Jean Galmot, aventurier de Alain Maline (1990), synopsis, casting, diffusions tv, photos, videos

Director Alain Maline Writers Santiago Amigorena Alain Maline François Migeat Stars Christophe Malavoy Roger Hanin Désirée Nosbusch See production info at IMDbPro Add to Watchlist Photos Add photo Top cast Edit Christophe Malavoy Jean Galmot Roger Hanin Georges Picard, le gouverneur Désirée Nosbusch Marianne Galmot (as Désirée Nosbusch-Becker) Overview Evocation of the life of the journalist Jean Galmot, adventurer, who established himself as a gold digger in Guyana in 1906. Madly in love with this country, he will die for having wanted to give dignity and freedom to the Guyanese people. Alain Maline Director, Screenplay Daniel Saint-Hamont Screenplay Anne Théron Screenplay

Jean Galmot, aventurier

Set in 1926, a French writer and gold prospector recalls his life as an entrepreneur and humanitarian in French Guiana. . producer Music by Romano Musumarra Cinematography by Walther van den Ende Editing by Hugues Darmois Production Design by Christian Marti Costume Design by Yvonne Sassinot de Nesle Production Management Second Unit Director or Assistant Director Françoise Ebrard. assistant director Art Department Sound Department Stunts Jean-Louis Airola. Jean Galmot, journalist who became a businessman and deputy in Guyana in the 1910s. Portrait of this defender of the Guyanese people, died in mysterious conditions after supporting the exploits of colonialism on the benches of the Assembly. Synopsis Jean Galmot, Adventurer. Movies and programs to discover (15) 1802, l'épopée guadeloupéenne (2006) La Route des Abolitions (2011) Via Macao (1966) The Tin Duck (1966) An Orchid for the Tiger / Our Agent Tiger (1965) Code Name : Tiger (1964) Association of Wrongdoers (1987) Day of Atonement (1992) Tug of Love (1984)

Jean Galmot, aventurier de Alain Maline (1990), synopsis, casting, diffusions tv, photos, videos

Jean Galmot, aventurier 1990 Directed by Alain Maline Evocation of the life of the journalist Jean Galmot, adventurer, who established himself as a gold digger in Guyana in 1906. Madly in love with this country, he will die for having wanted to give dignity and freedom to the Guyanese people. Cast Crew Details Genres Releases Jean Galmot, Adventurer is a film directed by Alain Maline with Christophe Malavoy, Roger Hanin, Désirée Nosbusch, Jean-Michel Martial.. Year: 1990. Original title: Jean Galmot, aventurier. Synopsis: Based on the true story of adventurer Jean Galmot, who at the beginning of this century went to the French colony of Guyana in South America to prospect for gold and became one of the most. Jean Galmot, aventurier Details Full Cast and Crew Release Dates Official Sites Film Movie Reviews Jean Galmot, aventurier — 1990. Jean Galmot, aventurier. 1990. 2h 15m. Biography/Drama/History.

Jean Galmot, aventurier bande annonce du film, séances, streaming, sortie, avis

Movies Jean Galmot, aventurier (1990) Error: Forbidden About Jean Galmot, aventurier Evocation of the life of the journalist Jean Galmot, adventurer, who established himself as a gold digger in Guyana in 1906. Madly in love with this country, he will die for having wanted to give dignity and freedom to the Guyanese people. Adventure movie directed by Alain Maline. With Christophe Malavoy, Roger Hanin and Désirée Nosbusch. Alain Maline's Jean Galmot aventurier (1990) provides an interesting example of a work of cinematography created in a post-colonial era about a colonial one, and of the possible tensions inherent. Find trailers, reviews, synopsis, awards and cast information for Jean Galmot, Aventurier (1990) - Alain Maline on AllMovie. Into this recipe for disaster appears a liberty-loving Frenchman named Jean Galmont. Not only is he helped by Guinean locals to get his feet on the ground, but he returns the favor by being almost mulishly color-blind..

Jean Galmot, aventurier

All about Movie: directors and actors, reviews and ratings, trailers, stills, backstage. Christophe Malavoy, Roger Hanin, Désirée Nosbusch, Jean-Miche. Select the department you want to search in.