Il a été construit en millehuit cent six.

Mille-six-cents En euros : Mille six cents euros Nombres similaires à 1600 : 1601 en lettres 1602 en lettres 1599 en lettres 1598 en lettres 1610 en lettres 1590 en lettres 1700 en lettres 1500 en lettres. Rappel des règles pour l'écriture du nombre 1600  L'écriture des nombres a été simplifiée par l'Académie Française en 1990.. How to count in French - Forming and expressing numbers On this page: 1. General points 2. Numbers 0 - 100 3. Numbers 101 - 999 4. Numbers 1000 - 1,000,000 5. Numbers above a million 6. General points : plurals, hyphens, separators 1. Cardinal numbers - les chiffres et les nombres

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1 - un 2 - deux 3 - trois 4 - quatre 5 - cinq 6 - six 7 - sept 8 - huit 9 - neuf 10 - dix After the first ten, let's get to know the numbers 11 to 20. In English, the numbers 13 yo 19 have the suffix "teen. The French for this is the prefix dix-. However, instead of adding dix- to 13 to 19, this prefix is only added starting at 17. mille six cent translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'millet, mile, maille, millier', examples, definition, conjugation Translation of "mille six cent" in English thousand six hundred thousand and six hundred thousand, six hundred Réponse: Quatre mille six cent huit. Answer: Four thousand six hundred eight. Six mille six cent soixante-treize mille. cinq cent quatre-vingt-deux. Six thousand six hundred and seventy-three thousand, five hundred and eighty-two. This guide to counting in French will help you get over the numbers hump and on to the stuff that you probably really want to learn. How to Count Numbers in French Let's start by looking at how to count basic numbers in French starting with 0. zéro - 0 un - 1 deux - 2 trois - 3 quatre - 4 cinq - 5 six - 6 sept - 7 huit - 8 neuf - 9 dix - 10

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French for "One": Un or Une French Numbers 1-100: How to Count to 100 in French What's the Word in French for 100? French Numbers 1-1000: How to Count to 1000 in French French Numbers from 1 Thousand to 1 Million Billions and Trillions in French French Numbers Pronunciation When Six, Huit or Dix Is the Last Word in the sentence Beyond 999, numbers use mille to indicate thousands in the same way that numbers use cent to indicate hundreds, except that mille is invariant and never takes an -s. For 1 million to 999 million, use million (e.g. 1,200,570: un million deux cent mille cinq cent soixante-dix ). French Vocabulary French Grammar All French Numbers Pronunciation Guide & Audio Recordings & Quiz By Camille Chevalier-Karfis Updated: Apr 3, 2023 Learn how to count in French from 0 to one billion + fun French number quiz. Learn the right French numbers pronunciation and gain speed and reflexes. Some numbers take plural endings. The word cent becomes plural only with exact multiples of 100 greater than 100. For example, deux-cents, trois-cents, quatre-cents and others are written with an s at the end, but not, for example, deux-cent-un. The word mille is invariable; it never takes s.

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101 Cent un (san tun) 102 Cent deux (san deuh) 103 Cent trois (san twa) 200 Deux Cents (deuh sant) 573 Cinq Cents Soixante-Treize 829 Huit Cents Vingt-Neuf The word "Cent" takes an "s" when it is plural, a.k.a more than one-hundred. 1000 Mille (meel) 1250 Mille Deux Cents Cinquante (OR) Douze Cents Cinquante 2012 Deux Mille Douze. Chapter 9 - Counting in French. First of all, you may have noticed that numbers higher than 999 are written with dots (or spaces) and not with commas. In French 1,123,241 is written 1.123.241 or 1 123 241 . 1.000 is written mille. It is invariable. 101 - cent un 601 - six cent un. Be careful with the following numbers. Their form can be tricky for English speakers. 71 - soixante et onze 72 - soixante-douze. 1 000 - mille 3 000 - trois mille. Millions (les millions) have both a singular and a plural form. Examples: 1 000 000 - un million 2 000 000 - deux million s. * quatre cents * quatre cent vingt et un Mille is always invariable * trois mille * dix mille deux un is invariable in number but not in gender: * cinquante et une pages Millier, million and millard are noun and not adjective. They agree: * quatre cents millions * deux cent mille * deux cents milliers Mille can be written mil but only in a date.

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1 - UN 2 - DEUX 3 - TROIS 4 - QUATRE 5 - CINQ 6 - SIX 7 - SEPT 8 - HUIT 9 - NEUF So far, so good! Let's continue with 2-digit numbers: 10 - DIX 11 - ONZE 12 - DOUZE 13 - TREIZE 14 - QUATORZE 15 - QUINZE 688 six cent quatre vingt huit. LEARN FRENCH FOR FREE. French Numbers in the 1,000s.. 5,578 mille cinq cent soixante dix huit. 6,000 six mille. LEARN FRENCH FOR FREE. Numbers in the Ten Thousands and Above. 10,000 dix mille. 100,000 cent mille. 500,000 cinq cent mille. 1,000,000 un million.