Both are possible. I agree that the present perfect version ( have just got home) is normal if you are at home and talking to someone then, and fits in the normal context of the present perfect (past action with present relevance). Just could however mean 'simply', and 'I just got home' could just say what happened. DonnyB Moderator Emeritus I've just got home is correct but more unnatural, it is a combined word sentence you see "I've" is a combo of "I have" so saying "I have just got home." is still correct. I just got home is more of the correct way to say the sentence in my opinion. See a translation 3 likes ErinLJ 2 Dec 2017 English (US)
Caucasian Dad Just Got Home From Work And Has His Arms Outstretched With A Briefcase On Shoulder
i just got home This is correct This phrase is used to indicate arriving home only a short time ago. Explanation provided by a TextRanch English expert Preferred Form: I just got home. i just came home This is correct This phrase is used to start a sentence explaining why someone came home. Sentence examples for just got home from inspiring English sources. RELATED ( 11 ) only got home. just got here. just got lucky. just got stolen. just got beat. just got mine. just got ridiculous. just got word. just came home. just go home. just got started. exact ( 8 ) Just got home. 1 The New York Times I just got home from picking up a laptop at my local Best Buy store and, while cruising over to check out the MP3 player selection, I happened upon this little number. 4 Listen Which is correct? We use "Get Home" becomes "home" is often used as an adverb of place. When "home" is used as an adverb of place, it means "in the direction of home" and usually follows a verb like "get" or " go ". I just got home this morning! Get Home
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It's, "I'm almost home" or "I just got home" or "I'm at home." You should consider using English Language Learners for future questions like this. - Jim. Jan 1, 2014 at 15:27. 1. Please have a look at the following questions. The first one provides a general overview of how the different tenses in English correspond to one another. Is it non-grammatical / incorrect to say: I just received a call from my friend.; I just got your email.; I just read your email.; I just came from a store.; Compared to: I have just received a call from my friend.; I have just got your email.; I have just read your email.; I have just came from a store.; I looked this up as well before asking the question and learned that "have just" usage is. I Just Got Home synonyms - 30 Words and Phrases for I Just Got Home i have just returned i just got back i just returned arrived home have just come have just returned i got home i have just arrived i have just come i have just come back i just arrived i just came i just came back i just came home i just flew i just got here i just moved just came Denice Lao - "Just Got Home" Available for online streaming starting September 27, 2019Lyrics and Melody by Denice LaoKeys by Archival Bryan GanGuitars by De.
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Silverobama said: I think the second is the best and the others are wrong. From an AE perspective: "I've just arrived home." is correct, but not likely to be said in casual conversation. I've just come home. Quite natural. I've just come back home. It's "correct," but implies that you have "left home," i.e. gone off on your own, leaving. Just Got Home synonyms - 62 Words and Phrases for Just Got Home arrived home come on home comes home coming home first day back get home gets home got in town have just returned he has returned i arrived home i just came back i just got back i just got home just came back just came home just come home just get home just getting home just got back
You: I've just got home safely - Formal grammatically | I just got home safely - Informal english. See a translation gg6ee 25 Feb 2021 English (US) Maybe "That's good. Thanks for letting me know." See a translation Highly-rated answerer drewbinskyn 24 Apr 2023 English (US) here is an example: "Thanks for the update! I was worried about you. I have just got home is the most popular phrase on the web. Related Comparison i just got home or i have got home? i just got home or just home? i just got home or I've just got home? I just back to home or I just got back home? i just got home or i just came home? i just got home or I just get home?
I Just Got Home synonyms 30 Words and Phrases for I Just Got Home
18. So happy to hear you made it home in one piece. Big exhale - now play, eat, and be merry, Thanks for sharing, chat later Responding to someone who just got home from work with 'So happy to hear you made it home in one piece. Big exhale - now play, eat, and be merry. It's a well-curated list of tech gadgets, clothing, footwear, commemorative items, and more, destined to bring a smile to those on the verge of conquering college. We've even thrown in a few.