Bobbi Border Collie Labrador cross

Guide complet sur le croisement entre le Labrador et le Border Collie, populairement connu sous le nom de Borador. Nous vous montrerons le tempérament, les soins et l'exercice dont il a besoin, ainsi que ce à quoi vous pouvez vous attendre en termes de taille, de santé et d'espérance de vie. Les labradors et les border collies sont des. 9. Border Collie des Pyrénées. Le Border Collie des Pyrénées vient du croisement entre le B order Collie et le chien de montagne des Pyrénées (aussi appelé Patou). 10. Bordenais : Border Collie croisé Bouvier bernois. 11. Border Beagle : Border Collie croisé Beagle.

Daughtry Border Collie, Labrador Cross Big dogs, Dogs naturally magazine, Interesting animals

Le borador (croisement entre un border collie et un labrador) Crédit image : Kate Stollery, Pexels. Le border collie a été initialement utilisé comme chien de berger. C'est un chien aussi intelligent qu'énergique. Lorsqu'il est croisé avec le labrador pour créer un borador, personne ne sait quel caractère dominera. Les Boradors sont des chiens de taille moyenne, qui mesurent généralement de 38 à 43 centimètres à l'épaule et pèsent entre 15 et 30 kg. Cependant, tous les chiens sont des individus uniques, et certains se situent en dehors de cette fourchette. Les Boradors ont généralement une corpulence semblable à celle d'un labrador, bien qu. The border collie Lab mix is a cross between two of America's most beloved breeds - the Labrador retriever and border collie. Also known as a borador, or border Lab, this energetic and clever mix combines the best traits of its parent breeds. If you are looking for an affectionate and lively companion dog that loves children and can keep up. The Border Collie & Labrador cross is medium in size with a height of 15-17 inches (38-43 cm) and a weight of 35-65 pounds (16-29 kg). They often have a build like the Lab but a bit thinner. Lab & Border Collie mix coat and colors. For hair, this mixed breed has a long and soft, glossy double coat, just like their Border Collie and Labrador.

Bobbi Border Collie Labrador cross

The average lifespan of a Border Collie is 13.5 years old. The average for a Labrador Retriever is 12.5 years old. So, the Border Collie and Lab mix is probably going to live somewhere around 13 years. Although in general mixed breed dogs do tend to live a little longer than their purebred counterparts. Appearance. Your Lab Collie Mix puppy could take the appearance of any of its parents, or a blend of the two. Most Borador puppies will inherit the Lab's happy face, the Collie's dark eyes, and a broad head and neck. Most Boradors will have a sturdy body with strong legs, owing to the working dog origins of both of its parents. Fun Facts. A Border Collie Lab mix is also commonly called a Borador. These lovable dogs combine two of the most popular breeds in the world, particularly in North America. This combination often makes a highly intelligent and energetic dog best suited for active families that can keep up with their exercise needs. The intelligent and loving Borador is the result of mating a Labrador Retriever with a Border Collie. The idea of creating this dog was to mix the intelligen.

Photos de Border Collie croisés Labrador Retriever

Les parents du "Borador", ce chien croisé entre Border- Collie et Labrador. Pour avoir une idée de ce que vous pou­vez attendre du croi­se­ment Pitbull et Border- Collie, il est impor­tant de connaître un mini­mum sur les races d'o­ri­gine (1).Ceci per­met­tra d'é­va­luer leurs carac­té­ris­tiques et ce à quoi vous pou­vez vous attendre avec ce "croi­se­ment". Physical characteristics of the Lab - Border Collie mix. Collie - Lab mix pups get their distinct appearance from both parents. In some cases, one set of genes may be more prominent and the puppies will bear a closer resemblance to a Labrador or a Border Collie. Most will have a mix of characteristics from both parent breeds. A. Approx. $350 - $1000 from a reputable breeder. Always best to adopt rather than buy if you can. Food will cost around $50 per month. The Border Collie Lab Mix dog is a medium-sized, mixed-breed dog that you get when you cross a Border Collie with a Labrador; it is often called a Borador. June 28, 2023. 1. The Lab Collie mix is a hybrid designer dog with a Labrador parent and a Collie parent. The Collie is an active, intelligent herding dog and the Labrador is a smart, cooperative retriever breed. Your Lab Collie mix puppy will be determined, confident, playful and attentive in nature. They thrive in active homes that take part.

Photos de Border Collie croisés Labrador Retriever

Présentation du border Collie croisé Labrador. Le Borador constitue le résultat du croisement entre un Border Collie et un Labrador Retriever, tous de race pure. Voilà pourquoi il est difficile de voir un border Collie croisé labrador ressemblant à un autre parmi des chiots d'une même mère. Il hérite des traits des deux races parentales. Borador. The Borador is an outgoing mixed breed dog that's a combination of the Labrador Retriever and the Border Collie. They're becoming popular amongst active owners looking for an energetic and curious dog that combines the kindly natures of both breeds. The Borador can be a first cross (with one Labrador and one Collie parent) or they.