Product characteristics JACKODUR® Plus 300 Standard: Excellent compressive strength: 300 kPa Outstanding lambda value with low installation height: λ D = 0.027 W/ (m·K) Shiplap and smooth, extrusion-compressed surface Insulation thicknesses from 50 mm to 400 mm Good dimensional stability, moisture resistance, and rot resistance Benefits JACKODUR® Plus 300 Gefiniert GL: 25 % greater insulation efficiency at comparable insulation thicknesses Excellent adhesive characteristics thanks to textured surface Secure single-layer installation up to 200 mm Time and cost-saving installation Ideal application JACKODUR® Plus 300 Gefiniert GL: Cast in concrete formwork
XPS Dämmplatte Jackodur PLUS 300 Standard SF 60 mm kaufen bei OBI
JACKODUR® Plus 300 Standard SF. The XPS insulation board with maximum insulation value and minimum installation height. JACKODUR® Plus 300 Gefiniert GL. The XPS insulation board with excellent insulation performance and maximum adhesion. JACKODUR® KF 300 Standard SF. Product characteristics JACKODUR® Plus 300 Standard: - Excellent compressive strength: 300 kPa - Outstanding lambda value with low installation height: λD = 0.027 W/ (m·K) - Shiplap and smooth, extrusion-compressed surface - Insulation thicknesses from 50 mm to 320 mm - Good dimensional stability, moisture resistance, and rot resistance Benefi. JACKODUR® KF 300 Standard SF provides high-quality, climate-friendly thermal insulation made of extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) with high compressive strength. The product is ideally suited for sustainable thermal insulation. Product characteristics JACKODUR® KF 300 Standard SF: Excellent compressive strength 300 kPa Product characteristics JACKODUR® Plus 300 Gefiniert GL: - High compressive strength 300 kPa - Outstanding lambda value with low installation height: λD = 0.027 W/ (m·K) - Textured ("gefiniert") surface with square edges - Insulation thicknesses from 50 mm to 200 mm - Good dimensional stability, moisture resistance, and rot resistance Benefits.
JACKODUR® Plus 300 gef NL Alert Isolatie
Technical data JACKODUR® Plus 300 Gefiniert Find important information for your planning at Approvals and certificates Processing instructions Safety data sheet JACKODUR® Plus provides all of the proven properties of XPS thermal insulation: the material has good compressive strength, is dimensionally stable, does not react to moisture, and is rot-resistant. Plus 300 Standard Extremely high insulation properties allowing extremely low installation heights. The high-performance insulation material JACKODUR® Plus is made of extruded polystyrene foam (XPS). It features outstanding insulation characteristics with λD = 0.027 W/(m•K), thereby promoting sustainable and energy-eficient building design. JACKODUR Plus 300 FT FTR 1 / 2 Pages Catalog excerpts 300 FT/FTR Fine tolerance, with grooved or ungrooved surface When extruded polystyrene is used in industrial applications, the XPS material is subject to high technical specifications. JACKODUR fine tolerance boards satisfy these requirements and can be used in a variety of applications. Produkteigenschaften JACKODUR® Plus 300 Standard: besonders druckfest 300 kPa mit λ D = 0,027 W/ (m·K) bester Lambdawert bei geringer Aufbauhöhe Stufenfalz und glatte, extrusionsverdichtete Oberfläche Dämmstoffdicken von 50 mm bis 400 mm maßstabil, feuchtigkeitsunempfindlich, verrottungsfest
JACKODUR® Plus 300 Gefiniert GL Panneau isolant XPS
Compressive strength 300 kPa Format 1265 x 615 mm, covering area 1250 x 600 mm = 0.75 m2 High-performance insulation with superb insulating properties λ D = 0.027 W/(m·K) Boards with 15 mm shiplap all around for insulating perimeters, flat roofs, beneath screed, etc. JACKODUR® Plus 300 Gefiniert GL λ D 0,027 W/(m·K) Jackodur Plus 300 standard SF is an extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) insulation board. The ideal solution for building projects specifying outstanding insulation performance with minimal installation height. Jackodur's plus 300 achieves outstanding compressive strength at 300 kPa, not to forget the excellent lambda value of 0.027 WmK.
Plus 300 Gefiniert Extremely high insulation properties with excellent surface adhesion for secure insulation. The high-performance insulation JACKODUR® Plus made of extruded polystyrene foam (XPS) according to EN 13164. With the insulation value of λD = 0.027 W/(m•K), JACKODUR® efectively promotes energy savings in buildings. JACKODUR® Plus 300 Standard SF La solution idéale pour une isolation optimale. JACKODUR® Plus en mousse rigide de polystyrène extrudé (XPS) convient idéalement pour toutes les applications du bâtiment requérant un excellent pouvoir isolant mais une faible épaisseur, notamment pour les constructions à forte efficacité énergétique.
JACKODUR® KF 300 Standard SF JACKON Insulation
Future Homes ready! JACKODUR ® JACKODUR® is a premium range of extruded polystyrene insulation. These insulation boards are engineered to provide superior thermal performance, which is essential for ensuring energy efficiency and cost savings in residential and commercial buildings. Producteigenschappen JACKODUR® Plus 300 Standard: Bijzonder hoge druksterkte 300 kPa. Met λ D = 0,027 W/ (m·K) beste lambdawaarde bij geringe isolatiedikte. Sponning en rechte kanten, extrusieverdicht oppervlak. Isolatiediktes van 50 mm tot 400 mm.