La domotique libre et hybride entre Home Assistant et Jeedom

How should I proceed? Should I get rid of Jeedom and reuse hardware to get to what I need? Thanks in advance, Jose KipK March 29, 2022, 3:32pm 2 You can achieve almost everything you want with Jeedom so don't get rid of it yet. To communicate between Jeedom & HASS, you have 4 easy ways: Jeedom can push all it's data to one url in Json format. October 10, 2023 Jeedom vs Home Assistant: Analyzing Features, Benefits, and More The world of smart home automation is vast, with numerous platforms offering unique features and benefits. Among the top contenders in this domain are Jeedom and Home Assistant.

Home Assistant vs Jeedom

Third party integrations JMSrulez (Jm S rulez) November 1, 2023, 2:16pm 1 I was looking for something about calling Jeedom from HA. My Jeedom control all my Zwave automation. No single topic about it in these forum pages… Jeedom is capable to be call with API or simple URL… Hedda (Hedda) July 19, 2023, 10:41am 1 Has anyone tested this "Dusun DSGW-210-HA" SBC-appliance for running Home Assistant or HAOS? 24 février 2021 Aurélien Brunet 11 min de lecture En tant que blogueur domotique, j'ai au domo-lab beaucoup de box domotiques. Ces box ont toutes leurs avantages et inconvénients. Nous avions vu, il y a quelques temps comment baser son installation sur une hybridation domotique entre Jeedom et Eedomus. Deux systèmes français et à la pointe. Hichiro (Jordan Mariavelle) February 4, 2023, 10:16pm 1 Dear members of the Home Assistant community, I am currently a user of Jeedom on a Jeedom Atlas but I am becoming increasingly unsatisfied with its use due to many obsolete plugins and a lack of plugins dedicated for belgian services.

Comparatif Jeedom vs Home Assistant Quel est le meilleur

While I managed to achieve everything I wanted to with Jeedom, I would like to give HA a try for my full automation system. I'm gathering as much info as I. Dear community, I am new to HA with several years using Jeedom.. Home Assistant Community Migrating from Jeedom to HA. Installation. Zoltun August 23, 2023, 10:01am 1. Jeedom Innovative Home Automation The Jeedom software is open source; you have complete access to the software that manages your home automation. This is a guarantee of transparency, but also longevity of the software and your system. Jeedom is compatible with various protocols such as, ZigBee, Z-Wave, EnOcean, KNX, LoRaWAN, BACnet, Modbus, etc. Port a jeedom script to HA. Configuration. Coroebus (Nicolas) February 18, 2021, 3:17pm #1. Hello, I'm a bit brand new to Home Assistant but at the moment I can do pretty much what I want: slight_smile: But I would need a little help porting a Jeedom script to Home Assistant. This is a script that allows you to manage a Maico VMC: recover. Home Assistant allows you to get on top of your energy use with its home energy management feature. Gain new insights, optimize your solar panel production, plan energy usage and save money. Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first. Powered by a worldwide community of tinkerers and DIY enthusiasts.

Home Assistant vs Jeedom

5:21 pm Aucun commentaire En cette belle journée du 02 juillet 2023, je m'installe devant mon écran pour vous faire part de ma passion pour la domotique. L'objectif ? Vous éclairer sur deux outils puissants que j'ai eu l'opportunité de tester intensivement : Jeedom et Home Assistant. For the start of the school year Home-Assistant and Jeedom unveil two new boxes, the Home-Assistant Amber vs Jeedom Atlas. Amazing when you know that they both went out a few days apart. The difference lies in the fact that the Amber box is in presale on the platform. crowdsupply who close the 27 October 2021, with an official release for June 2022 while Jeedom Atlas is already available for. With Specialized Software and/or Hardware (Jeedom, Home Assistant, Fibaro Home Center) Some of us tend to choose directly specialized systems, that have been built for home automation specifically. I consider this as a more specific approach. Because you have to read docs, and do more stuff manually. But these softwares are often open source. J'utilise Jeedom depuis 2015 soit environ 6 ans. Jeedom proposait un système novateur sans équivalent à ma connaissance dans le monde : le faire de regrouper plusieurs technologies domotiques simplement et de façon accessible (que ce soit techniquement ou du côté du portefeuille).

Choix d'une solution domotique Home Assistant ou Jeedom

The Theengs Bridge supports both local or cloud operation, is compatible with about 90 devices, and works with MQTT-compatible platforms such as Home Assistant and OpenHAB.If you don't want to use the default OpenMQTTGateway firmware, you can always modify it (see source code) or use another firmware by flashing it through the USB-C port.A user guide provides instructions to get started as. Jeedom et Home Assistant sont deux plateformes de domotique open-source populaires qui permettent de contrôler et d'automatiser les appareils connectés à la maison. Jeedom est basé sur un système de plugins, ce qui signifie que les utilisateurs peuvent ajouter des fonctionnalités supplémentaires à la plateforme.