Boom Beach Guide to the Sculptor and Statues YouTube

General Information The Sculptor is used to create special Statues. There are 4 types of statues: Life, Ice, Magma, and Dark. Statues provide bonuses to different aspects of the game, such as increasing Building health, Troop damage, Gunboat energy, and Resource production. General Information Statues are created from the Sculptor. Power Stones are required to create statues. For information regarding the odds of getting Power Stones from attacks, click here. When a Statue is created, you can do one of three things with the Statue: Deploy the Statue on your base if you still have available slots.

Boom Beach Sculptor Overview ! YouTube

There are only 4 types of Statues available in Boom Beach: Life ("green statues") - this type of statutes aimed at increasing the production of resources. This type has 5 different kinds: increasing of all resources production, increasing the production of gold / wood / stone / iron. Magma ("red" ones). Boom Beach Basic Guide/Tutorial for Beginners | Complete Statue Guide for Boom Beach covers the Sculptor, Masterpiece, everything about Power Powder and Powe. • Battle reward increases your loot gain or your power stone gain after you won an attack, which can help you to progress faster. I recommend using a Resource Reward masterpiece, until you max your base and don't need extra resources anymore. Here is the optimal statue layout 🏅 a GBE Masterpiece What are Statues? You can unlock Sculptor at HQ 5. With the Sculptor, you can then build statues using fragments, shards and crystals (power stones). After deploying the statues in your base, they could boost your offense, defense or resources with extra bonus.

Boom Beach 101 Ep 4 The Sculptor and Statues YouTube

0:00 / 7:50 Best Statues in Boom Beach! Complete Statue Guide! CosmicDuo 150K subscribers Subscribe 36K views 4 years ago #boombeach #cosmicduo Boom Beach Creator Code. Learn how to build Masterpieces if you only have crystals to build Idols. Improve your Sculptor game in just three simple steps! Follow me on Twitter: http:/. Sculptor - Boom Beach | - The Sculptor creates powerful statues that can help our war effort tremendously. Each new statue is unique, and its powers can't be predicted! You can salvage a statue to recover a refined Power Stone. Masterpiece Requires: 7 Crystals Building Time: 12 hours Effect: Increases damage of troops or defenses, HP of troops or buildings, or production of Gold, Wood, Stone and Iron, depending on the element type. Reclaiming Statues Idol Reclaims: 1 Shard Effect: Used to create a Guardian Guardian Reclaims: 1 Crystal Effect: Used to create a Masterpiece

Boom Beach Guide to the Sculptor and Statues YouTube

There are 4 types of Power Stones: Life, Ice, Magma, and Dark. There are 3 sizes of Power Stones: Fragment, Shard, and Crystal. It is possible to obtain Power Stones and keep them before you have built the Sculptor, however those that are will only be obtainable through the Daily Reward and Supply Chests. Boom Beach: First LC24 and 2nd Max Level Sculptor.. I was happy that I got another max level Sculptor though. The hard part now is attempting to craft another GBE 17% statue. That might take some time as I haven't been that lucky lately with these. But at least I'll have space for another on my secondary account. Wood Production Increase Stone Production Increase Iron Production Increase All Resource Production Increase All of these green statues give you some extra resources from resource production buildings and Resource Bases/freed villages (in case of Gold). These statues are tricky in four ways: Boom Beach Gameplay and Commentary Hey guys, this video is one of many on SuperCell's newest game Boom Beach.This quick video will talk about everything you.


John Gutzon de la Mothe Borglum (March 25, 1867 - March 6, 1941) was an American sculptor best known for his work on Mount Rushmore.He is also associated with various other public works of art across the U.S., including Stone Mountain in Georgia, statues of Union General Philip Sheridan in Washington D.C. and in Chicago, as well as a bust of Abraham Lincoln which was exhibited in the White. Solution #2 is the best option given that attacks the root cause of people not having max statues. hell, another potential solution, every x number of statue crafts, you increase your chance to get max statues. each 10 Masterpieces crafted increases .5%, and after you get a max statue, it reset to base rate or similar.