Chiot Elevage de braques SaintGermain la diane de Belrem , chiens de chasse et de sport

The Braque Saint-Germain (translated into English as the St. Germain Pointing Dog) is a medium-large breed of dog, a versatile hunter used for hunting as a gun dog and pointer as well as for hunting other small game. Braque is a term meaning pointing dogs. The breed was created around 1830 by crossing English and French pointing type. Braque Saint-Germain. The AKC is the recognized and trusted expert in breed, health and training information for dogs. Founded in 1884, the not-for-profit AKC is the recognized and trusted expert.

Braque SaintGermain caractère, education, santé, prix

The breed was originally named the Braque de Compiègne after the place where the first litter was born, but when the kennel moved to Saint-Germain en Laye the name was also changed.. Short History of the Braque Saint-Germain. Braque Saint-Germains date back to the 1830s, where they originated as a cross between different types of pointers.. The Braque Saint-Germain is a medium-sized dog with a characteristic, low-maintenance coat and striking spotting. Its size and weight make it an ideal companion for hunting activities and for active families. Regular brushing and a balanced diet are important to promote their health and well-being. Fur length. 3 Little-Known Facts About the Braque Saint Germain. 1. The Braque Saint Germain Has a Royal Heritage In France. The original Braque Saint Germains were the result of breeding a local French hunting dog with an English Pointer given as a gift to King Charles X of France in 1830. From these dogs, further crosses were made to produce more regional dogs, such as the Braque de l'Ariège, when the local French hounds were crossed with ancestors of the Bracco Italiano and Perdiguero de Burgos in the Ariegeois region. The Braque Saint-Germain was the result of the Braque Francais ancestors crossing to the English Pointers of.

Braque SaintGermain Breed Guide Learn about the Braque SaintGermain.

The Braque Saint-Germain, also known as the St. Germain Pointing Dog, is a French creation. The French pointing dogs and the English pointing dogs were mixed to develop the Braque Saint-Germain. He is a versatile hunting dog that was both a pointer and a gun dog. They are medium to large in size and went from being bred by royalty in the 1830. Le braque Saint-Germain est une race de chiens de chasse originaire de France qui tient son nom de la forêt de Saint-Germain-en-Laye 1. Il s'agit d'une variété de braque français à la robe blanche mouchetée d'orange et la seule race de braque dont la queue n'est jamais écourtée. Développée comme chien d'arrêt, demi-sang du pointer, c. The Braque Saint Germain has a relatively distinct look, having a short coat that is primarily white with orange/fawn patches. They are lean and athletic with a fair amount of muscle.. Cao de Castro Laboreiro 100% Similar. Similarly Sized Breeds to Braque Saint Germain. Griffon Nivernais 99% Similar. Bouvier des Ardennes 98% Similar. The Braque Saint-Germain came from a cross between the French Braque and the Pointer. They were brought from England, especially for King Charles X. The dog was trendy at the beginning of the last century, but today has become quite rare. The standard of the breed was approved in 1964. Appearance. The Braque Saint-Germain is a dog of sturdy build.

Braque Saint Germain Info, Temperament, Puppies, Pictures

The Braque Saint-Germain is a historic breed that traces its roots back to 19th-century France. They were created by crossing English Pointers with local French hounds, resulting in an exceptional breed with a keen nose and excellent hunting skills. Despite their long history, they remain relatively unknown outside of France. Saint Germain Pointers are pointers that are mainly used to hunt game birds, although other game animals are also occasionally within their remit. Highly sociable, well-balanced and affectionate with humans, Saint Germain Pointers like family life, but they are first and foremost hunters. They prefer pheasant, partridge and woodcock, which they. Le braque Saint Germain est un chien d'arrêt continental, puissant mais très élégant. Sa robe est fauve à panachures blanches. Il se distingue nettement du pointer, dont il est un demi-sang, par un stop beaucoup moins accusé, une oreille plus longue qui ne doit pas être collée à la tête mais qui doit faire un angle avant de tomber. Très semblable au Pointer, le Braque Saint-Germain s'en distingue comme un demi-sang d'un pursang, tant au niveau de l'aspect général que par son galop, plus lourd sur le terrain, et sa recherche plus contrôlée. C'est un chien élégant et proportionné, dont l'appareil musculaire est plus souple et l'ossature moins développée que ceux d'un Pointer.

Braque SaintGermain Dog Breed Information, Images, Characteristics, Health

Historique de la race. La création de la race du Braque Saint-Germain remonte aux années 1830.A cette époque, des pointers et des braques ont été croisés au sein des chenils royaux de Compiègne et à Saint-Germain-en-Laye.C'est d'ailleurs de cette dernière commune que la race tire son nom.Elle a bénéficié d'une grande popularité auprès des chasseurs jusque vers le début du. Braque St. Germain, wie Charles Diguest in seinem Buch des Jägers schrieb, stammen die Braque mit Beinamen von Saint-Germain oder von Compiegne von der Rasse von Hunden ab, die ihre Blütezeit unter Ludwig XV erlebten und die mit dem englischen Pointer gekreuzt wurden. Sie wurden Charles XV durch seinen großen Verehrer Monsieur de Girardin.