You just have to dig a little. One of the landmarks of the Canut Revolts is to be found in the Croix-Rousse district. It's called "Traboule de la cour des Voraces" and is also the oldest reinforced concrete stairwell in Lyon. How to visit the traboules? Traboules à Lyon : Carte des passages secrets au Vieux Lyon et à Croix Rousse Accueil » Lyon » Monuments de Lyon » Traboules à Lyon : Carte des passages secrets au Vieux Lyon et à Croix Rousse Par Maciej Mis à jour le 4 novembre 2023 14 commentaires Les traboules lyonnaises sont des passages aménagés entre deux rues à travers des cours d'immeubles.
Traboules Lyon map Map of Lyon traboules (AuvergneRhôneAlpes France)
The origins of Lyon's traboules can be traced back to the 4th century. During this time, the city had two distinct sections. One was on a steep hill, and this was the upper district. The second, or lower district, sat on the banks of the river Saône. Carte de toutes les traboules de Lyon, avec leur accès, description, photos. The traboules are hidden gems of Lyon, a world apart from the hustle and bustle of the city. In Lyon, traboules are narrow passageways cut through houses and private courtyards. The word traboule comes from the Latin "trans ambulare, " which means "to walk through." Exploring the traboules is one of the best things to do in Lyon. The longest traboule in Lyon runs between 54 Rue Saint-Jean and 27 Rue du Bœuf, and a famously picturesque traboule begins at 9 Place Colbert/14 bis montee Saint Sebastion, and features a.
Blog In Lyon Webzine Lyonnais
Brice Robert DISCOVER The traboules and courtyards of Croix-Rousse More recent but no less charming, the traboules and cours de la Croix-Rousse and des Pentes are closely linked to the history of the Canuts! Discover the traboules of Croix-Rousse © Yanis Ourabah Grâce à notre carte, vous pouvez explorer en toute simplicité les traboules du Vieux Lyon et de la Croix-Rousse : Curieusement longues : explorez les traboules qui font plus de 100 mètres ! Dans l'ombre de l'église : admirez les traboules qui défilent sous l'ombre des églises. Uncover famous secret passages: the traboules of lyon Updated 28 June 2023 by Leyla Alyanak Have you heard of Lyon's secret passageways? Many are closed but some traboules of Lyon can still be visited. but quietly. If you've ever been to Lyon, you've probably walked through a traboule at some point - possibly without even knowing. Les parcours : LyonTraboules vous propose le choix entre cinq parcours pour découvrir les principales traboules, et faire de jolies balades dans Lyon. Autres choix : la liste de toutes les traboules de Lyon le détail des parcours : - Croix Rousse Ouest - CroixRousse Est - Saint Jean - Presqu'île Nord - Presqu'île Centre
Plan du parcours Croix Rousse ouest Visiter lyon, Traboules lyon, Lyon
A Lyon, une traboule est un passage traditionnel qui permet de passer d'un immeuble à un autre. les traboules sont fréquentes dans le vieux Lyon mais beaucoup sont peu visibles ou fermées au public. Sur LyonTraboules, vous trouverez tout ce qu'il faut pour trabouler, et surtout découvrir un autre Lyon plus ancien à deux pas du centre ville. It's one of the few traboules still used daily by locals to navigate Old Lyon. Traboule de la Tour Rose. Enter at 16 Rue du Bœuf to discover a rose-tinted watchtower, complete with spiraling.
Travel In Lyon's network of hidden passageways, footfalls of the past By Lily Radziemski May 20, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. EDT Inside one of the traboules on Rue du Boeuf in Lyon. (Photos by Lily. Traboules: Lyon's Secret Passages and Historical Heritage. Lyon is the second largest city in France and has a rich historical heritage. The city attracts tourists with its historical texture and architecture. One of the most interesting features of Lyon is the secret passages known as "traboules". Traboules are narrow passages that pass.
plan balade insolite croixrousse lyon Croix rousse lyon, Croix rousse, Balade lyon
These passageways, called " Traboules ", became an integral part of the building structure of the houses in the old city. Instead of walking the long streets, and getting wet, you would duck into a traboule and exit several streets further, and then ducking into the next one. Traboule behind a closed door in old Lyon. What Is the Meaning of Traboules? Traboules, pronounced as "trah bools," are hidden covered pathways that connect buildings, courtyards and streets in Lyon. They are LEGIT architectural marvels, characterized by their narrow alleys, spiral staircases, and unique doorways. 27, rue Saint-Jean 27 Rue Saint-Jean Not all passages are traboules.