1. Blue Guppy Fish Guppies are tropical fish that have adapted to life in captivity better than any other species. They are fantastic breeders, capable of producing hundreds of guppy fry every month, and display an impressive variety of colors. Blue isn't uncommon either, but certain varieties of blue are. 1. Betta Betta fish come in many shades but are often blue Only The Top 1% Can Ace our Animal Quizzes Think You Can? Take Our A-Z-Animals Pet Fish Quiz ©Arif Supriyadi/Shutterstock.com Betta fish are incredibly popular, mostly for their ability to live as sole fish in small tanks. However, many people underestimate the tank size they need.
15 Stunning Blue Aquarium Fish Species Build Your Aquarium
The Top 19 Prettiest Blue Aquarium Fish 1. Polar Blue Parrot Cichlid 2. Red Tail Shark - Epalzeorhynchos bicolor 3. Blue Whale Catfish - Cetopsis coecutiens 4. Blue Dolphin Cichlid - Cyrtocara moorii 5. Powdered Blue Dwarf Gourami - Trichogaster lalius 6. German Blue Ram - Mikrogeophagus ramirezi 7. Blue Gudgeon Dartfish - Ptereleotris heteroptera 15 Stunning Blue Aquarium Fish Species | Build Your Aquarium Looking to add some bold blue colors to your tank? This guide covers our favorite blue aquarium fish (freshwater & saltwater) that you can keep at home. Jack Dempsey The Jack Dempsey Fish is a beautiful species that has a mix of very interesting colors and patterns. We like the electric blue coloration the most because of the amazing and vibrant light blue. The electric blue variant can be a little harder to find, so be prepared to do some hunting if you're sold on that color. 1. Betta fish/ Siamese fighting fish WYSIWYG Available! Betta Fish Use Coupon Code ASDFISH at Checkout Betta Fish are one of the most beautiful varieties of freshwater fish available in the hobby. Easy to care for with plenty of varieties! Buy Premium Varieties Buy On Petco Online Scientific Name: Betta splendens Difficulty Level: Moderate
15 Stunning Blue Aquarium Fish Species Build Your Aquarium
The most common aggressive blue fish is the Bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix). It can be identified by its vibrant silver-blue coloring and pointed snout. Adults grow up to three feet long and weigh as much as seven pounds. Aggressive bluefish feed on smaller fishes, shrimp, squid, crabs, worms and even jellyfish! These blue gems thrive best in the following water conditions: 73° to 80°F, pH 7.0 to 8.0, and kH of 10.0 to 24.0. Fancy guppies also prefer to have some aquarium salt in their tank. This need for relatively hard, alkaline water makes the guppy a good choice for a tank that houses mollies, platies, and swordtails. Below is a look at 9 of the most gorgeous blue freshwater fish. 1. German Blue Ram. The German blue ram, also known as ram cichlid, is a peaceful and easy-going community fish. The base color of the body is silver or gold, with black markings on the head, dorsal fins, and sides of the body. The fins are slightly red or orange at the tips. These beautiful fish grow to be about 2 inches and live for up to 3 years. Electric blue rams do well being kept in planted tanks and can be fed a variety of foods like cichlid "PeeWee" pellets from Xtreme Aquatic Foods, bloodworms, etc. 2. Electric Blue Acara. The electric blue acara is a stunning blue fish.
15 Stunning Blue Aquarium Fish Species Build Your Aquarium
Most Eye Catching Blue Coloured Tropical Fish: Blue Peacock Cichlid Blue Ram Cichlid Blue Neon Dwarf Gourami Pearl Danio Blue Tetra Cornflower Blue Delta Guppy Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish Important considerations when buying aquarium fish. Type of Aquarium you Want. The Eggersi Killifish species are known among hobbyists for their bright blue-ish and red coloration and have a reputation of a peaceful freshwater fish. The Eggersi Killifish is one of more than 70 species from the Nothobranchius genus of small killifish.. If you consider adding this species to your colorful community aquarium, remember that male Eggersi Killifish tend to show aggression.
Water Parameters. One of the most important parts of German Blue Ram care is maintaining the water. While this might seem like something that applies to all fish, this species can be especially affected by subpar water conditions. To start, stick with the parameters below. Water temperature: 72°F to 79°F. Understanding Them. Electric Blue Acaras, originating from South America and a part of the cichlid family, are exquisite tropical fish admired by aquarists worldwide 1.Growing to around 6-8 inches when fully matured, these blue acara beauties will be eye-catching to any aquarium setup if their specific needs for water parameters and tank mates are met.
15 Stunning Blue Aquarium Fish Species Build Your Aquarium
The Electric Blue Acara (Andinoacara pulcher) is a fish in the rather extensive Cichlidae family. They're an extremely well-liked fish among aquarists and in recent years we've seen interest in them increase even more. Aquarium & Reptile Supplies - Blue Fish Aquarium | Grandville, MI 1 2 Shop for Aquarium Supplies Fish Food & Supplies Reptile Food & Supplies Check Out What's Featured This Month. More american made aquatic products › Out of Stock Seachem Laboratories Seachem Prime Water Dechlorinator and Conditioner from $ 649 Python Products