El_Kala... Algeria Algérie 🇩🇿... ! YouTube

El Kala (Arabic: القالة, Latin Thinisa in Numidia) is a seaport of Algeria, in El Tarf Province, 56 miles (90 km) by rail east of Annaba and 10 miles (16 km) west of the Tunisian frontier.It is the centre of the Algerian and Tunisian coral fisheries and has an extensive industry in the curing of sardines.The harbor is small and exposed to the northeast and west winds. History. The El Kala National Park and Biosphere Reserve was created by decree n° 83-462 of July 23, 1983, and recognized as a biosphere reserve by the UNESCO on 17 December 1990.. From 1994 to 1999, the World Bank financed a project to develop a natural resources management model for the park.. Geography. The park's highest hill is djebel El-Ghorra at 1202 m.

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El Kala (en arabe algérien : القالة, anciennement La Calle et Marsa Al Kharaz) est une commune de la wilaya d'El Tarf en Algérie. Chef-lieu de daïra, elle est située à 20 km au nord-est d'El Tarf et 77 km à l'est d'Annaba.Elle est proche de la frontière algéro-tunisienne (18 kilomètres).. Située dans l'une des zones les plus humides d'Afrique du Nord, elle englobe une partie du. Places to see, ways to wander, and signature experiences. Parc National El Kala. 7. National Parks. Balmoree Arts - Gallery & Studio. 4. Art Galleries. La Cigale Tabarka Golf. 34. UNESCO recognized the El Kala National Park as a biosphere reserve in 1990, as it is home to an extremely unique ecosystem, and since its establishment in 1983, nature conservationists have been working tirelessly to ensure the survival of the fauna and flora of the park. El Kala National Park as become famous for its variety of ecosystems that. The El Kala Biosphere Reserve is the last refuge of the Barbary Red Deer (Cervus elaphus barbarus), and is home to a very remarkable bird life, more than 60 000 migratory birds every winter.While the El Mellah Lagoon has been listed by Ramsar as an internationally important wetland, lakes Tonga and Oubiara are also of international renown due to their support to a vast biodiversity.It is.

La Belle Vue de Plage El Mordjane (ELKALA) 16/08/2013 YouTube

El Kala. El Kala is a seaport of Northeast Algeria, in El Tarf Province, 90 km (56 miles) by rail east of Annaba and 16 km (10 miles) west of the Tunisian frontier. It is the centre of the Algerian and Tunisian coral fisheries and has an extensive industry in the curing of sardines. The harbor is small and exposed to the northeast and west winds. The national park of El Ka la is one of the national parks of Algeria, in the extreme north-east of the country. It is home to several lakes (including Lake Tonga, whose name is unrelated to Tonga) and a unique ecosystem in the Mediterranean basin. It was created in 1983 and recognized as a biosphere reserve by the UNESCO in 1990. Sud-Ouest américain. El Kala : Consultez sur Tripadvisor 47 avis de voyageurs et trouvez des conseils sur les endroits où sortir, manger et dormir à El Kala, El Tarf Province. citation. UNEP-WCMC (2024). Protected Area Profile for El Kala from the World Database on Protected Areas, January 2024. Available at: www.protectedplanet.net

Isla (El KalaArgelia) Plage de Boulif, El Kala (Algerie) Flickr

El Kala El Kala is a seaport of Northeast Algeria, in El Tarf Province, 90 km by rail east of Annaba and 16 km west of the Tunisian frontier. It is the centre of the Algerian and Tunisian coral fisheries and has an extensive industry in the curing of sardines. Algeria : El Kala | أجمل مدينة زرتها في الجزائر القالةAlgeria has many cities worth visiting, in this video discover el kala with me.Algeria's best tourism. Le parc national d'El-Kala (en arabe : الحديقة الوطنية القالة), est un parc national algérien, situé près de la ville d'El Kala dans la wilaya d'El-Tarf, au nord-est de l'Algérie.Créé en 1983, il est bordé au nord par la mer Méditerranée et à l'est par la frontière tunisienne.. Il abrite de nombreux lacs et un écosystème unique dans le bassin méditerranéen. citation. UNEP-WCMC (2023). Protected Area Profile for El Kala from the World Database on Protected Areas, October 2023. Available at: www.protectedplanet.net

EL KALA [North East] SkyscraperCity

Wildfires in Algeria have ravaged one of the country's most treasured nature reserves, officials said. El Kala National Park and Biosphere Reserve was recognised by Unesco in 1990 as a "mosaic of marine, dune, lake and forest ecosystems". A national park since 1983, the mountainous and heavily forested coastal area also features a network. The structure of the El Kala National Park, its aims, zonation scheme for conservation and development, and boundaries, are described. Those ecobiomes and ecosystems which merit the highest classification and protection within the National Park are described and evaluated along with the numerous sites of similar importance outside the Park.