Dark Synchro Monsters (Japanese: ダークシンクロモンスター Dāku Shinkuro Monsutā) are a type of Monster Card exclusive to the anime, manga, and Tag Force video games. They are a counterpart to Synchro Monsters, having Negative Levels (in the anime and video games) that are represented by blue orbs with purple stars, or are Level 0 (in the manga). The color of their card frame is. 1 OCG/TCG Dark Synchro Monsters. 2 Anime Dark Synchro Monsters. 3 Manga Dark Synchro Monsters. 4 All Dark Synchro Monsters. This is a list of Dark Synchro Monsters . For a list of support cards, see List of Dark Synchro Monster support cards. For a list of anti-support cards, see List of Dark Synchro Monster anti-support cards.
Blue Fire Necro Dragon (Series 9 Dark Synchro) by ShadowMaria56 on DeviantArt
Dark Synchro Monsters (Japanese: ダークシンクロモンスター Dāku Shinkuro Monsutā) are a type of Monster Card exclusive to the anime, manga, and Yu-Gi-Oh! Tag Force video games. They are a counterpart to Synchro Monsters, that either have Negative Levels (in the anime and video games) that are represented by blue orbs with purple stars, or are Level 0 (in the manga). DARK Dragon Tech. DNA. Daedalus. Dark Blade (series) Dark Lucius.. further results. † Does not exist in the OCG or TCG (archetypes and series are not marked) See also { { Card types }} and { { Monsters and Monster Cards }} This is a list of Synchro Monsters. 4 Naturia Beast. Naturia Beast isn't a generic Synchro Monster, as it requires an Earth Tuner and non-Tuner Monster in order to make. Despite this, Naturia Beast is still one of the best Synchro Monsters ever released. It can constantly negate the effects of strong Spell cards, as its effect is not once per turn. For the first time astronomers have combined data from NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and James Webb Space Telescope to study the well-known supernova remnant Cassiopeia A (Cas A). As described in our latest press release, this work has helped explain an unusual structure in the debris from the destroyed star called the "Green Monster", first discovered in Webb data in April 2023.
Synchro monster for my archetype, one of my favorite artworks I've done ever haha. Along with it
The Green Monster "is photobombing the central part of Cas A rather than being part of it," study co-author Ilse De Looze, of Ghent University in Belgium, said in a statement.Looze and her team. 14. Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend. Red Dragon Archfiend is the boss monster of Jack Atlas, the "I'm a rival and rude about it but ultimately helpful in your quest" of Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds.. Basically a synchro summoning Seto Kaiba. Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend is the upgrade to this card - and is overall the better version without a shadow of a doubt. Chaos Angel is a Level 10 DARK Fiend Synchro with 3500 ATK and 2800 DEF. The stats are great, DARK is great, and Fiend is great. The materials are any Tuner and any non-Tuner LIGHT or DARK monster (s), so supremely easy to summon if you run any of the two most popular Attributes in the game. Dark Strike Fighter. The Level 7 Dark Strike Fighter was once the premiere OTK Synchro in Yu-Gi-Oh thanks to its unrestricted burn effect. Like so many other cards in the game, including Cannon Soldier and Mass Driver, any card that lets you tribute monsters indefinitely is probably going to cause issues.
Explore the ten best level-10 synchro monsters in the "Yu-Gi-Oh!" trading card game! Explore the ten best level-10 synchro monsters in the "Yu-Gi-Oh!" trading card game!. Beelzeus requires a dark tuner and at least two non-tuners, making his summon more restrictive than most. But he rewards you with a mighty 4000 ATK/DEF beatstick who can't. Borreload Savage Dragon X DARK Level 8 [ Dragon / Synchro / Effect ] ATK 3000 DEF 2500 1 Tuner + 1+ non-Tuner monsters If this card is Synchro Summoned: You can equip 1 Link Monster from your GY to this card, and if you do, place Borrel Counters on this card equal to that Link Monster's Link Rating.
Dark Signers were capable of using a distinctive type of monsters, known as Dark Synchro Monsters, which were black-lined and had grey-colored cards. Their signature card are the "Earthbound Immortals", and they also utilized Field Spell cards, in order to maintain the effects of these powerful beasts in a Duel. There were only five Dark. Crimson Resonator X DARK Level 2 [ Fiend / Tuner / Effect ] ATK 800 DEF 300 If you control no monsters: You can Special Summon this card from your hand. If the only other monster you control is exactly 1 DARK Dragon Synchro Monster: You can Special Summon up to 2 "Resonator" monsters from your hand or Deck, except "Crimson Resonator".
Top 10 Level10 Synchro Monsters in "YuGiOh!" HobbyLark
For people who forgot or just don't know: dark synchro summoning is a summoning method that exists only in the anime and is basically the opposite of normal synchro summoning. Instead of adding the Level of a Tuner monster to a non-Tuner monster, you'll need a Dark Tuner monster whose Level is subtracted from the Level of a non-Tuner monster. Generic Synchro Monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh!. Summoning synchro monsters from the extra deck requires special "tuner" monsters who combine with non-tuners. By sacrificing a tuner and non-tuner from your field, you can summon a synchro whose level matches the sum of the materials; a level-3 tuner and level-4 non-tuner will yield a level-7 synchro.