ArduinoControlled RGB LED Infinity Mirror

Smart Mirror Magic Mirror Feb 1, 2022 • 8872 views • 0 respects lights embedded home automation Components and supplies 1 Led strip adapter 1 Arduino Nano R3 1 Relay Module (Generic) 1 Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic) 1 Jumper wires (generic) 1 LED Strip, 5 m Tools and machines 1 Hot glue gun (generic) 1 Soldering iron (generic) A "Smart Mirror" is a two-way mirror with a display behind it that is typically used to display useful information like the time and date, the weather, your calendar, and all sorts of other things! People use them for all kinds of purposes. You'll see them placed in the bathroom, in the kitchen, as a vanity, all over the place!

Interactive Smart Mirror SparkFun Learn

Step #1: Write Down The Features You Want Possible Features & Capabilities Think about the features you want in your smart mirror and what you have to work with. For most people doing this on a tight budget, touch capability is typically not recommended. WAYS OF CONTROL Keyboard & Mouse Touch Screen Facial Recognition/Camera Alexa Voice Control Interactive Smart Mirror Interactive Smart Mirror Contributors: Shawn Hymel Favorite 24 Introduction In a recent episode of The Fellowship of the Things, we constructed a smart mirror that displays weather data discreetly in the lower right corner. How to build a Smart Mirror Josh Robertson · Follow Published in codeburst · 6 min read · Dec 29, 2017 5 This magic mirrors dashboard is written in ReasonReact. Here is the code: Materials needed: Double sided mirror ( mine) Monitor (pref HDMI support) 2 x 4's to build the main case The Smart Mirror Result Wrapping Up In this article, I am going to explain how to install the smart mirror software and all the used modules, and how to build the mirror. Requirements Raspberry Pi 4 (or a model 3B will also work) SDCard LCD Display from a notebook Display controller HDMI cable Brass Standoff spacers M2.5 or M3 Super Glue

Interactive Smart Mirror SparkFun Learn

The Magic Mirror can read the weather, tell you how your stocks did, can be wired to your doorbell with an IP camera video feed, turns lights & appliances on and off using X-10 control, and even has a Breathalyzer that tells you when you've had too much to drink. The Magic Mirror plays pre-recorded animations based on input from various sensors. 0:00 / 7:01 Smart Mirror | Magic Mirror | Smart Touchless mirror | Arduino Smart Mirror Electronics is Fun 4.41K subscribers 3.6K views 1 year ago #smartmirror #magicmirror Hey. Arduino How to Build an Infinity Mirror With Controllable LEDs December 12, 2019 by Seth Schaffer Fork Project Learn how you can build an infinity mirror complete with an Arduino-controlled LED show for around $100! Project Infinity mirrors are fantastic wall decorations and Maker statement pieces. In this video we build a DIY smart mirror using a raspberry pi, a two way mirror, led tv screen, and Magic Mirror. We started our smart mirror with just a tv.

Smart Mirror Diy Arduino DIYS Urban Decor

In this video we take a second shot at building a smart mirror using a raspberry pi, old monitor, and the Magic Mirror software. Our previous smart mirror bu. Arduino Uno Jumper wires Light dependent resistor LCD Trimmer DS18B20 (temperature sensor) Level shifter Led strip (3 pin) CCS811 screen Materials 2 way mirror Wood Nails Paint Tools Drilling machine Sand paper Saw Ask Question Step 1: Create the Mirror I started making the mirror. So I can see how much space I have to put my electronics in. An Arduino/sensor controlled Magic Mirror with characters that speak the weather, Stock and Bitcoin performance, Tweets along with novelty Breathalyzer, Photobooth, and X-10 control functions Project info Difficulty: Moderate Platforms: Arduino , Seeed Studio Estimated time: 2 days Smart Mirror using the concept of IoT Read A Smart Mirror may be a two-way mirror with an inbuilt display behind the glass. The device was to look like a regular mirror but would have a screen inside and you would be able to interact with it using voice commands, hand gestures and smartphone.

DIY smart mirror powered by an Android TV box, Arduino and possibly a raspberry pi YouTube

Smart Mirror. Magic Mirror. Feb 1, 2022 • 4258 views • 0 respects. lights. embedded. home automation. Components and supplies. 1. Led strip adapter. 1. Arduino Nano R3. 1. Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic) 1. LED Strip, 5 m. 1. Jumper wires (generic) 1. Relay Module (Generic) Tools and machines. 1. Hot glue gun (generic) 1. Soldering. The smart mirror, which has already been recognized with a 2024 CES Innovation Award in the smart home category, combines AI and natural language processing (NLP) to analyze the sentiment of.