How to Say "Happy Birthday" in Spanish. Feliz Cumple. (. phrase. 1. (general) a. happy birthday. ¡Feliz cumpleaños, amigo! Espero que lo disfrutes.Happy birthday, buddy! I hope you enjoy it. Congratulations on your big day! ¡Que cumplas muchos más! Hope you have many more! ¡Que tengas un feliz día! Have a great day! As you can see, there are many different ways to say Happy Birthday in Spanish, though Feliz cumpleaños is the most common translation. You many be surprised to find out there are also a lot of ways to sing Happy.
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"Happy Birthday Song in Spanish" / Feliz cumpleanos - Download this song now from Amazon - available on iTunes, Apple Music, Deez. The Happy Birthday song in Spanish: Second version. "Que los cumplas feliz. Que los cumplas feliz. Que los cumplas, (nombre). Que los cumplas feliz.". "May you have a happy birthday. May you have a happy birthday. May you have a happy birthday, (name). May you have a happy birthday.". #spanishbirthdaysong #spanishhappybirthday #cumpleañosfeliz#spanishlanguageThis channel is dedicated to learn Spanish online for free in a fun way! You will. Translate Felice compleanno. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.
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FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS translations: many happy returns (of the day). Learn more in the Cambridge Spanish-English Dictionary. Learning Spanish videos: to the channel: birthday song, happy birthday spanish version cumpleaños f. 1. Say "¡Feliz cumpleaños!" This phrase means "happy birthday" and is used to greet someone on their birthday. It is suitable for anyone in any situation. Pronounce "feliz cumpleaños" fay-LEEZ KOOM-play-ahn-yohs. You can add the name of the person or their relationship to you if you feel so inclined. Feliz cumpleaños - this is the literal translation of "happy birthday" in Spanish. Feliz cumple - ccumple is the colloquial way of saying cumpleaños in Spanish, so it should be used with close people in informal meetings. Felicidades - felicidades literally means congratulations, but is used as a substitute for "feliz cumpleaños".
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Asturian: ·happy birthday (good wishes for a birthday)··happy birthday Friend, may God bless you, May peace reign on your day, And may you celebrate many more. Be happy, happy on your day, Friend, may God bless you, May peace reign on your day, And may you celebrate many more. See funny Spanish Happy Birthday song lyrics. All donations are used.
feliz cumpleaños. felizmente. fellatio. felón. felonía. felpa. Übersetzung Spanisch-Deutsch für feliz cumpleaños im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion. Whoever the children are in your life - your kids, your grandkids, your students, even yourself (in your heart) - Kid Songs Around The World is a wonderful way to help them experience other languages and cultures. We've gathered 100 of our favorite songs and rhymes from all the continents of the globe.
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Cumpleaños feliz! And here's another birthday song, sung to a different tune than Happy Birthday in English. Check out the lyrics! ¡Feliz, feliz en tu día. Happy, happy birthday to you. Amiguito, que Dios te bendiga. Friend, may God bless you. Que reine la paz en tu día. May peace reign on your day. Werbung. Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für '¡Feliz cumpleaños!' in LEOs Spanisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. Mit Flexionstabellen der verschiedenen Fälle und Zeiten Aussprache und relevante Diskussionen Kostenloser Vokabeltrainer .