Face Pull Guide Muscle Worked, Benefits, HowTo And Variations Fitness Volt

Face pulls are an excellent exercise for the rear deltoids, trapezius, and upper back muscles. Robert Herbst, a 19-time World Champion powerlifter, personal trainer, and wellness coach says, "They help keep the shoulders squared and back so someone doesn't get the pulled-forward look from doing too much chest and front delt work. The face pull works the upper posterior chain muscles which include rhomboids (Upper back), rear deltoids, trapezius, and even the biceps since it's a pulling movement. The rear deltoids retract and internally rotate the shoulders, while the rhomboids hold the scapula against the thoracic wall.

How To Do Face Pulls Face Pull Step by Step Guide

Written by Mike Dewar Last updated on December 20th, 2023 Expert Verified By: Jake Dickson, CPT-NASM, USAW-L2 How To Face Pull | Variations | Alternatives | Who Should Face Pull | Sets and. Face pulls help strengthen the chronically weak muscles in our upper body that get stretched out all day as we sit in a slumped position at the computer or driving our cars. Face pulls are one of the best corrective exercises to help fix poor posture and shoulder dysfunction. A move that attacks that in one shot is the face pull. Focus on Feeling the Face Pull! The truth is, this is a humbling movement that doesn't take much weight to really feel, especially when you're doing them right. This isn't a movement that you should be stacking the plates on the cable machine with. The face pull is a strength training exercise designed to target and strengthen the muscles in the upper back and shoulders, particularly the posterior deltoids and the rotator cuff, but also the traps and lateral deltoids. The exercise also helps improve posture and stability in the shoulder joints. Benefits of Face Pulls Good shoulder health.

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The following muscles are worked when performing the face pull exercise: deltoids rhomboids trapezius core muscles Was this helpful? Cable face pulls In the gym, you'll see a lot of. Face Pulls How To Perform Them Properly.Sign Up for Our Newsletter: https://www.kagedmuscle.com/pages/join-the-kaged-muscle-newsletterLearn more exercises an. Muscles Worked by Face Pulls. Face Pulls mainly target the rear deltoids, rhomboids and middle trapezius (traps). The rhomboids are worked as you pinch your shoulders together. The exercise also improves the shoulders in general and the rotator cuff muscles such as the infraspinatus. The rotator cuff is an area of weakness for many athletes. Frequently Asked Questions How to Do the Face Pull The face pull is a type of rowing exercise, performed standing in front of an adjustable cable pulley. A successful and efficient face pull shares the workload between your traps and shoulders, while minimizing assistance from your biceps.

How to do a Face Pull with Proper Form, Tips, & Modifications Old School Labs

Keep pulling the rope until your hands are past your ears, but before the rope reaches your face. Squeeze your shoulders for a second or two before you move your hands back to the starting position. Reset your shoulders before you begin the next rep. Complete two to three sets of face pulls with 8 to 15 reps per set. Face Pull: Benefits 1. It may improve shoulder health. When most people think of their shoulder muscles, they think about the deltoids —the large muscles at the top of your arm that cover your shoulder joints.. What many don't realize, though, is that underneath the deltoids is a complex group of muscles and tendons called the "rotator cuff." Face pulls will primarily work the rear head of the deltoids while also working the rotator cuff muscles, elbow flexors and trapezius muscles. Face pulls are a compound upper body movement primarily involving a horizontal pulling motion with the use of a cable machine. Face pulls are a horizontal pulling movement that works your back and shoulder muscles, specifically the muscles that face pulls work are: Your rear delts. Your rhomboids. Your infraspinatus and teres minor/major (External rotators) Your lower traps.


Face pulls target your rear deltoids (shoulder muscles), rhomboids (upper back muscles), and trapezius (neck and shoulder muscles). They also work your biceps, triceps, and abdominal muscles. The face pull is an effective exercise for building muscle mass in the upper body while improving posture. What muscles does the face pull work? For the most part, face pulls work your lateral and posterior deltoids, which are the sides and backs of your shoulders. This move also strengthens the muscles of your upper back. Should you go heavy on face pulls? Usually, the muscles on the back of your shoulders are small and under-trained, Head says.