Eye of the Beholder Level 11 Walkthrough Lower Reaches YouTube

Eye of the Beholder Walkthrough Level 1: Upper Sewer Level Level 2: Middle Sewer Level Level 3: Lower Sewer Level Level 4: Upper Level Dwarven Ruins Level 5: Dwarven Ruins and Camp Level 6: Bottom Level of Dwarven Ruins Level 7: Upper Reaches of the Drow Level 8: Drow Outcasts Level 9: Lower Reaches of the Drow Welcome to our Eye of the Beholder walkthrough! Simply click any of the links within the navigation bar to the right and you will be brought to the respective area. Walkthrough Introduction . Gameplay Notes; Dungeon . Level 1; Level 2; Level 3; Level 4; Level 5; Level 6; Level 7; Levels 8 & 9 (Inner) Level 8 (Main) Level 9 (Main)

Eye of the Beholder Longplay 002 Level 1 Walkthrough Upper Sewer Level YouTube

A: When resting, it's best to rest with your party's back against a wall (so no enemies can sneak behind you), and preferably you should rest at the end of a dead end corridor. Q: How do I revive a. Welcome to a walkthrough of the Eye of the Beholder, a classic RPG by Westwood Associates based on the Second Edition of AD&D. There's trouble under Waterdee. First pick up the Silver Key and go East. Use levers, step on panels and find Silver Key. Return to entrance and now go South. Open door with Silver Key. Watch out - there's some false walls and illusions here. When you'll see a carved dagger on the wall, place Dagger there, and then go through one of the walls. Introduction Hints and spoilers for Eye of the Beholder I. Graciously provided . Whew! This (and the rest of this series) is one of the meanest and most difficult RPG's I have ever come across. The puzzles are fiendish and the combat is really tough.

Eye of The Beholder First Dungeon Walk through YouTube

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Eye of the Beholder - Guide and Walkthrough - PC - By TheSpelunker - GameFAQs Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Eye of the Beholder - Guide and Walkthrough PC Home. Eye of the Beholder 1 "Master" Playthrough 11/15 - Level 9 JemyM 192 subscribers Subscribe Share Save 103 views 2 years ago This isn't a "let's play" or "speedrun", but a complete optimized. It's only the beginning.In here, I go through level 1 and half-way through level 2. Banshee Network. A useful tool when playing Eye of the Beholder is the All-Seeing Eye (ASE). It provides auto-mapping, save backups, item identification, and more. It makes Eye of the Beholder much friendlier to play, which might be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your point of view. We used ASE when writing the walkthrough.

Eye Of The Beholder Walkthrough gofasr

Dungeons & Dragons: Eye of the Beholder FAQs, Walkthroughs, and Guides for Game Boy Advance - GameFAQs Dungeons & Dragons: Eye of the Beholder - Guides and FAQs Game Boy Advance Home Guides Q&A. Dungeon's and Dragons: Eye of the Beholder FAQ / Walkthrough. Created by: Zephyrmaster (Andrew Sherman) 6.) The Walkthrough. Here's how the walkthrough works: There is a map for each level, and that should be enough for most people. Written help will be below the maps. The maps have key areas marked of course. Open the E door first. Watch the pits, some have to be opened and closed with pressure plates. Get the key and other stuff and return to the 3 doors. Open the S door, and you come to an intersection. If you go W, you will see a wall with a strange rune - you can walk through this wall. 21 - Pressure Plate. When you step onto this pressure plate, the door behind you (#20) will close, locking you into a small area with a bunch of hell hounds. So don't step onto the pressure plate right away. Draw the hell hounds to you outside of the room, and flee away from them as necessary until they're all dead.

Eye of the Beholder Level 4 Walkthrough Upper Level Dwarven Ruins YouTube

Back to Eye of the Beholder Level 7: Upper Reaches of the Drow Drow and Skeletal Lords inhabit the seventh level of the dungeons. The Drow use weapons tipped with a poison that causes short-term paralysis. When fighting them keep moving or try to kill them from a distance. The Drow are also resistant, although not immune, to spells. Crawl inside the vent and then jump up into a small computer room. Look for a small red box on the north wall and shoot it to open the sealed panel beside it. Crawl through the open panel and head.