Les 1er PC21 de l’Armée de l’air arrivent à la BA 709 de Cognac ACTU AERO /// AAF

Development. In November 1997 Pilatus flew a modified PC-7 Mk.II in order to test improvements for a prospective next generation turboprop trainer. As a result of these tests, Pilatus elected to fund the development of a new training system in November 1998; development of the new trainer, designated as the PC-21, formally started in January 1999. The PC-21 would be developed and certified as. To train the next generation of military pilots, Pilatus developed the next generation trainer: the Pilatus PC-21, designed and built specifically with students in mind.

Armée de l’Air le Pilatus PC21 prend la relève Aerobuzz

Le Pilatus PC-21 permet également de faire des économies en heures de vol et de raccourcir la durée de formation des stagiaires. Avec cette acquisition, l' armée de l'air française devient ainsi le second opérateur européen de PC-21 après la Suisse et le 8 e client militaire au niveau mondial. Le PC-21 est, comme son prédécesseur le Pilatus PC-7 et le moins connu PC-9, un avion d'entraînement destiné à la formation avancée des pilotes et à leur perfectionnement. El Pilatus PC-21 es un avión de entrenamiento básico, fabricado por el constructor aeronáutico suizo Pilatus Aircraft. Esta aeronave dispone de un motor turbohélice, y de aviónica similar a los aviones de combate de quinta generación. Según la RAAF, el Pilatus PC-21 es el avión de entrenamiento de pilotos más avanzado del mundo. 2 The Pilatus PC-21 expanded-envelope trainer aircraft is designed to provide basic, advanced and fighter lead-in training for pilots. The Pilatus PC-21 combines the procurement and operating costs of current generation turboprop aircraft with a jet training capability. Front cockpit of the PC-21 in 'off' mode.

Poderío Militar RAAF recibe el último avión entrenador de motores de turbopropulsión PC21.

Les deux premiers avions d'entraînement Pilatus PC-21 viennent grossir la flotte de la base aérienne de Cognac (Charente). A terme, elle en comptera 17. Ces. Founded in 1939, Pilatus Aircraft Ltd is the only Swiss company to develop, produce and sell aircraft to customers around the world: from the legendary PC-6 to the best-selling PC-12 and PC-24, and the PC-21, the military training system of the future. It chose the latter - and the resultant PC-21 is a completely new aircraft that differs from the PC-9 in its design, materials, production methods and systems. First flight of the PC-21 prototype. PC-21 Manufacturer PILATUS Body Narrow Wing Fixed Wing Position Low wing Tail Regular tail, mid set WTC L Type Code L1T Engine Turboprop Engine Count Single Position In fuselage Landing gear Tricycle retractable Manufactured as PILATUS PC-21 PC21

Confirmado PC21 nuevo entrenador español Avion Revue Internacional

Pilatus PC-21 can fly with a maximum speed of 685 km / h and rise to a height of 7,620 m. The low altitude speed and climbing rate of this aircraft are more characteristic and similar to jet aircraft. The maximum cruise speed on low altitude flights is 590 km / h. The aircraft has a range of 1,297 km and a service ceiling of 11,582 m. The first pilots concluded their training in 2020. With the latest order, the PC-21 fleet will increase to a total of 26. Besides Switzerland and Spain, France is the third European nation to adopt the PC-21, the world's most advanced training system. Over 230 PC-21s are now in service with nine air forces worldwide. Le PC-21 englobe tout un système de formation. Les apprentis pilotes effectuent 40% de leurs missions sur simulateur. Les 60% de missions de formation restantes sont des vols réels sur PC-21. Capacités. Fabriqué par la société Pilatus, le PC-21 est bien plus qu'un avion, c'est un véritable système de formation. ACTU AERO /// AAF. L'Armée de l'Air et de l'Espace vient de commander neuf exemplaires supplémentaires de l'avion à turbopropulseurs d'entraînement PC-21 de l'avionneur suisse Pilatus pour renforcer son programme de formation. Un appareil biplace en tandem robuste, agile et bénéficiant d'une avionique moderne, qu'utilise.

Lockheed, Pilatus Achieve First Flight of Australian PC21 Under AIR 5428 Pilot Training System

In 2017 the Armée de l'Air et de l'Espace purchased 17 PC-21s and has successfully trained its future military pilots on the world's most modern training system since then. The Air Force has now ordered a further nine PC-21s to reinforce its training programme with additional Pilatus training aircraft. Powered by a Pratt & Whitney PT6A-68B turboprop engine, the Pilatus PC-21 is a single-turboprop, low wing swept monoplane advanced trainer aircraft designed to fulfil the requirements for basic, advanced and fighter lead-in training for pilots and, if required, weapon systems officers (WSO).