The 9 Mustdo Long Head Tricep Exercises LiveForLifts

FACT CHECKED October 27, 2021 2 Comments All three tricep heads are important for strength and aesthetics, but the long head is the biggest and has the most growth one could argue it deserves a little special attention. What are the best long head tricep exercises? The triceps make up nearly two-thirds of the upper arms, so training them is key to achieving the bulky arms you're working hard for. Of the three heads that make up the triceps (the long head, lateral head, and medial head), the long head is the biggest.

The Best Long Head Triceps Exercises for Thicker, Stronger Arms

The 11 best long head of the tricep exercises are: Close-grip bench press Barbell JM press Dumbbell Tate press EZ bar pullover to extension Dips Diamond push-ups Neutral-grip dumbbell press Rolling DB tricep extension EZ bar incline skull crushers Cable tricep extensions Dumbbell tricep kickbacks 1. There's the long head, which is responsible for most of the overall mass of your triceps and is located towards the back of your arm. 2. There's the lateral head, which is smaller than the long head but is the most visible head from the side. 3. And lastly, there's the medial head. 10 Best Long Head Triceps Exercises 1. Cable Overhead Triceps Extensions 2. Dumbbell Triceps Kickbacks 3. Overhead EZ Bar Triceps Extensions 4. Dumbbell Incline Triceps Extensions 5. Seated Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extensions 6. Close-Grip Push-ups 7. Cable Triceps Pushdowns 8. High Cable Overhead Triceps Extensions 9. Standing Barbell Kickbacks Arm Workouts Tricep Workouts How To Get Big Triceps Guys, I want to help you fill up those shirt sleeves. And no, I'm not talking about building bigger biceps. If you want those sleeves to go from loose to tight, you need to focus on that horseshoe shape on the back of the upper arm. I'm talking, of course, about the triceps muscle.

The Best Long Head Triceps Exercises for Thicker, Stronger Arms

1. Incline Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks Incline dumbbell kickbacks are an effective type of long-head tricep exercise and, by extension, an ideal addition to tricep workouts in general. Overhead movements are usually the go-to for targeting the long head tricep, but incline kickbacks with dumbells help your stability. What Is the Long Head of the Triceps? The 8 Best Long Head Tricep Exercises 1. Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press 2. JM Press 3. Barbell Floor Press 4. Weighted Dips 5. Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension 6. EZ Bar Skull Crusher 7. Cable Triceps Pushdown 8. Cable Triceps Kickback The Best Long Head Tricep Workout What Is the Long Head of the Triceps? To achieve massive arms, the 5 best exercises for the long head of the triceps are dumbbell overhead triceps extensions, cable overhead extensions, close grip bench presses, incline dumbbell extensions, and dips 1. Triangle Pushups Benefits of Triangle Pushups The triangle pushup is an effective variation of the traditional pushup that emphasizes the long tricep head. The exercise involves placing your hands together so that your thumb and forefinger create a triangle shape on the ground.

A Short Workout for Your Triceps Long Head

The 8 Best Long Head Tricep Exercises 1. Close Grip Barbell Bench Bress How To Perform Close Grip Barbell Press: 2. Overhead Dumbbell Extensions The Best Way To Perform An Overhead Extension: 3. Diamond Or Triangle Push-Ups This Is The Best Way To Perform A Diamond Push Up: 4. Incline Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks How to do an incline tricep kickback: 4 Best Long Head Tricep Exercises 4.1 Close Grip Bench Press 4.2 Overhead Triceps Extension 4.3 Cable Triceps Pushdowns 4.4 Incline Dumbbell Triceps Kickback 4.5 Barbell Kickbacks 4.6 Tricep Dips 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid 5.1 Poor Form 5.2 Using Too Much Weight 5.3 Neglecting Range of Motion 5.4 Overtraining 5.5 Elbow Flare 5.6 Excessive Momentum These include the long head, lateral head, and the medial head. All of these heads contract during triceps exercises, but some moves emphasize different parts of the triceps. The best way to build strong, firm triceps is to choose the exercises that hit all those muscle fibers from every angle. Long Head Tricep Exercises 1. Skull Crushers 2. Diamond Pushups 3. Bench Dips 4. Cable Overhead Tricep Extension ( low pulley) 5. Decline Triceps Extension 6. Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extension (Single-hand) 7. Tricep Kickbacks 8. Band Overhead Tricep Extension 9. Bodyweight Tricep Extension 10. Double-hand Tricep Extensions 11. Rope Pushdown

10 of the Best Long Head Tricep Exercises for Powerful Arm Development

The long head is the largest muscle within the triceps. Use these long head tricep exercises to get the biggest bang for your buck. Last on the list of tricep long head exercises is a basic overhead extension using an ez-curl bar or straight bar. I personally put these as my last choice on the list since I find it a bit awkward having the hands locked onto a fixed bar like this, but if you can perform the exercise comfortably then it is certainly an acceptable option.