Los verdiales, una tradición ancestral que asegura su relevo generacional EcoDiario.es

The verdiales, a dance form that resonates with the soulful melodies and rhythms of Andalusia, traces its origins back to the verdial olive-farming regions of Málaga. This particular area, known as Los Verdiales, is renowned for its cultivation of verdial olives, which have become synonymous with the region's identity. Destino Andalucía te lleva al interior de la provincia de Málaga para descubrir el legado de los verdiales y sus diferentes estilos ligados a zonas geográficas específicas: La Axarquía,.

Día De Los Verdiales En Torremolinos, Málaga 2014 YouTube

Verdiales are a Flamenco music style, and song form belonging to cante chico.. Originating in Almogía, near the Spanish port of Málaga in Andalucía, it is based upon the fandango.For this reason, the verdiales are sometimes known as fandangos de Málaga.. Normally played in the key of E phrygian (key of C major with a sharpened fifth) and rarely in A minor, the verdiales have a 12-count. In the hills north of Málaga, there are three types of Verdiales to be seen and heard: Almogía, Montes, and Comares, in a sense these are dialects of the music and dance as they developed in those particular villages and outlying districts. The Almogía version of Verdiales is the most energetic, with the violinist leading the other performers. The Verdiales of Malaga are a very old cultural expression that is a real delight to see, especially because it combines celebration, history, music, dance and culture. It is deeply rooted in the province, especially in the regions of Los Montes de Málaga, Valle de Guadalhorce and Axarquía. What are Verdiales? (o Fiesta de Verdiales) son una manifestación festiva de origen antiquísimo y campesino, de naturaleza socio-musical, privativa de determinados puntos geográficos en la provincia de Málaga (comarca de la Axarquía Valle del Guadalhorce Montes de Málaga

Panda verdiales Valle de Abdalajis (Feria de Málaga 2013) video7 YouTube

Information about the verdiales, popular culture from Málaga Every 28 December, a unique event takes place in Malaga, the Fiesta Mayor de Verdiales. It is a tradition deeply rooted in provincial folklore and the customs of the rural, mountainous areas of Malaga. Every year, thousands of people make the pilgrimage to the Parque Andrés Jiménez Díaz in the Puerto de la Torre district of the city to enjoy. The Fiesta de Verdiales is one of the most deeply rooted cultural expressions in Malaga. It is a musical genre ( fandango) unique to the province of Málaga and especially to the small regions (comarcas) of : Valle del Guadalhorce, Montes de Malaga, and Axarquia. On the day of the Santos Inocentes, 28th December, Malaga capital celebrates the Main Verdiales Festival. In the San Cayetano inn at Puerto de la Torre lots of pandas (groups of musicians and singers) gather from surrounding villages and thousands of Malagans go there during the day to enjoy the festive atmosphere. "Verdiales" are played, […]

Grupo de verdiales fotos de Feria de Málaga

Malaga's verdiales, an ancient folk music and dance tradition, have received official recognition as one of the most genuine traditions of its kind in Spain.The Directorate-General of Cultural Heritage and Fine Arts of the Ministry of Culture declared "traditional guitar playing" as a manifestation of intangible cultural heritage, and expressly mentioned the verdiales of Malaga. La indumentaria de la panda es la propia que utilizaba la gente del campo, traje que sólo varía con la introducción de un sombrero de palma recargado de adornos: espejillos, flores, cintas o abalorios, que denotan el origen ancestral de la fiesta. Los verdiales alcanzan su culmen con la Fiesta Mayor de Verdiales, el 28 de diciembre, día de. Ensayo de la panda de verdiales del Puerto de la Torre de Málaga, previo al concurso anual que se celebra todos los años cada 28 de diciembre y reúne a pandas de toda la provincia en los tres. Verdiales: el Bien Cultural más fiestero Miles de personas se están dando cita este 28 de diciembre, Día de los Inocentes, en el parque que recuerda al gran verdialero Andrés Jiménez Díaz,.

Los verdiales de Málaga serán patrimonio inmaterial de la cultura en España Andalucía

Los verdiales son una manifestación festiva de origen campesino, que consiste en un particular fandango cantado y bailado con el acompañamiento de una orquestina compuesta por un violín, de. Verdiales have a distinctive rhythm, fast and monotonous, with a Spanish bolero or abandolao feel. The dance is performed with jumps and in pairs. Almost every traditional village in Málaga has its own Panda. Their lyrics are simple and joyful. "Viva Málaga la bella. Y vivan los verdiales. Que cuando baila mi niña. Hasta el mismo sol que sale