Cause to me is the most popular phrase on the web. More popular! Cause to me 16,100,000 results on the web Some examples from the web: ' Cause to me it looks like blackmail. ' Cause to me it looks like blackmail. ' Cause to me it looked like you were straight-up crying. Definition of cause as in to create to be the cause of (a situation, action, or state of mind) the ice storm caused a massive power outage Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance create bring generate prompt produce do work induce spawn yield effect make invoke effectuate result (in) bring about catalyze draw on translate (into) encourage found promote
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1 a : a reason for an action or condition : motive b : something that brings about an effect or a result trying to find the cause of the accident c : a person or thing that is the occasion of an action or state a cause for celebration especially : an agent that brings something about She is the cause of your troubles. d : sufficient reason a reason to feel something or to behave in a particular way: cause for concern He's never given me any cause for concern. More examples SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases cause noun (PRINCIPLE) C1 [ C ] a socially valuable principle that is strongly supported by some people: They are fighting for a cause - the liberation of their people. High quality example sentences with "causes to me" in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English to make something happen, especially something bad: The difficult driving conditions caused several accidents. [ + obj + to infinitive ] The bright light caused her to blink. Most heart attacks are caused by blood clots. [ + two objects ] I hope the children haven't caused you too much trouble. Synonyms bring inflict
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2. verb To cause something, usually something bad, means to make it happen. Attempts to limit family size among some minorities are likely to cause problems. [VERB noun] This was a genuine mistake, but it did cause me some worry. [VERB noun noun].a protein that gets into animal cells and attacks other proteins, causing disease to spread. CAUSE meaning: 1. someone or something that makes something happen: 2. a reason to feel something or to behave in…. Learn more. CAUSE - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus Some of the areas that are being studied as possible causes of ME/CFS are: Open All Close All Infections Immune System Changes Stress Affecting Body Chemistry Changes in Energy Production Possible Genetic Link Symptoms and Diagnosis Page last reviewed: July 12, 2018
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Overview Balance problems can make you feel dizzy, as if the room is spinning, unsteady, or lightheaded. You might feel as if the room is spinning or you're going to fall down. These feelings can happen whether you're lying down, sitting or standing. Lightheadedness or feeling faint Unsteadiness or a loss of balance A feeling of floating, wooziness or heavy-headedness These feelings may be triggered or worsened by walking, standing up or moving your head. Your dizziness may be accompanied by nausea or be so sudden or severe that you need to sit or lie down.
Causes By Mayo Clinic Staff Most of the time fatigue can be traced to one or more lifestyle issues, such as poor sleep habits or lack of exercise. Fatigue can be caused by a medicine or linked to depression. Sometimes fatigue is a symptom of an illness that needs treatment. Lifestyle factors Fatigue may be related to: Alcohol or drug use Common causes include: (a condition in which the muscles of the stomach wall don't function properly, interfering with digestion) General anesthesia. Intestinal obstruction. Motion sickness: First aid. Viral gastroenteritis (stomach flu) Vestibular neuritis. Other possible causes of nausea and vomiting include:
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Insomnia is a term for any condition that causes difficulty falling or staying asleep. It can have several causes, including menopause, medical conditions, psychological stress, poor sleeping. The meaning of 'CAUSE is because. "'cause." Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, 12 Jan.