Trains Budapest to Bucharest Timetable Online Tickets HappyRail

The fastest trains from Budapest to Bucharest take around 14 hours and 28 minutes, covering a distance of approximately 645 kilometres. On weekdays, the first train leaving Budapest is scheduled to depart at around 07:10. The last departure is usually at around 23:10 . This is the same at the weekend. On average, there are about 4 trains per. Budapest to Bucharest by train. The train journey time between Budapest and Bucharest is around 16h 21m and covers a distance of around 833 km. Operated by Romanian Railways (CFR), the Budapest to Bucharest train service departs from Budapest-Keleti and arrives in Bucuresti Nord. Typically seven trains run weekly, although weekend and holiday.

Bucharest to Budapest onboard CFR Intercity train YouTube

The departure time in Budapest is 19:10 and the arrival time in Bucharest is 12:30. Beside the overnight train there is a comfortable air-conditioned Intercity train which run at daytime. Ticket fares start from 29 EUR. The departure time in Budapest is at 07:10 and the arrival time in Bucharest is 23:59. Budapest to Bucharest train times. Trains run once daily between Budapest and Bucharest. The service departs Budapest at 07:10 in the morning, which arrives into Bucharest at 00:31. All services run direct with no transfers required, and take on average 16h 21m. The schedules shown below are for the next available departures. The third train on this route, the Muntenia, connects Budapest and Bucharest via Timisoara and Craiova, taking the (by daylight) less scenic Southern route. Between Budapest and Bucharest following routes are in operation: Ister: Budapest - Bucharest (EN 472/473) Via Szolnok, Arad, Sibiu, Brașov, and Sinaia Direct train. Yes, there are 2 direct trains a day. Trains from Budapest to Bucharest cover the 399 miles (643 km) long journey and usually take around 16 h 35 min. Normally, there are 3 trains operating per day. You can get the cheapest train tickets for this route for as low as $1 (€1), but the average price of train tickets is $61 (€52).

Budapest to Bucharest by Overnight Train Only By Land

The Ister leaves at 19:10 and the Dacia at 22:04. They take the same 16 hours and 55 minutes: the Ister arrives at 12:05 and the Dacia at 22:00! They are both daily trains, available every day. Both trains leave from Budapest Keleti and arrive at Bucuresti Nord. The timetable of the Ister express train (EN 473) - the train from budapest to. Budapest (Station) to Bucharest train times. Trains run once daily between Budapest (Station) and Bucharest. The service departs Budapest (Station) at 07:10 in the morning, which arrives into Bucharest at 00:31. All services run direct with no transfers required, and take on average 16h 21m. Find your journey. This is one of more than 100 train travel guides available on ShowMeTheJourney, which will make it easier to take the train journeys you want or need to make. As always, all images were captured on trips taken by ShowMeTheJourney. Despite the 875 km between the two cities, Budapest and Bucharest are linked by both direct day. The first train leaves at 19h10 from Budapest to Bucharest, the last train leaves at 23h30. The average journey time is 15 hours and 47 minutes between the two cities. Each day around two direct trains run between Budapest and Bucharest. Here, at HappyRail, you can buy all cheap train tickets for the train from Budapest to Bucharest!

Night Train from Budapest to Bucharest Passing Thru For the Curious and Thoughtful Traveler

01:45AM Bucharest Henri Coanda International Airport. €278 1 One-way. 1 transfer. 09:50AM 6h45. Budapest Ferenc Liszt International Airport. 05:35PM Bucharest Henri Coanda International Airport. €316 1 One-way. 1 transfer. Find all the dates and times for this journey by train, bus, flight, and ferry. Night train Budapest - Bucharest. EuroNight 473 Ister (EN 473) Night train EN 473 from Budapest to Bucharest. Where to buy tickets. Schedule information, seats, couchettes and sleepers. Please show me accommodation at my travel destination on Online shop for train tickets of the Hungarian State Railways MAV Start. The departure time in Bucharest is 17:45 and the arrival time in Budapest is 08:50. Beside the overnight train there is a comfortable air-conditioned Intercity train which run at daytime. Ticket fares start from 29 EUR. The departure time in Bucharest is at 05:45 and the arrival time in Budapest is 19:50. A Romanian Railways sleeper train at Budapest Keleti station. ©Paliparan. Booking the train. Tickets for all night trains operating between Romania and Hungary can be booked online through the websites of both CFR Călători and MÁV.. Advanced tickets for travel between Budapest and Bucharest are available for as low as €35 for a second-class seat, €50 for a berth in a 4-person couchette.

Budapest to București / Bucharest by train ShowMeTheJourney

The train journey time between Bucharest and Budapest is around 16h 45m and covers a distance of around 833 km. Operated by Romanian Railways (CFR), the Bucharest to Budapest train service departs from Bucuresti Nord and arrives in Budapest-Keleti. Typically seven trains run weekly, although weekend and holiday schedules can vary so check in. Trains from Bucharest to Budapest cover the 399 miles (643 km) long route and usually take around 14 h 39 min. Normally, there are 3 trains operating per day. You can get the cheapest train tickets for this trip for as low as $76 (€65), but the average price of train tickets is $76 (€65). Travelers depart most frequently from Bucharest and.