Tour BoislePrêtre by Druot, Lacaton & Vassal (253AR) — Atlas of Places Beautiful places to

Tour Bois-le-Prêtre is one of the seven category winners of the Designs of the Year Awards, alongside a folding wheel and a medicine kit that can travel to developing countries in between. La Tour Bois le Prêtre est un ensemble d'immeubles de logements de grande hauteur (50m), construit dans les années 60, en bordure du périphérique du nord parisien. Il comprend 96 appartements du niveau 1 au niveau 16, soit 32-6 pièces, 28-3 pièces, 36-2 pièces. La démolition avait été envisagée, puis abandonnée pour un projet de transformation.

Tour BoislePretre Forum Archinect

La tour Bois-le-Prêtre est un immeuble de grande hauteur parisien situé 6, rue Pierre-Rebière et 5-9, boulevard du Bois-le-Prêtre, dans le 17e arrondissement de Paris, porte Pouchet dominant le cimetière des Batignolles, en limite des communes de Clichy et Saint-Ouen. Transformation of Tour Boise-le-Pretre; List View Grid View. Transformation of Tour Bois-le-Prêtre 2006-11 Paris, France Frédéric Druot, Anne Lacaton, and Jean Philippe Vassal. Overview; Architect;. Lacaton and Vassal teamed up with Druot for the transformation of Tour Bois-le-Prêtre. The tower, built in 1961, was renovated once. 48°53'56.4"N 2°19'14.3"E Location: Paris France Type: , Housing, Renovation Client: Paris Habitat (OPAC) Surface: 8'900 m² existing + 3'560 m² extension (+35,6 m² added per apartment) Photography: Hisao Suzuki - Philippe Ruault - Daniel Rousselot Posted: December 2017 Category: Architecture Source By Michael Kimmelman March 27, 2012 PARIS — Hard by the noisy highway, overlooking a cemetery and a former garbage dump, La Tour Bois-le-Prêtre glimmers on a spring morning. Sheathed in a.

VILLE HYBRIDE© Tour bois le prêtre à Paris avantaprès

Tour Bois-le-Prêtre, Paris, France (Model after transformation). 2008. Acrylic, styrene and acrylic paint. 20 7/8 x 18 1/2 x 11 13/16" (53 x 47 x 30 cm). Gift of The Contemporary Arts Council of The Museum of Modern Art. 157.2012.2.. At Bois-le-Prêtre, formerly a banal modernist housing slab, a new glass shell of balconies completely. For a moment you feel as if you yourself live in a 134-square meter apartment on the 14th-floor of the Tour Bois le Prêtre, with a view of Paris, a winter garden and a balcony, all for 700 euros rent. Transformation of 100 Units, Tour Bois le Prêtre, Social Housing (with Frédéric Druot), photo courtesy of Philippe Ruault. On a grander scale, Lacaton and Vassal, alongside Frédéric Druot, transformed La Tour Bois le Prêtre (Paris, France 2011), a 17-story, 96-unit city housing project originally built in the early 1960s. The architects. Tour Bois-le-Prêtre: 60's Parisian Social Housing Tower Renovated into Gleaming Efficient Apartment Complex Architecture Design Architecture 12/28/2011 under Architecture by Andrew Michler.

Tour BoislePrêtre renovation by Frédéric Druot and Lacaton & Vassal Architecture, Balcony

Tour Bois-le-Prêtre started out in the late '50s as a block, The 17-story building was conceived as a low-cost social housing block - one of many that popped up throughout Europe at the time. 6/16 Tour-le-pretre, Paris. 7/16 Tour-le-pretre, Paris. 8/16. 9/16 The original poky fenestration is replaced by floor-to-ceiling glazing. Winter gardens can be colonised as tenants choose and the 2m wide space also forms an environmental and acoustic buffer zone. At the Tour Bois-le-Prêtre, extra space was partly achieved through the. Working with Frédéric Druot, they completely transformed the 1960s Tour Bois le Prêtre in Paris in 2011, extending the floors of the tower block by three metres on all sides and wrapping the. This award was worth €100,000 and recognised "Lacaton & Vassal's long-standing work on daylighting." The transformation of Tour Bois le Prêtre, wasn't the only social housing building that they wanted to renovate. Together with Drout, they set up a social housing initiative called 'Plus'.

Restructuration et extension de la Tour Bois le Prêtre, Paris

Boils-le-Prêtre Tower Transformation, Paris. Built in the 1960s by Raymond López, the Bois-le-Prêtre Tower is part of a group of high-rise apartments rising by the north ringroad of Paris. Their radical transformation is set forth as an alternative to the demolition-reconstruction policy initiated by the French government in 2003, and. Tour Bois le Prêtre, the 2010 renovation and extension of a 1960s social housing tower, designed in collaboration with current residents. PLUS Paris , a 2004 study of 1,648 sites in Paris with the potential to add 135,000 new housing units without demolition or resident relocation.