carton 10.12 PC per carton 4 Technical Specifications CHARACTERISTICS Roca Tile USA is a leader in manufacturing, distributing and marketing high-quality ceramic tiles. Click here for our tiles manufactured for special orders.. This collection emulates the unpredictable natural wood in three tones - blanco, roble and almond. Colonial Blanco. 8"x48" R GDV7MFP011. Colonial Roble. 8"x48" R GDVW0FP741. Colonial.
Roca Indiana Roble 19.5x120 cm FB7R0FP741 Indiana
Mood Book 2021 | Roca. Roca - (54/56) Mood Book 2021 | Roca - (55/56) Mood Book 2021 | Roca - (56/56) Indiana Roble 19,5x120 R / 8"x489". Abbey Home Collections Abbey Glazed Porcelain & Ceramic Wall Our Abbey collection is a colored body porcelain that takes you back to the warmth and simple feel of nature. This series includes four varying tones, each one adding a subtle, earthy touch to any room. Ideal for anyone looking to create a fresh atmosphere in their home. Fresno 8"X48" R
rich colouring. Each Indiana slat joins essential shades in a. commitment to a natur al finish that r eproduc es the knots. and cracks o f original wood, its te xtur e and deep- veined, pr onounced chestnut- tones. Indiana Roble 19,5x120 R / 8"x48" R. 19 ,5x120 R / 8"x48" R. Po rce l á n i co C o l o re a d o / Full Body Porcelain. WOODS. Roca Tile USA is a worldwide leader in manufacturing, distributing and marketing high-quality ceramic tiles. Contact us today for more information.
Płytki Roca Indiana Roble 19,5x120 drewnopodobne
Indiana com- petes with real wood in vision and touch and beats it in character. Indiana Nocce 19,5x120 R / 8"x48" R Indiana Roble 19,5x120 R / 8"x48" R Indiana Natural 19,5x120 R / 8"x48" R 4 Roca Indiana 5 Płytki Roca Indiana Roble 19,5x120 drewnopodobne | w najlepszej cenie znajdziesz w kategorii Kolekcja Indiana w sklepie online z płytkami i nie tylko Carrea.