Due to ability of shungite to influence the electro-magnetic waves, the question arises: can shungite affect the vital devices for a human being in a negative way, for example, if a person has a pacemaker, will shungite disturb its work or not? Shungite is a rare black stone made of up to 99 percent carbon. It's mainly found in Shunga, a village in Karelia, Russia. The stone has a unique composition. It contains fullerenes, or 3-D. Terminology The term "shungite" has evolved substantially since was originally used in 1879 to describe a black substance with more than 98% carbon found in veins near its type locality of Shunga. More recently the term has also been used to describe a wide variety of rocks containing similar carbon layers, leading to some confusion. Shungite is a carbon-rich metallic black stone often used in complementary or alternative medicine. While many people consider shungite a healing crystal, it is technically a mineraloid. This.
Shungite roulee • Heliodora
La pierre "miracle": la Shungite : ARNAQUE ET DANGER La fameuse shungite. Une pierre qui se vend depuis quelques années comme étant « la pierre miracle ». Il y a plusieurs livres que j'ai vu passé, sur tous ses multiples bienfaits (voire si une telle pierre existe!). J'ai fait quelques recherches. La shungite est souvent utilisée pour purifier l'eau en éliminant les bactéries, les métaux lourds et autres impuretés. Cependant, certains spécialistes affirment que la pierre pourrait également relâcher des particules nocives dans l'eau, notamment du radon, un gaz radioactif.
Due to ability of shungite to influence the electro-magnetic waves, the question arises: can shungite affect the vital devices for a human being in a negative way, for example, if a person has a pacemaker, will shungite disturb its work or not? Shungite is a rare black stone made of up to 99 percent carbon. It's mainly found in Shunga, a village in Karelia, Russia. The stone has a unique composition. It contains fullerenes, or 3-D. Terminology The term "shungite" has evolved substantially since was originally used in 1879 to describe a black substance with more than 98% carbon found in veins near its type locality of Shunga. More recently the term has also been used to describe a wide variety of rocks containing similar carbon layers, leading to some confusion. Shungite is a carbon-rich metallic black stone often used in complementary or alternative medicine. While many people consider shungite a healing crystal, it is technically a mineraloid. This.
Due to ability of shungite to influence the electro-magnetic waves, the question arises: can shungite affect the vital devices for a human being in a negative way, for example, if a person has a pacemaker, will shungite disturb its work or not? Shungite is a rare black stone made of up to 99 percent carbon. It's mainly found in Shunga, a village in Karelia, Russia. The stone has a unique composition. It contains fullerenes, or 3-D. Terminology The term "shungite" has evolved substantially since was originally used in 1879 to describe a black substance with more than 98% carbon found in veins near its type locality of Shunga. More recently the term has also been used to describe a wide variety of rocks containing similar carbon layers, leading to some confusion. Shungite is a carbon-rich metallic black stone often used in complementary or alternative medicine. While many people consider shungite a healing crystal, it is technically a mineraloid. This.