Anton Franciscus Pieck (19 April 1895 - 24 November 1987) was a Dutch painter, artist and graphic artist. His works are noted for their nostalgic or fairy tale -like character and are widely popular, appearing regularly on cards and calendars. [1] He is also known for being the first designer of the famous Dutch theme park Efteling. [1] [2] 19 April, Efteling theme park in the South of Holland will reopen the revamped Anton Pieck Square as a tribute to its founder, Anton Pieck. Efteling designers are still inspired by the nostalgic, romantic philosophy with which the drawing master laid the foundations for the Efteling theme park in 1952.
de rode schoentjes/ anton pieck/ efteling Artiesten, Sprookjes, Anton
Anton Pieck is best known in the Netherlands for his romantic illustrations and as the creative force behind one of Europe's leading theme parks: the Dutch fairy theme park De Efteling, a kind of Disneyland. However, he was, in fact, a very versatile artist, judging from his drawings, illustrations, oil paintings and graphic work. Anton Pieck was a Dutch artist and designer best known for his fairy-tale-like works. He designed the popular Dutch theme park De Efteling. Pieck studied at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts as well as the Bik en Vaandrager institute. Pieck later became an art teacher from 1912 to 1920 in The Hague as well as at the Kennemer Lyceum in Overveen. Tot 1974 bleef Anton Pieck betrokken bij de Efteling. Hij noemde het zelf 'het dierbaarste avontuur in mijn leven'. Naast meer dan 1500 ontwerpen laat Anton Pieck de Efteling een bijzondere erfenis na. Zo ontwierp hij niet alleen sprookjes, maar ook zijn eigen plein, winkeltjes, lettertypes, bordjes en decoraties. Personen. Anton Franciscus Pieck (Den Helder, 19 april 1895 - Overveen, 24 november 1987) was een Nederlands illustrator, prentkunstenaar en graficus. Anton Pieck is eind 1951 door cineast Peter Reijnders betrokken bij het tot stand komen van het Sprookjesbos. Hij heeft een tiental sprookjes ontworpen voor de opening in 1952 en maakte daarna.
Anton Pieck, de kunstenaar van de nostalgie MAX Vandaag
'Anton Pieckplein' - Efteling Anton Pieckplein Efteling's most authentic place Glide along in authentic carousels In an old Dutch town square, different carousels are turning next to each other. Enjoy the old-fashioned fun of the attractions and tasty treats available at a selection of several restaurants and food dispensers. The Anton Pieck Carousel, (created nearby 1900 by Arie Brunselaar) designed by Anton Pieck, it ended up in the Efteling in 1955;; The Vermolen Carousel, originally bought by the Vermolen Brothers from the Giezen family (oldest carousel in the Netherlands (created in 1865), it ended up in the Efteling in the late 1980s);; The Butterfly Carousel (Dutch: Vlindermolen), originally the Giesen. For children and adults who have kept the child in their hearts, Anton Pieck designed the fairypark "De Efteling".. Anton Pieck designed the fairypark "De Efteling". Find some examples of his work below. Anton Pieck. Vilvoordelaan 122; 1930 Zaventem; 02/721.18.55;
[email protected]; Opening hours. From 1952 to 1974, Pieck was responsible for designing almost everything for fairy tale park Efteling in Kaatsheuvel, now one of the major theme parks in Europe.His work for the Efteling has been of huge importance for the future of the park, since almost all later designers used his graphic characteristics in their designs (such as materials, c.
Anton Pieck Plein at Efteling Theme Park Archive
Op 19 april vieren we de 125ste geboortedag van tekenaar Anton Pieck met een unieke documentaire over zijn leven. Oud creatief directeur van de Efteling en o. Anton Pieck is vanaf het ontstaan van De Efteling tot aan 1974, wanneer Peter Reijnders overlijdt, als hoofdontwerper aan het park verbonden. Het Efteling-archief bevat maar liefst 1500 getekende en ingekleurde ontwerpen van zijn zijn hand. Pieck wordt opgevolgd door Ton van de Ven, die al lange tijd met Pieck samenwerkt en door hem is 'opgeleid'.
Efteling officially opened on May 31, 1952, [5] when the Fairy Tale Forest ( het Sprookjesbos ), designed by the famous Dutch illustrator Anton Pieck, was opened to the public. Anton Pieck created the style that still inspires Efteling today. In the museum you can find original artwork, films and information about his life and the work he did for Efteling. Last but not least the bike carousel is back. This carrousel lived in the Efteling years ago and this spring and summer it is back on the square.
'Anton Pieckplein' Efteling
Efteling turns 40 years old in 1992, and celebrates with an exhibition and a display about Anton Pieck. The Efteling Hotel is also officially opened. During the summer the park offers the Summer Ice Show: an temporary ice rink of 358 square yards. The park receives the Applause Award. To add more books, click here . Anton Pieck has 39 books on Goodreads with 1310 ratings. Anton Pieck's most popular book is Gone with the Wind.