Funny Hungarian Words Foliis' World YouTube

1. Hungarians don't "jump for joy", they are "as happy as a monkey about its tail" ( Örül, mint majom a farkának ). 2. Hungarians don't say "Bullshit!", they say "Horse dick!" ( Lófasz !) 3. Hungarians don't ask little children "Why are you crying?", they ask "Why are you giving drinks to the mice?" ( Miért itatod az egereket ?) 4. Király! As strange as it may be, it means something good. In the English language, the world cool can be matched. Your dad was not a glassmaker! - Apád nem volt üveges! This sounds in English like "Hey, you're blocking my view!" or "Hey, I can't see from you! You can spread him/her on bread - Kenyérre lehet kenni.

Hilarious Hungarian Jokes That Will Make You Laugh

"Shut up!" (Fogd be!) When it's your turn to speak during an argument, but somebody interrupts you, saying this is a great way to let them know that you want to finish what you started. "Stop it!" (Hagyd abba!) "That is enough!" ( Most már elég!) "Leave me alone!" - Egy segg, két ló; válassz! [ One arse, two horses; choose!] = No matter what you decide, the outcome will be shitty, but you have to choose one - Fasztarisznya [ Dickpouch] = a jerk, a dumb or annoying person 1. Szerelem (n.) - Romantic Love The Hungarian Language has two separate words for love. One of them - szeretet - you can feel towards everyone. You can szeret your children, your dog or your life. But this special word - szerelem - is a feeling only reserved for your partner or the person you want as your partner. When you disagree: "Lófaszt!" When they ask you to do something for them: "Feleségül ne vegyelek?" When it's snowing: "Túrjad a havat, basszam meg anyádat!" Boba0514 • to be (self)deported • 1 yr. ago When they ask you to do something for them: "Feleségül ne vegyelek?" Or as one of my friends would say: "Meg a faszom nem kéne?"

Funny Hungarian Words Foliis' World YouTube

One fool makes a hundred. - Egy bolond százat csinál. People easily imitate someone's stupidity en masse. One swallow does not make a summer. - Egy fecske nem csinál nyarat. Without help, a person cannot achieve great results. Teamwork is needed. An exception, of course, is the fool, of whom one is more than enough. Weird and funny Hungarian expressions Is Hungarian easy to learn? - here are some videos to help you ez nem (egy) nagy szám [ɛz nɛm (ɛ)ɟ nʌɟ sɑːm] literal translation: it's not (a) big number meaning: it's nothing special, it's not a big deal felköti a gatyáját [fɛlkətɪ ʌ gʌtjɑːjɑːt] - clean up one's act literal translation: to tie up his/her pants Aki mer, az nyer - He who dares, wins. This Hungarian proverb means that you have to take risks to be successful. A harag és a szerelem a legrosszabb tanácsadók - Anger and love are the worst advisors. This Hungarian quote about love means that you can't think straight when you are in love or angry so you shouldn't make big decisions. 1. Úgy szép az élet, ha zajlik. "Life is beautiful if it's happening." Life is good when it is interesting when things happen, even if they are stressful or don't go in the direction we intend them to. People use this phrase when someone is complaining that life is getting too busy, or too stressful. 2. A türelem rózsát teremt.

Funny HUNGARIAN sayings, expressions IN ENGLISH part 1 YouTube

1. Quotes about Hungary / Hungary Quotes "Intellectuals who live in Hungary, or who wish to work or lecture there, are extremely circumspect in their criticism." - Hari Kunzru "I wasn't cut out to be an opera singer, but it was a nice fantasy for a teenager growing up in Hungary during the Stalinist era." - Andy Grove Learn the way Hungarian speakers actually talk. - at HungarianPod101. Hallo, Pooh, you're just in time for a little smackerel of something. Lesson Library Must-Know Hungarian Slang Words & Phrases. Sidebar. Intermediate. Must-Know Hungarian Slang Words & Phrases.. Idioms That You Might Find Funny. Learn idioms that you might find funny. Audio 1. A nagy hal megeszi a kishalat. Literal Translation: Big fish eat the small fish. English Equivalent: Men are like fish; great ones devour the small. Meaning: Small organizations and insignificant people tend to be swallowed up or destroyed by those that are greater and more powerful. Usage: Hungarians don't call you "gay", they call you "warm" (Meleg). Also known in Germany - a deprecatory term for gay people is warmer Bruder "warm brother". There is a well-known quote by the late Franz-Josef Strauß, a famous / notorious (depeding on your political position) right-wing politician Lieber ein kalter Krieger als ein warmer Bruder "Better (for me to be) a cold.

Funny HUNGARIAN sayings, expressions IN ENGLISH part 3 YouTube

I've collected a few Hungarian expressions that I tried to use in the past while learning English. Sometimes people understood what I meant by them, but some. 1. While you might say "A leopard can't change its spots". Hungarians say, "Kutyaból nem lesz szalonna", meaning, "You can't make bacon out of a dog". 2. While you might say "It's all Greek to me.". Hungarians say, "Ez nekem kínai", meaning "It's Chinese for me". 3.