Genially, the platform for interactive animated content. Unlock your genius. Design interactive content. Engage your audience with beautifully clickable, gamified and media-rich experiences - made in moments. The foolproof guide. Just landed on planet Genially and ready to get started? Follow these simple steps and within a few minutes you'll be creating content you'd never have dreamed of. Learn how to use Genially and create interactive animated content in minutes! Follow these simple steps to get started.
introduccion a genially
Did you know you can download your geniallys to view or present them offline The best way to view and enjoy your geniallys is online from the social link. Templates that'll make it easy for you. To finish your video presentation in record time, use Genially's templates. They're designed by professionals with predefined animations. Just edit the content to your liking. premium. Art video. premium. Problem and solution video. Butterflies video. This is Genially's official channel. Here you can find multimedia content: tutoriales, tips, integration with other tools, inspiring examples and fun content that will take your breath away. Make some space in your agenda to join this useful and highly recommended recorded workshop. You'll learn what can be done in Genially and how the platform w.
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It's super easy; just follow these steps: 1. Click on Pages in the left sidebar of the Editor. 2. Now double click on the title box of the page you want to name and write the new name. In addition, assigning a title to a page makes it easier to view the page views information that you can obtain in the analytics section in Genially. How to view your inserted genially . Now that you have inserted the code to display your inserted genially in the base genially, follow these steps to enable the display: 1. Download the base genially and the inserted genially using the View offline option. 2. Unzip the .zip files downloaded in step 1. Two new folders will be created on your. Utilize the incredible presentation templates or insert content directly into a brand new genially. You can add interactive spots where videos or text can be added. Access this content by clicking on it or hover over it. Animate text or add awesome transitions. Genially changes the whole "presentation game". Share a genially on Social Media. Use other options: Google Classroom. Your Microsoft Teams workspace. There are lots of ways to use Genially, but, without a doubt, the best way to get the most out of it is by sharing your geniallys online so that your audience can enjoy all the interactivity and animation. IMPROVE TUTORIAL.
Maestra de Primaria. 'The Genially Academy is the best way to learn and make the most of this powerful tool. It couldn't be easier; you choose the course you want and in a short time you fill your tool box up with resources and tricks. Learning to surprise, that's the idea.'. The Bottom Line. Billed as a tool for making interactive content, Genially is mostly just another presentation app—but an interesting one. MSRP $9.90. $9.90 Per Month at Genially. PCMag editors.
10. Reusable template: a combo of tricks and features. The genially you see below is the result of a variety of nifty tricks. We've made it reusable as a template so that you can make use of it too. As you can see, all you need is one genially to organize tutorials, appointments, and mentoring sessions with your clients. Download a genially. Modified on: Mon, 28 Nov, 2022 at 2:55 PM. In Genially, you can download your creations in five different formats: Interactive PDF. Images (JPG) View offline (HTML) Video (MP4) SCORM package (Version 1.2) Downloading is a Premium feature, and the formats in which you can download your geniallys vary depending on the plan. Top Marketing Channels. The top traffic source to is Direct traffic, driving 49.10% of desktop visits last month, and Referrals is the 2nd with 26.29% of traffic. The most underutilized channel is Paid Search. Drill down into the main traffic drivers in each channel below. Utilisez Genially, l'outil en ligne le plus complet pour créer des contenus interactifs et animés. Rendez tout ce que vous créez halluciant.