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A List of Maroon Shades Maroon #800000 | rgb (128,0,0) Fire Brick #b22222 | rgb (178,34,34) Brown #a52a2a | rgb (165,42,42) Dark Red #8b0000 | rgb (139,0,0) UP Maroon #7b1113 | rgb (123,17,19) Bright Maroon #c32148 | rgb (195,33,72) Brick Red #cb4154 | rgb (203,65,84) Deep Chestnut #b94e48 | rgb (185,78,72) Rose Vale #ab4e52 | rgb (171,78,82) La couleur marron avec code de couleur hexadécimal #582900 est une sombre teinte de couleur orange. Dans le modèle de couleur RVB #582900 est constitué de 34.51 % de rouge, 16.08 % de vert et le bleu à 0 %. En l'espace colorimétrique HSL #582900 a une teinte de 28° (degrés), la saturation 100 % saturation et la légèreté 17 %.

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The hexadecimal color #800000 has RGB values of R:128, G:0, B:0 and CMYK values of C:0, M:1, Y:1, K:0.5. Its decimal value is 8388608. Color Schemes with #800000 Complementary Color Analogous Color Split Complementary Color Triadic Color Tetradic Color Monochromatic Color Alternatives to #800000 Below, you can see some colors close to #800000. Marron Color Code is #6e4c4b Marron Color (#6e4c4b) Marron is a dark color with the color codes #6e4c4b / rgb (110, 76, 75) / hsl (2, 19%, 36%). Marron has a reddish hue and low saturation. In the RGB color space, the color Marron has the values ( 110, 76, 75 ), being composed of 43.1 % Red (R), 29.8 % Green (G), and 29.4 % Blue (B). The hexadecimal color code for maroon is #800000. It represents the color in the RGB color space, which is widely used in digital media. When expressed in RGB terms, maroon translates to (128,0,0). In terms of CMYK, the color values translate to (0, 100, 100, 50), indicating that maroon is completely devoid of cyan, with a full presence of. Color Codes: HEX: #800000 RGB: rgb (128,0,0) HSL: hsl (0,100%,25%) HSV: hsv (0,100%,50%) NAME: Maroon Lighter and Darker Shades of Maroon: #ffe0e0 rgb (255,224,224) #ffd1d1 rgb (255,209,209) #ffc2c2 rgb (255,194,194) #ffb3b3 rgb (255,179,179) #ffa3a3 rgb (255,163,163) #ff9494 rgb (255,148,148) #ff8585 rgb (255,133,133) #ff7575 rgb (255,117,117)

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Quick use Click and Copy the codes below for quick use. Color of the text Background color Box border Text shadow Box shadow Shades & Tints B03060 9A2A54 842448 6E1E3C 581830 421224 2C0C18 16060C B03060 BA4A74 C46488 CE7E9C D898B0 E1B1C3 EBCBD7 F5E5EB The hexadecimal RGB code of Maroon color is #B03060 and the decimal is rgb (176,48,96). About the color. Maroon comes from a mix of red and brown, which is a powerful combination.Red brings out the meaning of power, confidence, and fortitude, while brown shades evoke a sense of strength, reliability, and security. The maroon hex code is #800000. Maroon as a color name first appeared in English in the 1780s. It came from the French word "le marron" which is a reddish-brown. Maroon has the hex code #800000. The equivalent RGB values are (128, 0, 0), which means it is composed of 100% red, 0% green and 0% blue. The CMYK color codes, used in printers, are C:0 M:100 Y:100 K:50. In the HSV/HSB scale, Maroon has a hue of 0°, 100% saturation and a brightness value of 50%. Details of other color codes including. MAROON RGB / COLOUR CODES: #820000 COMPLEMENTARY COLOUR: Teal PATTERN: ⠠⠍⠠⠗ TEMPERATURE: 546 K (heated metal) TEXTURE: Crepe SOUND: 'Omm' EMOTION: Romance SMELL & TASTE REFERENCE: Hazelnut, pomegranate, purple carrot, variety of beetroot FREQUENCY: 480-405 THz / WAVELENGTH: 630 - 740 nm

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Split. #800000. #008040. #004080. Save color schemes as JSON Save color schemes as PNG. HTML color maroon is translated automatically to its RGB / Hex equivalent by the browser. HTML Color maroon is easy to remember and useful to be replaced all along the HTML / CSS code. The maroon color hex code is #800000. What does the color maroon look like? Because of its dark red hue, maroon can still sometimes look similar to brown. The hex color chart used by web designers and developers actually considers maroon a shade of brown. What color is Maroon? Maroon color belongs to the Red color family (hue). The hexadecimal color code (color number) for Maroon is #800000 , and the RGB color code is RGB (128, 0, 0) . In the RGB color model, Maroon has a red value of 128, a green value of 0, and a blue value of 0. The hexadecimal color code #582900 is a dark shade of orange. In the RGB color model #582900 is comprised of 34.51% red, 16.08% green and 0% blue. In the HSL color space #582900 has a hue of 28° (degrees), 100% saturation and 17% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 590.21 nm. Color Variations Inverted #a7d6ff 25% saturated

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Code couleur marron Codes de couleur RVB marron. Code couleur RVB marron Nuancier marron Code couleur RVB marron Code de couleur RVB marron = # A52A2A = 165 * 65536 + 42 * 256 + 42 = (165,42,42) ROUGE = 165, VERT = 42, BLEU = 42 Tableau des codes de couleur marron Couleur RVB Code de couleur marron RVB HTML. Trouvez facilement des codes de couleur HTML pour votre site Web en utilisant nos sélecteur de couleur, tableaux de couleur et des noms de couleur HTML avec des codes de couleur HEX, RGB et les valeurs HSL.