Izland legfontosabb helye Almannagjá a Þingvellir Nemzeti Parkban I Love Iceland Blog

No single place epitomizes the history of Iceland and the Icelandic nation better than Þingvellir by the river Öxará. At Þingvellir - literally "Assembly Plains" - the Alþing general assembly was established around 930 and continued to convene there until 1798. Þingvellir (Thingvellir) is the National Park where the Althing, an open-air assembly representing the whole of Iceland, was established in 930 and continued to meet until 1798. Over two weeks a year, the assembly set laws - seen as a covenant between free men - and settled disputes. The Althing has deep historical and symbolic associations.

FileCañón Silfra, Parque Nacional de Þingvellir, Suðurland, Islandia, 20140816, DD 055.JPG

Address. 806 Selfoss, Iceland. Phone +354 488 1800. Web Visit website. Thingvellir National Park—written as Þingvellir in Icelandic—is probably what you're envisioning when you think of the various landscapes Iceland has to offer, even if you've never been to the country. Crystal clear lakes, continental plates, underwater caverns, and. Going snorkeling or scuba diving in the Silfra Fissure is one of the most popular things to do in Thingvellir National Park. It's definitely something that is perfect for the more adventurous travelers. The Silfra Fissure was created around 1789 after a massive earthquake along the tectonic plates. This makes Þingvellir the original site of the world's longest running, still ongoing parliament. Because of its history, Þingvellir became a National Park in 1930, a millennium after the Alþingi's establishment. In 2004, it was accepted as part of the UNESCO World Heritage List. The annual meetings at Þingvellir were very ad hoc, with. A Þingvellir Nemzeti Park egyike Izland négy nemzeti parkjának (a Jökulsárgljúfur Nemzeti Park, a Skaftafell Nemzeti Park és a Snæfellsnes Nemzeti Park mellett), 2004-óta a Világörökség része.A nemzeti parkot 1930-ban alapították, egyrészt mert itt van az izlandi nép számára legfontosabb történelmi emlékhelye, másrészt mivel tektonikailag ez a Föld egyik.

Thingvellir National Park The Complete Guide

The Thingvellir area is praised as the national shrine of Iceland due to its great historical and geological significance. Iceland's first national park was established there in 1928, and it has now been recognized for its outstanding universal value and listed as a UNESCO world heritage site. Þingvellir (Icelandic: [ˈθiŋkˌvɛtlɪr̥] ⓘ, anglicised as Thingvellir) was the site of the Alþing, the annual parliament of Iceland from the year 930 until the last session held at Þingvellir in 1798. Since 1881, the parliament has been located within Alþingishúsið in Reykjavík.. Þingvellir is now a national park in the municipality of Bláskógabyggð in southwestern Iceland. Þingvellir landscape. Þingvellir National Park (pronounced Thingvetlir) is a world-heritage national park in South Iceland.The park is home to the world's longest-running Parliament, which was established in 930 AD. It has a dramatic landscape formed as a result of sitting along the border between the North American and European tectonic plates. In the last few decades, research has made it clear that Þingvellir is a natural wonder on a international scale, with the geologic history and the biosystem of Lake Þingvallavatn forming a unique entity, a magnificent showcase.

Visszavonhatják a Thingvellir Nemzeti Park UNESCO státuszát Helló Izland

Þingvellir National Park. Þingvellir National Park is a world-heritage national park in South Iceland. The park is home to the world's longest-running Parliament, which was established in 930 AD. Overview. Map. A Þingvellir Nemzeti Park egyike Izland négy nemzeti parkjának , 2004-óta a Világörökség része. A nemzeti parkot 1930-ban alapították, egyrészt mert itt van az izlandi nép számára legfontosabb történelmi emlékhelye, másrészt mivel tektonikailag ez a Föld egyik legérdekesebb része. A Þingvellir Nemzeti Park egyike Izland négy nemzeti parkjának (Jökulsárgljúfur Nemzeti Park, Skaftafell Nemzeti Park, Snæfellsnes Nemzeti Park), de az egyetlen helyszín az országban, ami a Világörökség része. A nemzeti parkot 1930-ban alapították, egyrészt mert az izlandi nép számára történelmi szempontból ez a. Á undanförnum áratugum hafa rannsóknir leitt í ljós að Þingvellir eru náttúruundur á heimsvísu þar sem jarðsagan og vistkerfi Þingvallavatns mynda einstaka heild.Það eru gríðarleg verðmæti og náttúruundur að geta fylgst með þróun og myndum nýrra tegunda á einum stað eins og í Þingvallavatni.

What to See in Thingvellir National Park Hurtigruten Expeditions

Az egyik látványosság az Izlandon áthaladó Észak-Amerika - Eurázsia törésvonal. A kőzetlemezek évente 1,5-2 cm-t távolodnak egymástól. Thingvellir Nemzeti Park (Izland) Kevés hely van a világon, amely egyszerre büszkélkedhet történelmi és természeti értelemben is a "kivételesség" státuszával. Az izlandi Thingvellir Nemzeti Park azonban ilyen hely. Ez volt a helyszíne a földkerekség első parlamentjének, és itt válik ketté és távolodik egymástól az.