Avis De Recherche JouryAllisa

J'aimerais avoir ton avis. I'd like to have your opinion. à mon avis in my opinion. je suis de votre avis I share your opinion, I am of your opinion. être d'avis que to be of the opinion that. changer d'avis to change one's mind. J'ai changé d'avis. I've changed my mind. (=notification) notice. A ton avis, qui sont les vrais "lambs of god" (agneaux de dieu) prêts à être sacrifiés ? According to you, w ho are the real "lambs of god" in the world who are ready for sacrifice?


A ton avis, je rentre. In your opinion, I go. A ton avis quels sont les plus importants changements ? In your opinion, what are the most important changes? A ton avis, pourquoi il a avoué maintenant. 44.640 In your opinion, why he confessed now. A ton avis, en te basant sur ta propre expérience. Talk to me, based on your experience. Translation for 'a ton avis' in the free French-English dictionary and many other English translations. bab.la arrow_drop_down bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation share For example, you could've easily found out what "A ton avis" meant by searching for "avis" in the dictionary look up. I guess the point is moot since plenty of people wanted to help out. sans amour chien Member. Lebanon, Tennessee. U.S. English May 15, 2007 #10 i did. i found opinion. but i couldn't figure out what ton meant.. Perhaps, in your judgment I am of below average intelligence. Je me range à ton avis. I think I agree with you. Ici on peut voter pour le plus digne Président à ton avis. You can express your personal opinion voting for the worthiest president. Je ne sais pas - à ton avis. I don't know - you tell me.

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Adverb [ edit] à ton avis. in your opinion. Synonyms: d'après toi, selon toi. À ton avis, j'ai gagné mon insigne d'inspecteur. What do you think, I won my detective shield. À ton avis, elle lui trouve quoi ? What do you think she sees in him? À ton avis, ça pourrait être quoi ? What do you think it could have been? À ton avis, qu'arrive-t-il à nos réceptacles quand ils meurent ? à ton avis - traduction français-anglais. Forums pour discuter de à ton avis, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions. Gratuit. donner son avis - to give one's opinion. être de l'avis de - to have the same opinion as. être de ton / votre avis - to agree with you. être du même avis que - to have the same opinion as. à mon humble avis (ironic) - in my humble opinion. Deux avis valent mieux qu'un (proverb) - Two heads are better than one.

Avis De Recherche JouryAllisa

Translations for a ton avis in the French»English Dictionary. Show summary of all matches. avis < pl avis> [avi] N m. Send us feedback J'aimerais avoir ton avis. I'd like to have your opinion. à mon avis in my opinion. je suis de votre avis I share your opinion, I am of your opinion. être d'avis que to be of the opinion that. changer d'avis to change one's mind. J'ai changé d'avis. I've changed my mind. (=notification) notice. I think it's only people of my generation who manage to stay true to their own personal vision and put out more original wor k - but at what personal cost ! Many translated example sentences containing "a ton avis, quel est" - English-French dictionary and search engine for English translations. Contextual translation of "a ton avie" into English. Human translations with examples: 2, a tons, a ton tour !, a ton service, see you later, flashes a ton (1).

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The Meaning of À mon avis. À mon avis is pronounced ah mo nah vee . It literally means "in my view" though it's often translated as "in my opinion," "to my mind," or "I feel." It is, perhaps, the most common way to express one's opinion and is an alternative to using (and conjugating) verbs like penser (to think) or croire (to believe) . Member. France. Apr 6, 2008. #1. Hi everybody. How would you translate " à ton avis !! " in English ? Here is a silly example which can illustrate the context : - Should I read the text before to answer to the questions ?? A ton avis !! shows the question is quite silly.