Minecraft 1.17.1: How To Make a Lightning StickThe command- First command block - execute at @a[nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:stick",Count:1b,tag:{display. First, create a scoreboard which is for used carrot on a stick. Full Command: /scoreboard objectives add Clicks minecraft.used:minecraft.carrot_on_a_stick This score will go up every time you right click with a carrot on a stick.
How To Summon Lightning In Minecraft In Different Ways
1 Not possible AFAIK although I'm pretty sure you could use named arrows & a bow using something like /execute @e [type=Arrow] summon LightningBolt (although those aren't the correct entity names). This will also summon lightning until the arrow despawns (i.e. never if fired by a player) so you'd need to work out how to kill the arrow. - user109232 One method is to use a function file the will repeat itself but ^ ^ ^1 further for each iteration. If that just made no sense, here's a video I got it from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XWkA6bF36c. After that just use that function file to summon a bolt of lighting when it hits a block and you should be good. Well you cannot do it like on java where you can right click but you can do it so if you drop a stick, it will summon lightning. Repeating, Unconditional, Always Active command block: /execute @e [type=item,name="Stick"] ~~~ summon lightning_bolt ^ ^ ^10 Chain, Conditional, Always Active command block connecting to that one: /give @p stick How to make a Lightning Stick/Rod in Minecraft using Command Block Tricks! ⋆Join the Empire 🎺 and Become one of the Crewsader by hitting the Subscribe Butt.
How to make a "Lightning Stick" In Minecraft! (No Mods!!!) YouTube
5 INSANE Command Block Hacks in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20! (easy) Noise Gaming 202K views 1 month ago Minecraft Bedrock How to Get a Knockback 1000 Stick | Bedrock Command Block Tutorial. The command to summon a lightning bolt is available in the following versions of Minecraft: * The version that it was added or removed, if applicable. NOTE: Pocket Edition (PE), Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Windows 10 Edition are now called Bedrock Edition. We will continue to show them individually for version history. Requirements Create a scorebord objective of use item carrot_on_a_stick , run this on a fast clock . test for a scorebord objective. Use item carrot_on_a_stick =1 if true. /execute @p ~~~ /execute @e [type=!Player,r=7] ~~~ /summon LightningBolt. Run this on a slow clock. scorebord objective player (name of player )reset (name of objective) Summon Commands. To summon lightning through commands, you just need to type "/summon lightning_bolt". This is the case for every version of Minecraft. If you want to summon a lightning bolt on a specific location, you can add coordinates after "lightning_bolt". For example, "/summon lightning_bolt 320 70 -330".
How to get a LIGHTNING STICK with Commands in Minecraft Bedrock YouTube
Check out more tutorials like these on my command block playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfDItTRJ6GOfWDJ2XBLmQ02R9YMqWzs3c Players can summon a lightning bolt at their coordinates by typing "/summon Minecraft:lightning_bolt ~ ~ ~" in the chat window. In the above command, players can replace "~ ~ ~" with X Y.
If you want this to work on the block the player is looking at, then you need to use raycast in datapak, or slowcast, something like in this video: https://youtu.be/HFhoA8SLy4Y true First, you must enable cheat in the settings or play in the creative mode to use cheat commands. To summon lightning through cheat command, you just need to type ' /summon lightning_bolt '. If you want to summon lightning on a specific location, you need to add coordinates to the command. For example, '/summon lightning_bolt 320 75 -33'.
(Updated) How to Summon a LOT of Lightning in Minecraft YouTube
Udisen Show and you can learn How to Make a Lightning Axe or Sword in Minecraft Java 1.20.x, 1.19.x, 1.18.2, 1.17.1, 1.16.5, 1.15.2, 1.14.4 (only vanilla) in. If you want to summon arrows that summon lightning on the ground: /execute at @e[type=arrow,nbt={InGround:1b}] run summon lightning_bolt. To detect the person shooting from the bow, it is a bit harder, as you need to detect the person shooting the bow and then apply a custom tag to the arrow for which you detect in the summon lightning command