Cinema City Opens Its Fifth 4DX Cinema in Romania

Jan 10. Thu. Jan 11. Fri. Jan 12. Sat. Find a 4D movie theater near you. Visit our cinema partners' website in order to get detailed directions of 4DX theater locations and showtimes. Safety Warning. By purchasing a ticket to a 4DX presentation, you acknowledge that you understand and agree to comply with the 4DX Safety Guidelines set forth below, you enter at your own risk, and that neither Regal Cinemas and/or 4DX assumes any responsibility or liability for any injuries or damages suffered as a result of viewing a presentation in a 4DX equipped auditorium.

Cinema City opens first local 4DX cinema, plans 14 more multiplexes by 2018 Business Review

Dzięki ruchomym fotelom i zaawansowanym rozwiązaniom środowiskowym oferuje absolutne, pełne efektów specjalnych kinowe przeżycie, w którym widz staje się częścią filmu. W Polsce sale 4DX® znajdziesz w kinach: Cinema City Arkadia (Warszawa) Cinema City Bonarka (Kraków) Cinema City Bydgoszcz. Cinema City Manufaktura (Łódź) Cinema City София - Парадайз център. ЗАБЕЛЕЖКА: 4DX®преживяването не се препоръчва за деца под 4 години или по-ниски от 100 см, както и за бременни жени, хора с епилепсия, високо кръвно налягане или. Cinema City Megamall găzduiește 14 săli de proiecție dotate cu aer condiționat, cu o capacitate totală de 2366 de spectatori, inclusiv o sală 4DX, prima construită în România. Încearcă și: Mai multe facilități. Vezi prețurile pentru acest cinema. Prețuri (658,7 KB PDF) 4DX®, created by CJ4DPLEX Co., Ltd., is the world's first and leading 4D Technology-based movie theatres. Started on 2009 until April 2014, there are already 100 4DX® theatres in 24 different countries from all over the world. With its ceaselessly growing brand value—for its strategic cooperation, partnerships, and investments with the.

Cinema City 4DX în Constanța CityParkMall Let's be

It premiered in 2009 in Seoul's CGV Cinema with the film Journey to the Center of the Earth. This launched 4DX's rapid global growth. By 2011, there were 19 4DX theaters across South Korea, China, France, and Thailand. By 2014, the first US 4DX theater opened at Regal L.A. Live in Los Angeles. Filmy jsou v sále 4DX promítané ve 2D nebo 3D formátu. Během projekcí zažijete více než 24 speciálních efektů. V České republice můžete 4DX™ sály navštívit v: Cinema City Chodov. Cinema City Nový Smíchov. Cinema City Plzeň. 4DX is a 4D film presentation system developed by CJ 4DPlex, a subsidiary of South Korean cinema chain CJ CGV.It allows films to be augmented with various practical effects, including motion-seats, wind, strobelights, simulated-snow, and scents.First debuted in 2009, it presents films in both stereoscopic 3-D and monoscopic 2-D formats.. CJ has licensed the technology worldwide. A 4DX a 4D mozis technológiát ötvözi az egész estés hollywoodi filmekkel. A 4DX a világ legfejlettebb filmszínházi technológiája a legmodernebb 3-DOF (szabadságfok) mozgó ülésekkel, amelyeket összehangolnak a környezeti hatásokkal. Minden egyes film a részletesen megkoreografált levegő-, víz-, illat-, mozgás-, vibrációs.

O nouă premieră în 4DX la Cinema City din ClujNapoca

4DX - FOLOSEȘTE-ȚI SIMȚURILE. SIMTE PUTEREA CINEMATOGRAFULUI.. Cinema City AFI Brașov (Brașov) TEHNOLOGIE INOVATOARE. O călătorie uimitoare împreună cu personajele principale a devenit acum posibilă! Deveniți parte reală din aceasta! Cu tehnologia 4DX®, veți simți senzații de vânt, ceață, fulgere și o cantitate mare de. Cinema City Cluj este localizat lângă FSEGA, una dintre cele mai mari facultăți din cadrul Universității Babes Bolyai University din Cluj-Napoca . Parcarea din Iulius Mall este accesibilă din strada Alexandru Vaida Voievod și este deschisă între 8.00- 2:00. Există 2000 de locuri de parcare gratuite. Cinema City разполага с 7 мултиплекса, разположени в 6 града в цяла България. Те са перфектни за всеки тип събитие.. (в София - Mall of Sofia) или 4DX® залите ни (в София - Парадайз Център, Пловдив и Варна). Sálu 4DX v sieti Cinema City Slovensko môžete nájsť v: CINEMA CITY AUPARK . 4DX™ je revolučná filmová technológia, ktorá stimuluje všetkých päť zmyslov špeciálnymi efektmi a poskytne vám ten najlepší zážitok zo sledovania filmu. Staňte sa jeho súčasťou! S technológiou 4DX™ spolu s filmovými postavami zažijete.

Cinema City otevře první Megaplex v České republice, co nás čeká? 4DX, VIP zóna a teplá kuchyně

Cinema City Langham Place is a brand new cinema located in the heart of Hong Kong - Kowloon Mongkok Langham Place. Cinema City Langham Place equipped with most advanced cinema technology : 4DX and Dolby Atmos which give you full 360 immersive and excited new movie experience. Cinema City Bydgoszcz posiada 13 klimatyzowanych sal, które pomieszczą jednocześnie ponad 2 200 widzów. Tutaj znajduje się też jedna z sześciu w Polsce sal 4DX®, w której największe filmowe hity można obejrzeć w rewolucyjnym formacie 4DX®. Kasy biletowe są otwierane 30 minut przed pierwszym seansem, a zamykane 15 minut po ostatnim.