Akita Inu Gris Japanese Akita, Japanese Dogs, Most Beautiful Animals, Beautiful Dogs, Akita

14 octobre 2020 Quelles différences entre le Akita Inu Roux, Bringé, Blanc, Sésame et à Poil long ? Quelles sont exactement les caractéristiques du chien Akita ? L'histoire du chien Akita The Akita (秋田, Akita, Japanese pronunciation:) is a Japanese dog breed of large size. Originating from the mountains of northern Japan, the Akita has a short double coat similar to that of many other northern spitz breeds.Historically, they were used by matagi for guarding and the hunting of bears.. The Akita is a powerful, dominant and loyal breed, commonly aloof with strangers, but.

Naissances d’Akita inu prévues fin Octobre/début Novembre ! Elevage Akita inu L'Eden des Shokou

roux, bringé roux, bringé gris ou blanc. Tout comme le Shiba Inu, la robe de l'Akita Inu, (exceptée pour la robe blanche) doit présenter des poils blanc/crème au niveau du museau, du ventre, du cou, de l'intérieur des pattes et du revers de la queue, cela se nomme l'Urajiro. La robe de l'Akita Inu peut être de couleurs variées, dont le blanc, le rouge fauve, le sésame ou le bringé allant des teintes de bleu, argent, sable et roux et même parfois dans le noir. Poil. Son poil est plutôt droit, dur et court. Morphologie. La tête de l'Akita Inu, de type lupoïde (tête d'épingle), est très bien proportionnée. The Japanese Akita Inu is the biggest of the native dog breeds in Japan. They were originally used for hunting game in the mountainous terrain of the Tōhoku region, where Akita Prefecture is located. This breed is a sturdy and well-balanced Spitz-type dog with a dense coat, curled tail, and head. The physical features of males and females are. To celebrate the year of the dog in 2018, this article presents one of Japan's most famous breeds, the Akita-inu. We talk to Nakagawa Jitarō, a specialist breeder with over 50 years of experience.

Natsumikan Go de l’Eden des Shokou Elevage Akita inu L'Eden des Shokou

Akita Inu. Akita Inu is a Japanese breed of dogs that does not go unnoticed due to its imposing, strong, and powerful looks. They are fearless and brave, yet they behave in a calm, quiet, and dignified manner. Akitas are independent and reserved with strangers, but to their family they are docile and extremely loyal, though they hardly ever. Difficult Easy Adaptability: Because they need daily exercise, an Akita stuck alone in an apartment all day will end badly. Because of their thick coat, they can tolerate cold extremely well, but being out in the heat will take a major toll on them. Bad Good Activity: The Akita Inu requires daily exercise. Akita Breed Standards & Appearance. According to the Akita Club of America standards, the American Akita is a large and sturdy dog with heavy bones.They have a fluffy double coat designed to endure freezing temperatures in the mountains of Northern Japan, which helps them look like giant, fluffy bears.They also sport a curled tail like the Shiba Inu, another Japanese breed. The Akita Inu tends to be smaller and less muscular, with a more fox-like head and smaller triangular ears. They come in red, brindle, and white, often with "urajiro" (cream or white countershading). This breed has a triple coat. The topmost layer is coarse and straight, with two under coats below it. The top under coat is soft and colorful.

Nouvelle femelle à l’élevage ! Akita inu élevage Alsace

Originally bred for bear, wild boar and deer hunting, the Akita Inu comes from Japan. As most Japanese canine breeds originated from the Korean dog, the Jindo and the Akita Inu are no exceptions. Dating back around 3,000 years, Akita Prefecture, an island in Northern Japan, is believed to be the source of his name. Akita Inu is a dog breed that originated from the mountains in the northern regions of Japan, and it's one of the six native Japanese dog breeds. It's a large dog breed at about 26 to 28 inches tall, weighing between 70 to 130 pounds. The lifespan of Akita's is around 10 to 15 years. Confident and loyal with a bit of an unpredictable. Akita Inu Size. The Akita Inu is a large breed. Adult Japanese Akitas typically stand between 24 to 28 inches (61 to 71 centimeters) tall at the shoulder. They are a robust and muscular breed. L'Akita Inu est une race de chien originaire du Japon et plus précisément de la préfecture d'Akita. Elle descend de l'Akita Matagi, un chien de taille moyenne utilisé comme chien d'arrêt pour chasser l'ours au 17e siècle. À partir de 1603, la race est utilisée comme chien de combat et comme chien de travail.

Akita Inu Gris Japanese Akita, Japanese Dogs, Most Beautiful Animals, Beautiful Dogs, Akita

L' Akita Inu est un chien très ancien, originaire de la préfecture d'Akita, au Japon. Né comme chasseur, il est ensuite devenu un chien de garde et de combat. Actuellement au Japon, il est considéré comme un « trésor national », c'est-à-dire qu'il fait partie de la liste des traditions japonaises qu'il faut défendre et préserver. Rouge fauve, sésame, bringé (bleu, roux, sable, argent ou dans de rares cas, bringé noir) ou blanc: Caractère:. L'Akita Inu est une race de chiens originaire du Japon. C'est un chien d'un grande intelligence. Il est très affectueux envers ses maîtres mais peut se montrer réservé avec des étrangers. Il est connu pour être un.