New Life 20 Things to Make You Smile in 5 minutes!

Method 1 Telling Them Jokes Download Article 1 Know your audience. If you want someone to really appreciate a joke, and smile at it, you need to tell a joke you know will appeal to their particular sense of humor. You can't tell a joke that you know they'll find offensive or dull and expect them to appreciate it. 1. Offer a stranger a compliment. Few things make people smile more than a genuine compliment they never expected to hear. And if that compliment is coming for a stranger, it feels even more special. It's never forced when someone you don't know says, "I like your tie" or "you have a great laugh".

Make someone smile whenever you can Wisdom Healing Center

1 Say "money" as you smile. It's way better than saying "cheese!" When you say "money," your natural smile opens up wide and the rest of your face relaxes. It's actually an old trick that Hollywood stars use for photographs. [1] 2 Relax your eyebrows and jaw muscles. #1 Use muscle memory for what a natural smile feels like The art of a genuine smile comes down to muscle memory. Next time you throw back your head with laughter or reunite with an old friend, note what that smile feels like. Visually, the most genuine smiles have a few commonalities: "Crows feet" wrinkles near the eyes (the "Duchenne" smile) 1 Smile yourself. Smiling makes other people happy, and someone else might want to smile if you do. [1] 2 Try cracking a bit of jokes. Jokes can make someone smile really easily, as long as they're funny. [2] 3 Hug the person. Hugs make someone so happy they could just drop to the ground. [3] 4 Be Polite, courteous and respectful. As you smile for the camera, leave a tiny gap of space between your upper and lower rows of teeth. Touching your teeth together can make your expression look more tense and uncomfortable. [5] Practice smiling with your teeth slightly separated in the mirror. Then, smile with your teeth touching.

6 Ways to Make Someone Smile wikiHow

Hold a door open for the person walking in behind you. Offer to help carry heavy bags or packages across the street. Assist an elderly person across the street or onto a bus. Give up your seat for the elderly or pregnant. Offer a genuine compliment. Smile! There's a good chance they'll reciprocate. 15 Ways to Make Casual Acquaintances Smile 1. Ask someone to tell you the best thing that happened to them lately, or something they're excited or passionate about, and fully listen. Most people love talking about themselves and their passions, but we don't always get the opportunity, especially when the people around us are busy or stressed and not available to fully listen. Stand in front of a mirror and try some: broader, narrower, toothier, less so. Put yourself in another person's shoes: Which smile would be most engaging? Practice that one until it's in. Fifteen Easy Ways To Make Someone Smile Some folks have a knack for making people feel better when they're going through a time of grief or they're just feeling down. Here are some fantastic ways to help make someone smile with ease. 1. Tell a Joke Most folks like a good joke, even if it's silly and doesn't make much sense.

Things To Say To Make Someone Smile 100 Cute Things to Say to your Boyfriend to make Him Smile

Tell them how you both have the same one now. 9. Bring one apple for someone sick around you. (one of the easiest things that make people smile) No, not the saddest apple from the basket. That red ripe one I see right there. An apple to us could be hope to someone else. 10. Place notes and reminders of this skill throughout your world to remind you to smile more. Put a note on the phone, send yourself an email message, or make a note on your calendar. Make sure that you have plenty of reminders to smile more often. Eventually, it will become a habit (and one of your most healthy ones). Offer up your seat in a crowded place. 6. Call an old friend out of the blue. 7. Compliment a co-worker or friend on how well they pulled off a project they've been working hard on (as opposed to. 1. Crack a dad joke or terrible pun Okay, I know not everyone is super witty or clever or quick on their feet enough to do this. But even a simple joke or witty commentary will do. Humor is one of the quickest and easiest ways to make someone smile (crazy, right?!).

7 Steps To Make Your Smile Better Healthy Lifestyle

1. Do a Random Act of Kindness Do something kind for someone. Giving a gift or doing a favor with no expectations in return is a true act of kindness. The receiver of your random act of kindness will feel appreciated and cared for. Even better, practice beforehand in the mirror! [8] Smiling with your eyes—or "smizing"—is a hallmark of a genuine smile. Try covering your mouth so that only your eyes and eyebrows are visible in the mirror. You should be able to "see" the smile even without seeing your mouth. 7.