Sims 4 10 Best Ways To Make Money (Without Cheats)

Home Lists 19 Highest Paying Careers In The Sims 4, Ranked By Nahda Nabiilah Updated Oct 26, 2023 Tons of careers exist in The Sims 4, some of which are quite lucrative. These. 15. Scientist ($11,115) Scientist career was introduced in Sims 4: Get to Work. If you choose this career path, you can expect a lot of experimenting in the lab, synthesizing and analyzing. When you reach Level 10 and become the Extraterrestrial Explorer you will be working Monday to Friday, and earning a solid salary of $11,115 per week.

Best Active Careers In The Sims 4

14 Social Media Social Media stars have an interesting career path - Internet Personality is by far the best route and most profitable, but they make a measly $6,480 a week. But, at times, this can be one of the most profitable career paths, thanks to your ability to gain followers and advertise products. Top 5 Highest Paying Careers in The Sims 4: Base Game Style Influencer (Stylist) Hourly Pay: $500 Daily Pay: $3,000 Weekly Pay: $15,000 For players with just the base game, the Style Influencer career is going to be their money ticket. Relatively low hours with a high hourly pay means a lot of reward for little effort. Updated 3 days ago In order to make the most Simoleons and to live as lavishly as possible, players should take advantage of the best-paying careers in The Sims 4. Summary The highest-paying career in The Sims 4 can earn §16,880 per week. Additional career options introduced through expansions can be even more lucrative than the base game careers. 1. Military Career: Covert Operator or Officer At Level 10 of the Military Career, your Sim can earn $3,376 per day as either a Covert Officer or an Officer. Both branches of the career require your Sim to work 5 days a week, 8 hours a day, to equal a whopping $16,880 simoleons per week.

The Sims 4 10 Highest Paying Careers

The Highest Paying Jobs in Sims 4. There is a huge variety of careers to choose from in The Sims 4, especially with the number of expansion packs that throw more career options into the mix. So selecting the career path your Sim will follow requires a lot of thought. Aside from bringing home some money, each career also rewards employees with various career-exclusive items, which is another. The Sims 4 Careers Guide to Job Rewards, Pay Rates and Bonuses The Sims 4 features Careers like all other games in the franchise. Your Sim will go to work on average 4-5 times per week and earn an hourly wage. Getting promotions earns you rewards, more money, and steepens the requirements for further advancement. The Highest Paying Careers in The Sims 4 - What You Need to Know - YouTube In this Sims 4 guide, we're going to explore which careers make the most money in the game. We'll be. The highest paying careers in The Sims 4 Here are the top-earning careers in The Sims 4. Devon Ledohowski October 25, 2020 Guides The Sims 4 Image via EA The Sims 4 offers a.

Sims 3 Best Job

What are the highest-paying wage jobs in Sims 4? The original Sims 4 comes with ten career paths you can choose to follow, each of which has a variety of jobs you can take and progress. This includes the Stylist, which is the top-paid original job. Over the years, though, each new DLC update has added more options for us to choose from. The Sims 4 offers a variety of exciting career paths, catering to different player preferences. Some particular careers in the game provide unique and engaging experiences. Active careers like. The most weekly earnings in any career at level 10, §16,880. Large cash bonuses of §1k-3k at higher-level promotions. Military Career Path: This career is chosen from your phone or computer under "Find a job". Fitness, logic, and charisma are the important skills for this career. 9. Small Business Owner. If you own the Strangerville Game Pack—one of the best expansion packs for The Sims 4—you can benefit from one of the highest paying careers in the game. The Military Career is a fairly recent job that, as with the Secret Agent career, features two different branches: Officer and Covert Operator. Both of these paths differ a great deal, so.

Sims 4 10 Best Ways To Make Money (Without Cheats)

The Sims 4 Highest Paying Jobs / Careers Guide We will go over the 13 highest paying jobs that you can get in The Sims 4 and also briefly discuss how and why they are better. A guide that shows how to get a job, career performance for promotions, and a list of the highest paying careers in The Sims 4.Careers list: http://www.carls.