Francis Bacon en 5 oeuvres emblématiques • Média Misancene

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Francis Bacon About Town Surrealist Painter, Worth MultiMillions

A Wikimédia Commons tartalmaz Francis Bacon témájú médiaállományokat. Francis Bacon ( Dublin, 1909. október 28. - Madrid, 1992. április 28.) ír születésű brit festő. Közismertté üres felületekkel dolgozó, groteszk, érzelmileg fűtött nyers képei tették. Bacon szerencsejátékos és „élvhajhász" volt. Bacon, Francis Dublin, 1909 - 1992, Madrid. Ossza meg Bacon, Francis profilját! Save. Autodidaktaként kezdett festeni a harmincas években, és csak később, 1950 körül alakította ki egyedülálló figurális festészeti stílusát. Fő motívuma a neutrális térben vagy geometrikus téri "diagramban" elhelyezett emberi alak, emberi vagy. Francis Bacon: Három tanulmány egy önarcképhez, 1983. Winwood Gallery . Bacon festészetének egyik fontos alapfogalma Deleuze értelmezésében a „hisztéria", amely momentumként jelen van a műveiben: a test önmagából való kifordulásának ábrázolásai, a test eleven valósága, az érzékenységen túli érzéketlenség, ami nem a festő vagy a kép hisztériája, hanem a. Francis Bacon (28 October 1909 - 28 April 1992) was an Irish-born British figurative painter known for his raw, unsettling imagery. Focusing on the human form, his subjects included crucifixions, portraits of popes, self-portraits, and portraits of close friends, with abstracted figures sometimes isolated in geometrical structures..

Francis Bacon en 5 oeuvres emblématiques • Média Misancene

Francis Bacon (Dublin, 1909. október 28. - Madrid, 1992. április 28.) ír születésű brit festő. Közismertté üres felületekkel dolgozó, groteszk, érzelmileg fűtött nyers képei tették.Bacon szerencsejátékos és „élvhajhász" volt. Festeni húszas évei elején kezdett, de harmincas évei közepéig csak szórványosan és rendszertelenül festett. Many of Bacon's early paintings are based on images by other artists, which he distorts for his own expressive purposes. Examples of such themes are the screaming nanny from Sergey Eisenstein's film Potemkin and studies of the human figure in motion by the 19th-century photographer Eadweard Muybridge.Most of Bacon's paintings depict isolated figures, often framed by geometric. Francis Bacon (1909-92) was a maverick who rejected the preferred artistic style of abstraction of the era, in favour of a distinctive and disturbing realism. Growing up, Bacon had a difficult and ambivalent relationship with his parents - especially his father, who struggled with his son's emerging homosexuality. Discover highlights such as Painting 1946, 1946 and trace his stylistic developments. Francis Bacon, Painting 1946, 1946. Collection: Museum of Modern Art, New York.

Francis Bacon Paintings, Bio, Ideas TheArtStory

Francis Bacon. The British, Irish-born painter Francis Bacon is one among the most important painters of the 20th century. Bacon was born in Dublin on 28 October 1909 to English parents who have recently moved to Ireland. His family moved between England and Ireland in the post war years, but his homelife became strained as he entered puberty. Francis Bacon produced some of the most iconic images of wounded and traumatized humanity in post-war art. Borrowing inspiration from Surrealism, film, photography, and the Old Masters, he forged a distinctive style that made him one of the most widely recognized exponents of figurative art in the 1940s and 1950s. Francis Bacon's Figure with Meat. Photograph: Archivart/Alamy Bacon came across Picasso's studies of the 16th-century German painter Matthias Grünewald 's graphic Isenheim Altarpiece in 1933. 4. He was allergic to animals. Bacon was fascinated by animals (over his career he painted monkeys, baboons, chimpanzees, dogs, owls, bulls, elephants, rhinos) but he was effectively allergic to most of them. Dogs and horses were a trigger for his asthma and although he painted dogs, horses are notably absent in his work.

francis baconFrancis Bacon Francis bacon, Artist at work, Bacon art

Francis Bacon (28 October 1909 - 28 April 1992) was an Irish-born British figurative painter known for his raw, unsettling imagery. Focusing on the human form, his subjects included crucifixions , portraits of popes , self-portraits, and portraits of close friends, with abstracted figures sometimes isolated in geometrical structures. [2] Francis Bacon Idoszszinkratikus figurális stílusú ír festő volt, akinek a munkáját a képi deformáció és nagy kétértelműség a szándékos síkon.. 584 festmény és mintegy 600 rajz szerzője Berlinben és Párizsban élt. Az utolsó városban találkozott olyan munkákkal Az ártatlan mészárlás Poussin készítette, egy olyan alkotás, amely iránti nagy érdeklődést.