Le féroce d'avocat Découvrez la Martinique, ses Incontournables et organisez votre séjour

Feroce d'avocat is a specialty from the French West Indies that is based on salt cod, avocado and cassava. It is also called Antillais guacamole. Cod, grilled or poached, is incorporated into a mixture of avocado, chives, parsley and garlic and all of this is spiced up with Caribbean hot pepper, also called habanero. Voilà un met typiquement de saison qui permet de consommer l'avocat autrement : le féroce d'avocat. En effet, imaginez quand l'avocatier de votre jardin est chargé comme tout, vous avez beau en donner aux voisins, en consommer nature, en consommer en vinaigrette, qu'il vous en reste toujours.

Féroce d'Avocat Recette Traditionnelle Antillaise 196 flavors

Known as féwòs (Creole), or féroce, (French), or féroce d'avocat, these green goodies are essentially the French Caribbean answer to guacamole. These balls, however, are 180-degrees from your typical tortilla dip. The big difference is readily apparent in the name, féwòs or féroce, both of which translate to "fierce" in English. Féroce d'avocat is a traditional French West Indian specialty that's popular in Martinique and Guyana. It's made with a combination of avocado, cassava flour, garlic, chili peppers, lime juice, salt cod, and spinach leaves. The cod is boiled, and its flesh is then mixed with the other ingredients until the mixture becomes homogeneous. The Féroce d'avocat is one of Martinique's flagship appetizers. The Féroce name (meaning fierce in French) comes from the presence of chili in the recipe. Originally, it was the field workers who prepared it as a breakfast during the avocado season (May-September) before going to work. Feroce d avocat with smoked herring Féroce d'avocat with smoked herring. The féroce d'avocat is one of Martinique's flagship entrances. The féroce name (meaning fierce in French) comes from the presence of chili in the recipe. Originally, it was the field workers who prepared it as a breakfast during the avocado season (May-September) before.

FÉROCE D'AVOCAT Recette Feroce d avocat, Alimentation, Farine de manioc

Stage 1 Soak the cod in water for "desalination". Change water several times to remove the maximum possible salt. Stage 2 Meanwhile, pit avocados and mash in a bowl. Add cassava flour while mixing, until a fairly stiff paste. Stage 3 Crumble the cod thinly (if you opted for the compact cod) and add to the mixture. Stage 4 Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper and add a few pieces of chopped. Slice the avocados in half and scoop out the flesh. Mash the flesh with a fork and season with salt and pepper. Squeeze the juice out of the limes and add it to the avocado along with a tablespoon of olive oil. Mince the coriander and the chives and add them to the mixture. Add a few drops of Tabasco and the minced sweet chili pepper (this. Try Feroce d'Avocat, a traditional dish from Martinique that's sure to tantalize your taste buds! This rich and flavorful dish features creamy avocado mashed with manioc flour, tangy lime juice, and spicy habanero chile, all mixed with succulent crab meat, garlic, shallots, and green onions. The result is a thick paste that's perfect for. Féroce, also referred to as féroce d'avocat ( English: " fierce avocado "), [1] [2] is prepared using mashed avocados, cassava, olive oil and lime juice, with salt cod, garlic, chili peppers, hot sauce and seasonings blended in. [3] [4] It is a spicy dish that can also be used as a spread on various foods. [2] [3] Other seafood such as crab.

Le féroce d'avocat des Antilles Recette par Sweet Kwisine

Le féroce d'avocat est l'une des entrées phares de la Martinique. Le nom féroce vient de la présence du piment dans la recette. A l'origine ce sont les travailleurs des champs qui la préparaient comme petit-déjeuner lors de la saison des avocats (mai-septembre) avant de se rendre au travail. Préparation : 15 min Cuisson : 30 min Ingrédients (pour 4 pers.): 250 g de morue séchée 3 avocats mûrs à point (450 à 500 g au total) Le jus d'1 citron vert 100 g de farine de manioc (ou 50 g de fécule de pomme de terre) 1 cive ou 1 oignon « pays » 1 à 2 piments (piment antillais frais) Poivre du moulin 1 h Type de plat Plat principal Cuisine antillaise Portions 8 personnes Ingrédients 1 gros avocat de Martinique ou 4 petits 200 g de farine de manioc 100 g de chiquetaille de morue 1 citron vert Le féroce d'avocat est une spécialité antillaise à base de morue salée, d'avocat "pays" et de manioc. La morue, dessalée et grillée ou pochée, est incorporée à un mélange d'avocat, de cives (oignons pays), de persil et d'ail, le tout relevé au piment antillais, appelé également habanero. Recettes similaires Accras de Morue Guacamole Bacalhau à Bras

Feroce d'Avocat Recipe from French Antilles 196 flavors

Soak codfish in cool water to cover for 3-4 hours. drain, rinse under cool water. pat dry. place under a broiler and broil till brown, turning to cook on both sides. cold, then… Féroce d'avocats 5 /5 2 notes Donnez votre avis Facile 20 min 12 min Moyen Sauvegarder Voir la photo Ingrédients personnes 300 g Morue 2 Avocats 4 Oignons nouveaux 200 g Farine de manioc 1 Citron vert 2 gousses Ail 1 Piment rouge 5 cuil. à soupe Huile Sel Poivre Étapes de préparation