Manga The story revolves around a first-year middle school student, Teiichi Niiya who had just enrolled at Seikyou Private Academy. When he gets lost in one of the school's old buildings, he meets a girl named Yuuko Kanoe who reveals herself as a ghost with no memories. Information Type: TV Episodes: 12 Status: Finished Airing Aired: Apr 9, 2012 to Jun 25, 2012 Premiered: Spring 2012 Broadcast: Mondays at 00:30 (JST) Producers: Square Enix, Media Factory Licensors: Sentai Filmworks Studios: SILVER LINK. Source: Manga Genres: Horror, Mystery, Romance, Supernatural Theme: School Demographic: Shounen
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia Japan Powered
DUSK MAIDEN OF AMNESIA revolves around a first-year high school student, Teiichi Niiya who had just enrolled at Seikyou Private Academy. One day while wandering the hallowed halls, he gets lost. Dusk Maiden × Amnesia ), also known as Dusk maiden of Amnesia is a Japanese manga series by Maybe. It was published monthly on Square Enix's Monthly Gangan Joker from April 22, 2009 to June 22, 2013. Ten tankoubon volumes have been released between August 22, 2009, and November 22, 2013. Dusk Maiden of Amnesia Alt title: Tasogare Otome x Amnesia overview recommendations characters staff reviews custom lists TV (12 eps) SILVER LINK. 2012 Spring 2012 3.969 out of 5 from 13,165 votes Rank #1,125 Screenshots Teiichi Niiya is a first year middle-school student at Seikyou Private Academy, an institution known for mysterious occurrences. Dusk Maiden of Amnesia - streaming tv show online TV Lists Seen all Dislike Sign in to sync Watchlist Rating 7.3 (1k) Genres Comedy, Science-Fiction, Animation, Mystery & Thriller, Horror, Romance, Drama Runtime 25min Age rating TV-MA Production country Japan Director Shin Oonuma , Takashi Sakamoto Dusk Maiden of Amnesia (2012)
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Stream thousands of hours of anime on HIDIVE. Dusk Maiden of Amnesia , opens in a new window , opens in a new window OK 0 TotalUSD Shipping and discount codes are added at checkout. www/i-0a031fc4986764fa4 Watch episodes of Dusk Maiden of Amnesia right here on HIDIVE. Start a 7 Day FREE Trial, and enjoy all of the Premium Membership perks! Tasogare Otome x Amnesia Special (also known as Dusk Maiden of Amnesia Special) is an unaired episode 13 bundled with 6th Volume of DVD/Blu-rays. For lucky fans from the original series, this is a last chance to see what the club has been up to. Ya, it's been awhile and most of us still have mixed feelings of the finale episode (specifically. Tasogare Otome x Amnesia. 60 years ago, a young woman was left to die in the abandoned school building behind the exclusive Seikyou Academy. No one knows why. No one knows how. But the horrifying tale and the legends of the ghostly haunting that followed live on to this day. Perhaps it's not so surprising then, that among Seikyou's many school. Dusk Maiden of Amnesia is an adaptation from the similarly named manga following Teiichi and Yuuko as they expand their relationship and face the chaotic horrors born from the catacombs of fear deep within each students mind. Providing a brilliant mix of horror, romance, and drama, Dusk Maiden of Amnesia makes you feel genuine fear, contentment.
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"Tasogare Otome x Amnesia" otherwise known as Dusk Maiden of Amnesia is a school romance of a human male and a female ghost. I think the reason I actually loved this so much was that so many other authors have failed at ghost x human relationships, but not this time. This is a success. A brilliant success. S1 E3 - Maiden of Dusk. April 21, 2012. 25min. TV-14. Teiichi receives a mysterious letter that leads him to meet Kirie, who warns him of Yuko's true nature. Store Filled. Subscribe to HIDIVE for $1.99/month for 2 month (s) and $4.99/month thereafter, or buy. Watch with HIDIVE. Buy HD $2.99.
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia TV Mini Series 2012 TV-14 24m IMDb RATING 7.3 /10 1.2K YOUR RATING Rate Play trailer 1:33 2 Videos 44 Photos Animation Comedy Drama An old school building rumoured to be haunted is the place where a young woman was left to die. Dusk Maiden of Amnesia Seasons Years Top-rated 2012 S1.E1 ∙ Yuurei Otome Sun, Apr 8, 2012 The Paranormal Investigation Club is tasked with looking into the strange incidents that go on around campus. Lately, an old dumbwaiter has been causing a stir, behaving strangely and moving on its own. 7.6/10 (43) Rate Top-rated S1.E2 ∙ Kaikou Otome
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia Tasogare Otome X Amnesia Dusk maiden of amnesia, Amnesia, Amnesia anime
A young woman, by some strange occurrence, was left to die alone in the former building of the Academy for Sincere Teachings. Mysteriously, there is one person who can see her in ghost form: Niiya Teiichi, a freshman. Now they both seek to find out the reasoning behind her death, and what could have caused it. Author Maybe Artist Maybe Genres The story revolves around a first-year high school student, Teiichi Niiya who had just enrolled at Seikyou Private Academy. When he gets lost in one of the school's old building, he meets a girl named Yuuko Kanoe who reveals herself as a ghost with no memories. Teiichi then decides to investigate her death by delving deep into the infamous Seven Mysteries of the storied school along with Kirie.