FlatCoated Retriever Dog Breed Information The Dogman

The Flat-Coated Retriever is a sweet, exuberant, lively dog that loves to play and retrieve. They are on the go outdoors, but quiet indoors. This breed is among the most devoted and companionable of dogs, a true family dog. They need regular exercise to be on their best behavior, however. They are a sensitive breed and very responsive to training. The Flat-Coated Retriever's eponymous flat-lying coat comes in lustrous black or liver, with feathering at the legs and tail. A distinctive breed hallmark is the long head'¿unique among.

FlatCoated Retriever Complete Guide, Info, Pictures, Care & More! Pet Keen

Les éleveurs de race Flat Coated Retriever en France. Flat Coated Retriever. Des Anges De Brière. 56130 Marzan. Élevage familiale de Flat coated retriever . Chiots Dispo. Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes. France. 8 éleveurs . Bourgogne-Franche-Comte. France. 2 éleveurs . Bretagne. France. 1 éleveur . Centre-Val de Loire. A Flat Coated Retriever retains his youthfully good-humored outlook on life into old age, which sounds delightful but which does require patience and control to manage. Obedience training is a must to instill calmness and good manners. Fortunately, he is responsive and biddable, though not as "push-button" as a Golden Retriever. L'Élevage de Flat Coat Retriever du Roc de Tougne. Cet élevage professionnel et familial est situé en plein coeur de la Savoie, à Feissons-sur-Salins, "le balcon des 3 Vallées". Le Flat Coated Retriever. Un chien 100% Gentil. Un chien de compagnie, de chasse, de sauvetage (en mer, en montagne.), 100% gentil.. The Flat-Coated Retriever is a cheerful and intelligent breed known for its exuberant nature and glossy black or liver-colored coat.

FlatCoated Retriever Dog Breed Information and Characteristics Daily Paws

History of the Flat-Coated Retriever . The flat-coated retriever can trace its origin to the mid-1800s in England. The St. John's water dog, a predecessor to the Labrador retriever that was imported to England from Newfoundland, is a component of the breed, along with various setter dog breeds.Collie breeds also are in the mix, which might have contributed to the breed's high intelligence. The Flat-Coated Retriever was originally known as the "Wavy-Coated Retriever." However, since their wavy coat was eventually lost through selective breeding, their name was later changed. Temperament and Personality Traits. The Flat-Coated Retriever is an amiable, playful, and energetic breed. They are highly intelligent and very easy to train. Ears. Flat-Coated Retriever ears are somewhat small. They have thick hair, called feathering, and lie along the side of the dog's head. 2. Eyes. Flat-Coated Retriever eyes are medium-sized, shaped like almonds and usually dark brown or hazel. 3. Nose. This breed has a large nose with generously sized nostrils. The Flat-Coated Retriever is a versatile family companion hunting retriever with a happy and active demeanor, intelligent expression, and clean lines. The Flat-Coat has been traditionally described as showing "power without lumber and raciness without weediness.". The distinctive and most important features of the Flat-Coat are the.

Flatcoated retriever Dog breed characteristics & care

The flat-coated retriever is a lean, elegant-looking dog with an intelligent and kind expression. Their heads are graceful, carried by moderately long, muscled, and slightly arched necks. Flat. The Flat-Coated Retriever breed standard calls for males to be 23-25 in (58-64 cm) tall at the withers, with a recommended weight of 60-80 lb (27-36 kg), [1] and for females to be 22-24 in (56-61 cm), with a recommended weight of 55-75 lb (25-34 kg). [1] [2] The Flat-Coated Retriever has strong muscular jaws and a relatively. Size and Weight. Flat-Coated Retrievers are a large-sized dog breed. Males and females both typically weigh between 60 and 70 inches. Males are slightly taller with a height between 23 and 24.5 inches compared to a female's height of 22 to 23.5 inches. Three-month-old puppies generally weigh between 21 and 29 pounds. Découvrez le Flat-Coated Retriever : chiot, prix, élevage, caractère, taille, poids origines, santé. Le Flat-Coated Retriever ressemble beaucoup à son ancêtre le Terre-Neuve… mais dans un format réduit et surtout « aminci ». C'est un chien vif et actif de taille moyenne, avec une structure puissante mais non lourde, un aspect.

FlatCoated Retriever Dog Breed Information The Dogman

Flat-coated retrievers are wonderful family dogs. They are loving toward children, friendly to everyone and extremely sociable. They live to be with their family, and they thrive on attention and affection. Temperamentally, the flat-coated retriever may seem forever young. While this youthful exuberance is often endearing, it can pose. Situé dans l'Orne, en Normandie, notre élevage vous propose 3 races que nous sélectionnons avec soin depuis 10 ans : l'Épagneul Breton, le Flat Coated Retriever et le Golden Retriever. Nos reproducteurs sont L.O.F. dépistés pour les examens de santé recommandés par les Clubs de races, participent à des expositions de beauté ainsi qu.