Le variazioni cromatiche di FreeHand by Iris Ceramica Area

i - Wall Profilo di stile FREEHAND Profilo di stile 20x20 8"x8" i - Wall Superfici che riproducono spettacolari efetti tra cui sfumature di toni e il caratteristico efetto "craquelè" tipico della ceramica Raku. Stylish profile. Surfaces that reproduce spectacular effects including colour shading and the "craquelè" effect typical of Raku ceramic. Freehand Free Green Gallery Data Sheet Request information Colour range Recommended combinations Spectacular light-reflecting effects on irresistible, sensational surfaces. Reproducing old ceramic techniques, embracing subtle, light brushstrokes.

Iris Ceramica Freehand Monoporous ceramic for indoor wall tiles

La collection Freehand a été conçue dans un format unique, 20x20 cm, pour conférer une capacité expressive maximale au dessin et à la finition de la surface.. Abonnez-moi à la newsletter d''Iris Ceramica . Obligatoire. Réalisations Les derniers projets avec Freehand. Atelier Iris Ceramica Lyon Lione - France. Bureaux et Magasins; Open the catalog to page 1 FREEHAND Profilo di stile 20x20 8"x8" i - Wall Superfici che riproducono spettacolari effetti tra cui sfumature di toni e il caratteristico effetto "craquelè" tipico della ceramica Raku. Stylish profile. Surfaces that reproduce spectacular effects including colour shading and the "craquelè" effect typical of Raku ceramic. In 20x20 cm format , FreeHand is the latest wall tile collection by Iris Ceramica and features a waxy, shabby chic-effect surface. The color palette offers a range of pastel shades that, allied with neutral White, Black and Grey , explores delicate gradient tones of Green, Blue, Brown and Yellow enabling tiles to be laid in multiple patterns. FREEHAND By Iris Ceramica. Collection. I-Wall. Type. Indoor porcelain stoneware wall tiles. Small pictorial masterpieces produce breath-taking surfaces just waiting to be explored.‎ The Freehand ceramic wall collection embraces art and creativity, simplicity and luxury.‎ A lustrous "crackle" effect typical of the Raku technique enables.

Iris Ceramica Freehand Monoporous ceramic for indoor wall tiles

Freehand by Iris Ceramica Share Catalogue Stylish profile. Surfaces that reproduce spectacular effects including colour shading and the "craquelè" effect typical of Raku ceramic. Warm and cool shades, and elegant and light patterns combine on walls with natural ease, revealing surprising communication and design qualities. Product description Stylish profile. Surfaces that reproduce spectacular effects including colour shading and the "craquelè" effect typical of Raku ceramic. Warm and cool shades, and elegant and light patterns combine on walls with natural ease, revealing surprising communication and design qualities. Read more Download catalog Code Tile Size Color Thickness Finishes; 563549: Ceramic tile: 8"x8" FREE BLACK: 7,5 mm: GLOSSY Find the most suitable ceramic surfaces for your personal style! Innovative state-of-the-art designs, attention to every minute detail and exceptional creative freedom of expression. Every aspect of Iris Ceramica collections gives free rein to your imagination, a resource which makes your every wish, every project, possible.

Iris Ceramica Freehand Laattamaailma

La colección Freehand se ha concebido en un único formato, el 20x20 cm, para otorgar la máxima capacidad expresiva al diseño y al acabado de la superficie.. Inscríbeme al boletín de Iris Ceramica . campo obligatorio. Proyectos Los últimos proyectos con Freehand. Atelier Iris Ceramica Lyon Lione - France. Oficinas y Tiendas; Otras. freehand Free White Rivestimenti. Spettacolari effetti di luce per superfici che affascinano, sorprendono e risplendono.. Iscrivimi alla newsletter di Iris Ceramica . Campo obbligatorio. Rivestimenti. FREE HAND DECOR. FREE BLACK. FREE BROWN. FLOR DECOR WARM. FREE GREY. FREE WHITE. FREE GREEN. FREE BLUE. IRIS CERAMICA. done clear all. Shop by departments. Mosaic Tiles (7) Floor Tiles (5) Rating (1) (1) Refine Results. Display: Sort by: Filter your results. clear all. IRIS CERAMICA. Iris Ceramica Be In Ceramic Tile - 4-in x 8-in - White. Format 4x8"-32BX-6.88SF. Freehand Fußboden und Verkleidungen Feinsteinzeug | Iris Ceramica Überblick Verwendungszweck Download Information anfordern Projekte Kleine gemalte Meisterwerke scheinen sich zu faszinierenden Flächen zu komponieren, die alle einen Blick wert sind.

Iris Ceramica Freehand Ceramica monoporosa per rivestimenti interni

In 20x20 cm format , FreeHand is the latest wall tile collection by Iris Ceramica and features a waxy, shabby chic-effect surface. The color palette offers a range of pastel shades that, allied with neutral White, Black and Grey , explores delicate gradient tones of Green, Blue, Brown and Yellow enabling tiles to be laid in multiple patterns. The Code Tile Size Color Thickness Finishes; 563549: Ceramic tile: 8"x8" FREE BLACK: 7,5 mm: GLOSSY