PLANITOP 400, technisches Datenblatt Mapei

Planitop 400 is a one-component mortar based on special high strength hydraulic binders, with selected fine particle size charges, and specific additives developed according to a formula devised in MAPEI Research & Development laboratories. Benefits High bonding on concrete Planitop 400 is a one-component mortar based on special high strength hydraulic binders, with selected fine particle size charges, and specific additives developed according to a formula devised in MAPEI Research & Development laboratories. Benefits High bonding on concrete Aspect similar to cement coating Good resistance to abrasion


TECHNICAL DATA: Maximum dimension of aggregate: 0.5 mm. Mixing ratio: 100 parts of PLANITOP 400 with 15-16 parts of water. Pot life of mix: approximately 10 minutes (at +20°C). Minimum applicable thickness: 1 mm. Maximum applicable thickness: 4 cm per layer. Classification: EN 1504-3 - class R3 structural mortar. Storage: 12 months. PLANITOP 400 Quick-setting, controlled-shrinkage thixotropic mortar for repairing the surface of concrete, may be applied in various thicknesses from 1 to 40 mm in a single layer. Related documentation Technical data sheet Download Safety Data Sheet Download CE Declaration of Performance Download EPD Download Last Projects PLANITOP 400 Quick-setting, controlled-shrinkage thixotropic mortar for repairing the surface of concrete, may be applied in various thicknesses from 1 to 40 mm in a single layer. TECHNICAL DATA: Maximum dimension of aggregate: 0.5 mm. Mixing ratio: 100 parts of PLANITOP 400 with 15-16 parts of water. Pot life of mix: approximately 10 minutes (at +20°C).
Minimum applicable thickness: 1 mm.
Maximum. Mapei - adhesives, sealants, chemical products for building


Planitop 400 Model EPD "Modified mineral mortars, group 1" (Declaration number EPD-DBC-20220217-IBF1-EN) Mapei S.p.A. Mapei declares that the product Planitop 400 meets the criteria of the attached Model EPD "Modified mineral mortars, group 1" (Declaration number EPD-DBC-20220217-IBF1-EN) 07. March 2022 Guide de voiles Utilisé en phase de coffrage des voiles, cette innovation a pour vocation à simplifier, sécuriser et faire économiser du temps aux chefs de chantiers et leurs équipes. Destiné aux murs alignés, périphériques et intérieurs, le guide de voiles est un système 3 en 1 ! En savoir plus Découvrir le reste des actualités Planitop 400 Model EPD "Modified mineral mortars, group 1" (Declaration number EPD-FEI-20160017-IBG1-EN) Planitop 400 Mapei S.p.A. Giorgio Squinzi Amministratore Unico Mapei declares that the product Planitop 400 meets the criteria of the attached Model EPD "Modified mineral mortars, group 1" (Declaration number EPD-FEI-20160017-IBG1-EN) Le mortier Planitop 400 F de Mapei est destiné à la rénovation et au ragréage superficiel d'ouvrages en béton. Également dédié aux travaux de finition et de protection des bétons, il peut être utilisé sur des surfaces horizontales ou verticales. Mortier de classe R3, Planitop 400 F permet de réparer les corniches, allèges et.

PLANITOP 400 MAPEI Portal Budowlany UK Budowlancy w Londynie i UK

Planitop X has a working time of 5 to 6 minutes at 73°F (23°C). Per 50 lbs. (22,7 kg) of Planitop X 1. Into a clean container, pour 3 U.S. qts. (2,84 L) of cool, clean potable water. Add 50 lbs. (22,7 kg) of Planitop X to the water slowly and continuously, while mixing with an electric drill and box- or propeller-type mixing paddle. Planitop 400 can be subjected to loads 4-5 hours after its application. Because of its very fine graded aggregate and high content of synthetic resins, Planitop 400 can be applied by trowel. Once Planitop 400 has hardened completely, it has the following characteristics: • strong adhesion to concrete; • good resistance to wear; Planitop 400 is a pre-packed powder that consists of special hydraulic binders, selected fine graded aggregate and special additives. Planitop 400 is prepared by mixing one 25 kg bag with 3.75-4 l of clean water and must be applied within 10 minutes with a trowel or float on a sound clean substrate that has been previously saturated with water. use Planitop 400 as render Nivoplan). • Do not use Planitop 400 for precision anchoring (use Mapefill). • Do not apply Planitop 400 on dry or dirty surfaces. • Do not apply Planitop 400 on even surfaces. Treat the substrate beforehand in order to have irregularities not less than 5 mm. • Do not leave bags of Planitop 400 exposed to the.


Planitop 400 F est un mortier monocomposant à base de liants hydrauliques spéciaux, de charges de granulométrie ne sélectionnée, d'adjuvants spéci ques mis au point selon une formule développée dans les laboratoires de Recherche & Développement MAPEI. Planitop 400 F gâché avec de l'eau, donne un mortier qui se travaille facilement. Planitop 400F est un mortier de réparation fin thixotrope, à base de liants hydrauliques spéciaux, de charges de granulométrie fine, à retrait compensé, à prise rapide et à forte réduction de.