Nom Original: リクドウ Nom (s) Alternatif (s): 리쿠도, 陆道, Path of Riku, Riku-Do - La rage aux poings, Rikudo Type: Manga Statut: Terminé Date Sortie: 2012 Démographique: Seinen Japscan.me est Le site pour lire le scan Rikudou 1 VF en ligne rapidement. partagez notre site avec vos amis.

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Riku-do Bookmark Pour se venger des coups qu'il a reçus, Riku boxe le corps de son père qui vient de se pendre. Il est alors retrouvé par un ancien boxeur devenu yakuza, Kyôsuke Tokorozawa. Souhaitant vivre chez sa mère, il découvre avec horreur qu'elle partage l'existence d'un dealer aussi brutal que sadique. 2012 Statut Complété commentaire Lire le premier Lire le dernier Synopsis Durant toute sa vie, Riku n'a fait qu'expérimenté souffrance et tragédie. Après la mort de son père, il fit la rencontre d'un ancien Boxer devenu Yakuza qui lui enseigna comment frapper. Description : Riku experienced a lot of pain and tragedy in his early life. After his father's death, a former-boxer Yakuza man taught him how to do a basic punch, and that punch saved his life when he had to defend himself from his mom's drug dealer. He ended up taking the drug dealer's life, marking him as a killer. Summary. Riku's early years were marked by a great deal of suffering and tragedy. After his father passed away, a Yakuza boxer taught him how to throw a punch, and when he had to defend himself against his mom's drug dealer, that punch saved his life. He ultimately killed the drug dealer, establishing himself as a murderer.

Rikudo Plot Twist No Fansub

Action Drama Seinen Sports Riku experienced a lot of pain and tragedy in his early life. After his father's death, a former-boxer yakuza man taught him how to do a basic punch, and that punch saved his life when he had to defend himself from his mom's drug dealer. He ended up taking the drug dealer's life, marking him as a killer. Riku experienced a lot of pain and tragedy in his early life. After his father's death, a former-boxer Yakuza man taught him how to do a basic punch, and that punch saved his life when he had to defend himself from his mom's drug dealer. He ended up taking the drug dealer's life, marking him as a killer. Criminals continued to come after him, leading to more tragedy for the people who. Description: In his youth, Riku had a lot of pain and tragedy. However, he began to take care of himself after his father died. The Yakuza taught him the most powerful basic punch that would save his life when attacked by his mother's drug dealer. He killed a drug dealer, calling him a murderer. Je passe ici afin de vous présenter le scan manga de Rikudou. C'est une bonne série scantradée par nos collègues la MnS. La team recrute et pour avancer plus rapidement dans ses projets, elle a besoin de traducteurs, checkeurs, cleaneurs et éditeurs. Si vous êtes motivés et intéressés, n'hésitez pas ! Voici pour vous le synopsis.

Épinglé sur Rikudo

Rikudou; Rikudo; Riku-Do, La rage aux poings; リクドウ; Path of Riku. Start Reading Read Now. Bookmark. Manga 332 7.76 MAL by 6,117 users . After his abusive father committed suicide, Riku Azami was taken in by his mother. Sadly, she was with a violent yakuza member who put Riku in a risky. Titre VO : リクドウ Titre traduit : Rikudo Dessin: MATSUBARA Toshimitsu Scénario : MATSUBARA Toshimitsu Traducteur : DELAGE Arnaud Editeur VF : Kaze Manga Collection : Seinen Type : Seinen Genre :. Rikudo Rikudo Riku-Do - La rage aux poings , Rikudou Fiche Technique Auteur/Artiste Catégorie Genres Année Éditeur original Statut Toshimitsu Matsubara Manga Seinen Action - Arts martiaux - Drame - Mature - Sports - Tragédie 2014 Shueisha Désactivé du site (licenciée) Acheter sur Amazon Synopsis You must be over 18 years of age and accept our general terms of use to continue reading. By clicking on "YES, I AM OVER 18 YEARS OF AGE", you certify that you.


Read Rikudou - Chapter 1 - Riku's early years were marked by a great deal of suffering and tragedy. After his father passed away, a Yakuza boxer taught him how to throw a punch, and when he had to defend himself against his mom's drug dealer, that punch saved his life. He ultimately killed the drug dealer, establishing himself as a… Rikudou (リクドウ, Rikudō) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by MATSUBARA Toshimitsu. Contents 1 Plot 2 History 3 Manga Guide 3.1 Volumes 3.2 Chapters not yet in tankōbon format 4 Weekly Young Jump Covers Plot Riku experienced a lot of pain and tragedy in his early life.