Learn Estonian Words Vocabulary Practice vol.1 YouTube

Estonian Vocabulary - Longest word Last updated 9 months ago Language/Estonian/Vocabulary/Longest-word < Language This lesson can still be improved. EDIT IT NOW! & become VIP Rate this lesson: 5.00 (2 votes) Help - Comments The longuest Estonian word is: sünnipäevanädalalõpupeopärastlõunaväsimatus (43 letters). Maybe you have already heard of the allegedly longest word antidisestablishmentarianism (28 letters), but we have to disappoint you: according to lexicographers responsible for the prestigious Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the word is not used in language practice, ergo does not follow our rules.

Learn Estonian words & phrases KRUTS BLOG

The longest word found in the dictionary Plena Ilustrita Vortaro as of its 2020 edition is the 24-letter proper noun Meklenburgio-Antaŭpomerio (the German state Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ), followed by the 21-letter word proviantadministracio ( rations administration). Longest Estonian words with any of letters i,n,f,e,k,t,s,i,o,o,n E.Z. Glot Find A Word Translations Similar Languages Compare Languages Word Lists Vocabulary Test Word Etymologies Pronunciations Dictionaries WORDLE Solver Anagram Solver SEO Keyword Ideas About Settings ⚙ Estonia • 2 yr. ago In Estonian you can add as many describing words next to each other without spaces as you want meaning our longest word is infinite. In theory - maybe, in practice - absolutely not. 24 mediandude • 2 yr. ago It absolutely is. ülejõeäiaõeäiaõeäiaõe.äiaõeäiaõeäiaõe.äiaõeäiaõeäiaõeõueaiaäär Longest Estonian words with any of letters i E.Z. Glot Find A Word Translations Similar Languages Compare Languages Word Lists Vocabulary Test Word Etymologies Pronunciations Dictionaries WORDLE Solver Anagram Solver SEO Keyword Ideas About Settings ⚙

Teach & Learn Basic Estonian Words for Children My First Estonian Alphabets Picture Book with

We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Long words in Estonian. View resource name in all available languages. A list of 140 words with 4-6 syllables with different syllable structure. Read by 2 speakers in word list and by 6 Võru dialect speakers and 7 Saaremaa dialect speakers in carrier sentences. A list of 40 words with 5-6 syllables with short open syllables. Estonian dictionaries. ÕS 2013 is a normative dictionary of modern standard Estonian, giving recommendations on correct language use. It contains recommended spellings and the morphology of words, instructions on pronunciation and semantics, also some syntactic recommendations. Abbreviations, geographical names and instruction on pronouncing. Aavik belonged to the so-called Noor Eesti ('Young Estonia') movement, which appeared in Tartu, a university town in south-eastern Estonia, around 1905 (for discussion, see Raun 1991). In Aavik's dictionary (1921), which lists approximately 4000 words, there are many words which were (allegedly) created ex nihilo.

10+ Incredible Untranslatable Estonian Words Ling App

Longest Estonian words with any of letters stari. define synonyms translate results. longest words with any of letters stari. 5 letter 4 letter 3 letter 2 letter 1 letter. 5 letter words. arsti 6 • doc, doctors, leech, medical, physician, nondoctor, nonphysician, surgeon, veterinarian; 3.1 Spanish 3.2 Italian 3.3 Portuguese 3.4 French 4 The longest words in Baltic languages 4.1 Latvian 4.2 Lithuanian 5 The longest words in Uralic and Altaic languages 5.1 Hungarian 5.2 Estonian 5.3 Turkish 6 longest word in the whole world 7 Sources 8 Other Lessons The longest words in Germanic languages German In most English dictionaries, the word pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest one you are going to find at a whopping 45 letters long. This word refers to a lung disease caused by silica dust. I thought the longest word in Estonian is *kuulilennuteetunneliluuk*. This one is actually in use and is also a palindrome. Edit: Turns out there can't be a single longest word in Estonian. This is because the amount of long compound words that can be created is pretty much endless. Compound words with five components are considered the longest.

Estonia A Brief History

(30 letters) the longest non-coined word in a major dictionary for a specific inherited medical disorder. floccinaucinihilipilification (29 letters coined in 1741) meaning the categorizing of something that is useless or trivial (the longest unchallenged non-technical word). (35 letters) the fear of long words. Estonian. France Anticonstitutionnellement With (only) 25 letters, the longest word in French doesn't look so impressive - especially when compared to other countries' references. But you shouldn't be surprised that France's longest word precisely refers to a constitution: its citizens actually launched a revolution to get one…