Nikoletta Király. Nikoletta Kiraly (Király ) was born in Debrecen, Hungary. Her drawing talent was recognized at a very early age. She moved near Lake Balaton with her family in her elementary school years and finished her high school education in Keszthely. During these years she became the student of the painter Eörs Dókus, who started. Nikoletta Király was born in Debrecen, Hungary. Her drawing talent was recognised at a very early age. She moved near Lake Balaton with her family in her elementary school years and finished her high school education in Keszthely. During these years she became the student of the painter Eörs Dókus.
Kiraly Nikoletta Painting in 2023 Abstract art landscape, Beach art painting, Landscape art
Nikoletta Király. Nikoletta Király was born in Debrecen, Hungary. Her drawing talent was recognised at a very early age. She moved near Lake Balaton with her family in her elementary school years and finished her high school education in Keszthely. During these years she became the student of the painter Eörs Dókus, who started her on the. Nikoletta Király was born in Debrecen, Hungary. Her drawing talent was recognised at a very early age. She moved near Lake Balaton with her family in her elementary school years and finished her high school education in Keszthely. During these years she became the student of the painter Eörs Dókus, who started her on the rocky journey of oil. Király Nikoletta :"A hosszú évek munkája során az impresszionizmus kiválóságai voltak és lesznek példaképeim. Valahányszor bárhol megpillantom egy-egy képüke. Király Nikoletta. "Szerintem a festészet üzenet. Gondolatok, mondandó, amit a festő nem akar csak magának megtartani. Festeni annyit jelent, átadni valamit. Valamit, ami az ábrázolt kép mögött van. Amitől az több lesz, mint egy utca, egy asztali csokor, vagy egy nyitott erkélyajtó. Több, mert életek, és gondolatok bújnak.
Nikoletta Király (Hungary), Contemporary Painter Artist Artmajeur
Nikoletta Király was born in Debrecen, Hungary. Her drawing talent was recognised at a very early age. She moved near Lake Balaton with her family in her elementary school years and finished her high school education in Keszthely. During these years she became the student of the painter Eörs Dókus, who started her on the rocky journey of oil. Király Nikoletta. 1978-ban született Debrecenben. Rajztehetségére már kora gyermekévei idején felfigyelt a környezete. Általános iskolás évei alatt költözött családjával a Balaton közelébe. A gimnáziumot Keszthelyen végezte, ezen időszakban lett Dókus Eörs festőművész tanítványa, aki a nála töltött évek. Király Nikoletta romantikus, impresszionista hatású képei. Enteriör, kert, terasz. Virágcsendéletek, romantikus képek, impresszionista festmények, tájképek. Király Nikoletta festőművész eladó festményei az Akvarius Galériában - Akvarius Galéria.. Pályarajz - Király Nikoletta festőművész. 1978 - ban született. Kiraly Nikoletta, 30x30cm Kiraly Nikoletta, 30x30cm. 520€ Add to cart More. In Stock . Add to Compare. New. Szentendre memories (0145) Szentendre memories (0145) Kiraly Nikoletta, 30x40cm Kiraly Nikoletta, 30x40cm. 540€ Add to cart More. In Stock . Add to Compare.
Nikoletta Kiraly Gallery Impression Streets Oil Paintings Hungarian Artist
Upcoming Lots. Árnyas lugas 2021. By Király Nikoletta (1978) Műgyüjtők Háza. Stay up to date with Király Nikoletta (1978) . Discover works for sale, auction results, market data, news and exhibitions on MutualArt. Nikoletta Kiraly (Király ) was born in Debrecen, Hungary. Her drawing talent was recognized at a very early age. She moved near Lake Balaton with her family in her elementary school years and finished her high school education in Keszthely. During these years she became the student of the painter Eörs Dókus, who started her on the rocky.
„A fényt próbálom megfesteni. Ecsettel vagy késsel, vászonra, vagy fára, a lényeg a megörökítése. Ahogy mindent életre kelt, és az árnyékával közös táncból m. Nikoletta Király was born in Debrecen, Hungary. Her drawing talent was recognised at a very early age. She moved near Lake Balaton with her family in her elementary school years and finished her high school education in Keszthely. During these years she became the student of the painter Eörs Dókus, who started her on the rocky journey of oil.
Lekottázott filmkockák Király Nikoletta szívből zenélő festményei
Király Nikoletta festőművész. 1978 - ban született Debrecenben. Rajztehetségére már kora gyermekévei idején felfigyelt a környezete. Általános iskolás évei alatt költözött családjával a Balaton közelébe. A gimnáziumot Keszthelyen végezte, ezen időszakban lett Dókus Eörs festőművész tanítványa, aki a nála. Király Nikoletta :"A művészetben nem szabad kapkodni. A művész rengeteg időt "kap" a festményétől. A világ rohan, de az alkotás, az csak alkotás marad, "neki.