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The Chiss were a near-human sentient species that possessed blue skin, red eyes, and dark blue hair. They hailed from the planet Csilla. The Chiss were notable for the nature and structure of their families, and how Chiss families dominated many aspects of Chiss society. The Chiss Ascendancy was the governing body of the Chiss. Their domain was located in the Unknown Regions. They had little. The Chiss were a tall, blue-skinned Near-Human civilization from the planet Csilla in the Unknown Regions, best known to most Humans as the people to which Grand Admiral Thrawn belonged. Due to the remote position of their home territory in the Chiss Ascendancy, they remained largely an enigma to the rest of the galaxy, and contact with outsiders was limited even in the days of the Galactic.

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Mitth'raw'nuruodo, the Chiss Ascendancy's most famous export. Ever since Timothy Zahn introduced Grand Admiral Thrawn and his mysterious people in Heir to the Empire, the Chiss have remained. This category is for members of the Chiss species. X-Wing/TIE Fighter; Dark Forces/Jedi Knight; Knights of the Old Republic; Battlefront The Chiss were a species of blue-skinned, blue-haired, red-eyed humanoids native to the Planet Csilla in the mysterious Unknown Regions of the Star Wars Galaxy. Beyond their obvious alien features. Ar'alani, born as Irizi'ar'alani and also known by her core name Ziara, was a Chiss female admiral who served in the Expansionary Defense Fleet of the Chiss Ascendancy nation during the Clone Wars and the reign of the Galactic Empire. A Chiss with blue skin and striking red eyes, Ar'alani was known as a brilliant tactician and a devoted officer within the Expansionary Defense Fleet. She was.

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September 29, 2020 at 1:15 am. Ever since Timothy Zahn introduced Grand Admiral Thrawn and his mysterious people in Heir to the Empire, the Chiss have remained one of Star Wars ' most. Summary. Grand Admiral Thrawn, a powerful character in Star Wars, has returned from exile and may reconnect with his roots in the Unknown Regions with the Chiss potentially becoming the next major threat to the galaxy. Thrawn's people are the isolationist Chiss Ascendancy and have strict policies of non-intervention, only attacking when provoked. It's time for Star Wars to finally reveal the truth about the Chiss. In 1991, Timothy Zahn's Thrawn Trilogy essentially launched the Expanded Universe. Zahn introduced readers to the post-Return of the Jedi galaxy, and introduced a dangerous new enemy for the New Republic to fight.Grand Admiral Thrawn was the one alien to rise through the ranks of the Empire, a ruthless strategist loosely. Chiss families differed from family units of other sentient species in several notable regards. The government of the Chiss Ascendancy was an oligarchy based on Nine Ruling Families, with the Chiss Syndicure and Aristocra composed of high officials from the Ruling Families and lesser but still influential Great Families. As with much of Chiss society, Chiss families were highly hierarchical.

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This isolationism makes it difficult to form conclusive statements about the Chiss. - Star Wars The New Essential Guide to Alien Species. Many of the galaxy's perceptions of the Chiss and how they behave is initially based on the personality of Grand Admiral Thrawn. As the years pass, it becomes increasingly obvious that all Chiss are. The Chiss Expansionary Defense Force (CEDF), alternatively referred to as the Chiss Expeditionary Defense Force, Chiss Expeditionary Defense Fleet, Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet, or simply Chiss Defense Force, was the primary military force of the Chiss Ascendancy. Founded by the ancient syndic Jer'Jo Cam'Co after the initial discovery of several resource-rich worlds during the Chiss' early. May 11, 2023 by Saber Sourcing. Chiss Jedi are extremely rare in Star Wars. Chiss, the blue-skinned humanoid species of the legendary tactician Grand Admiral Thrawn, originate from the planet Csilla. They feature blue-black hair and glowing red eyes. According to Star Wars Canon, Force-sensitivity among Chiss is very rare, limited in scope, and. When viewing the events of Star Wars through Thrawn's perspective, the Chiss are downright reasonable. Unlike more one-dimensional villains, like Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid), who is only interested.

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September 2, 2020. Chaos Rising is the first book in Timothy Zahn's new Thrawn Ascendancy trilogy, and it's off to a good start for Thrawn fans. In this adventure, readers get a deeper look in the Chiss Ascendancy, their politics, how their military works, their allies and enemies, and another peek into Thrawn's past. Thrawn believes a threat is coming to the prime Star Wars galaxy. The Chiss were aware of the Republic and their civil war, and while trying to investigate them, Thrawn offered Anakin his.