Tourist map of Azores wanderlust

Updated on 09/09/21 Fact checked by Jillian Dara TripSavvy / Grace Kim The Azores Islands are a fascinating island archipelago belonging to Portugal. A stepping stone for Americans who don't like long flights, the islands lie in the Atlantic, under five hours flying time from the East Coast of the U.S. and two hours flying time to Lisbon . Set in the middle of the Atlantic, halfway between the United States and continental Portugal, the nine major Azores islands - São Miguel, Santa Maria, Terceira, Graciosa, São Jorge, Pico, Faial, Flores and Corvo - are a love affair waiting to happen.

Tourist map of Azores wanderlust

The Azores are composed of nine islands and are often differentiated by their geographic location; the eastern islands (São Miguel and Santa Maria), western islands (Flores and Corvo) and central. Latitude: 37° 44′ North Longitude: 25° 40′ West If you're trying to figure out where exactly the Azores are, here are some distances from the major cities that fly to the Azores: Lisbon, mainland Portugal: 1449km, 900 miles London, England: 2517km, 1564 miles Boston, USA: 3861km, 2399 miles Oakland, California, USA: 8063km, 5010 miles Interactive travel and tourist map of Azores: click on icons and writings on the map to open web links. This archipelago with unique volcanic lagoons is the perfect location for travelers who like tranquility, nature, and walking on the wonderful hiking trails. Population: 245.800 Area: 2.333 Official Language: Portuguese Currency: €uro The Azores are a group of 9 pristine islands that attracts visitors from all over the world. Our Azores trip brought us to spectacular geysers, imposing caves, and breathtakingly beautiful lakes. Here we describe our day-by-day Azores islands itinerary. So definitely keep reading this Azores travel blog post.

Azores Large Color Map

Explore In every trail discovered, every dive conquered and every new flavour embraced. It's through nature that we care for what is most natural, right in the heart of the Atlantic. 9 naturally surprising islands, with hotels and restaurants in complete harmony with the environment. The no. 1 archipelago in sustainability awaits you. The Azores, an autonomous Portuguese archipelago that's in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, is known for its breathtaking volcanic landscapes that feel almost prehistoric at times. Most. Best time to go How to get there More Located deep in the Atlantic, roughly between Boston and Lisbon, the Azores is a stunning off-the-beaten-path destination. Sometimes awkwardly dubbed 'the Hawaii of Europe' or 'Iceland without the ice', in truth, the nine islands of this archipelago are unlike anywhere else. The Azores. Portugal, Europe. This remote archipelago simply abounds with adventures; it is, in fact, the Hawaii of the mid-Atlantic. It has world-class whale watching, sailing, diving, hiking and canyoning; excellent surfing and other watersports; rich opportunities for on horseback, on bikes or, for the daredevils, by paraglider.

Azores Islands Map and Travel Guide

The Azores are an autonomous region of Portugal. The islands largely adhere to the same cultural norms as mainland Portugal: Portuguese is the primary language and the currency is the euro. 10 Best Things To Do in The Azores Updated May 13, 2021 The Azores' location, landscape and wildlife are so incredibly unique that you'd be doing yourself an injustice if you didn't spend all. Wikipedia Photo: Guillaume Baviere, CC BY 2.0. Photo: Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 4.0. Popular Destinations Terceira Photo: Eschock, CC BY-SA 2.5. Terceira is a volcanic island in the Azores archipelago, about a third of the way across the North Atlantic Ocean at a similar latitude to Portugal's capital Lisbon, and the island group is owned by Portugal. Where are the Azores Islands. The islands of the Azores are located in the Atlantic Ocean between Europe and America.. Roughly measured they lie about halfway between these two continents. It is 1,360km from the Azores to Portugal, and 1,925km to Newfoundland in Canada.. This location in the middle of the ocean makes it a popular mooring spot for sailing yachts that cross the Atlantic.

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Travel Guides and Maps Having lived and traveled to the Azores ourselves, we know that it can be overwhelming touring abroad with no grasp of culture, cuisine, manners, or slang. That's why we've compiled a list of travel guides for our customers to help make your trip as smooth as possible. There are 9 Islands in the Azores. When you visit the Azores, you will quickly realize that there are nine islands making up the autonomous Portuguese nation. You have Flores and Corvo to the west; Sao Miguel and Santa Maria to the east; and Graciosa, Terceira, Sao Jorge, Pico, and Faial in the center.