Aino Nykopp-Koski (born November 1950) is a Finnish serial killer. She worked as a nurse and was found guilty of killing five patients and the attempted murder of five more. No motive was established for the murders. [2] Crimes Between 2004 and 2009 Nykopp-Koski worked at a range of hospitals, care homes and patients' homes. Ann Maria Gyllgren [1] (ent. Ann-Maria Myllgren [2], ent. Aino Nykopp-Koski [2], ent. Aino Nykopp [3], s. marraskuu 1950 Rantsila [4] [3]) on suomalainen sarjamurhaaja, joka työskennellessään perushoitajana murhasi viisi potilastaan ja yritti murhata useita muita potilaitaan vuosina 2004-2009.
Aino NykoppKoski Photos Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers
Aino Nykopp-Koski was convicted of five murders and five attempted murders committed between 2004 and 2009. The victims included her colleague and elderly patients in facilities where she worked as a practical nurse. Nykopp-Koski has consistently denied all charges brought against her. Wednesday, December 22, 2010 1 min to read Finnish nurse Aino Nykopp-Koski (L) sits in Helsinki District Court on Nov.26, 2010. The nurse was sentenced to life in prison on Dec. 22, 2010 for. In what is an unusual trial in Finland, convicted serial killer Aino Nykopp-Koski on Monday asked the Helsinki Court of Appeals to strike down her sentence on five counts of murder and five of attempted murder. This is the largest murder case in modern Finnish history. Open image viewer Former nurse, Aino Nykopp-Koski, maintains her innocence despite being found guilty of murder, attempted murder, aggravated assault, theft and multiple drug offences. THE Supreme Court has dismissed the leave to appeal by a Helsinki enrolled nurse, sentenced to imprisonment by the District Court of Helsinki for the poisoning of a number of.
Aino NykoppKoski är Finlands värsta seriemördare
Aino Nykopp-Koski was convicted of five murders and five attempted murders committed between 2004 and 2009. The victims included her colleague and elderly patients in facilities where she worked as a practical nurse. Nykopp-Koski has consistently denied all charges brought against her. While in prison, she married a man 20 years her junior. The Helsinki District Court found Aino Nykopp-Koski guilty of five murders, five attempted murders, three aggravated assaults, three thefts and possessing illegal drugs. The murders happened in. Aino Nykopp-Koski is a Finnish serial killer. She worked as a nurse and was found guilty of killing five patients and the attempted murder of five more. No motive was established for the murders.[2] Aino Nykopp-Koski is a Finnish serial killer. Aino Nykopp-Koski, 60, killed the patients, aged between 70 and 91, with drugs they had not been prescribed, including sedatives and opiates. The murders took place at various hospitals, care homes and patients' homes between 2004 and 2009, the Helsinki court heard. Media reported that the court had not been able to determine any motive for.
8 Famous Nordic Serial Killers You Should Know About
Method: Drowning In the late 1880s and early 1900s, a practice called "baby farming" was common. Due to the stigma of having children out of wedlock, unwed mothers would sometimes pay for someone to care for their children covertly. Hilda Nilsson was a baby farmer at this time, but actually murdered the infants she was supposed to care for. A Finnish nurse was on Wednesday sentenced to life in prison for murdering five elderly patients and attempting to murder five more, in an apparently motiveless killing spree. Aino Nykopp-Koski.
Päivitetty 07.06.2017 - 16:15 Perushoitaja Aino Nykopp tuomittiin joulun alla 2010 elinkautiseen vankeuteen viidestä murhasta ja viidestä murhayrityksestä. Kyseessä oli Suomen rikoshistorian laajin sarjamurhajuttu. Tuomion jälkeen vankilassa haastateltu perushoitaja aikoi valittaa tuomiosta hovioikeuteen. 00:24:01 - Scandinavian Crimes (w/ Devante & Delila)An in-home nurse, Aino Nykopp-Koski killed five patients in Finland for no apparent reason in the early…
Finland's first female serial killer The poisoning nurse Aino NykoppKoski TRUE CRIME FINLAND
Kotimaa Myrkkymurhaaja Aino Nykopp pysyy vankilassa - riski uusiin rikoksiin olemassa Myrkyllä vanhuksia sarjamurhannut ja elinkautiseen tuomittu hoitaja on viettänyt jo pari vuotta avolaitoksessa. Myrkkymurhaaja Aino Nykopp Helsingin hovioikeudessa marraskuussa 2011. PASI LIESIMAA/IL Risto Kunnas torstai 15.12.2022 klo 10:45 A web of suspicious deaths starts untangling itself when an elderly woman is rushed to the hospital in critical condition.Here is the link to the interview A.